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Channels are a thread synchronization primitive based on message-passing. Threads communicate via channels by writing messages onto them and reading messages out of them, in FIFO order. There is no restriction on which threads or how many threads can read or write from a channel. This allows one to define concurrent workflows easily.

Channels can also be closed, which prevents further writes to it. Once all items are read from a closed channel, that channel becomes drained and nothing further can be read from it. DAGs of computation made up of channels can be shut down via cascading closing/draining of channels.

local c =[])

The constructor does not take any arguments. However, this will most likely change in the near-future as additional functionality is added.

The following methods are defined on the channel.

  • :write()
  • :read()
  • :num_items()
  • :close()
  • :closed()
  • :drained()

Lifecycle of channels

Channels can be in one of three states:, or A newly-created channel is open and will accept reads and writes. A channel can be closed using the :close() method. A closed channel will no longer accept writes, but any items that remain on the channel can be read. Once all of the items on a closed channel are read, that channel becomes drained. Empty channels that are closed will go into the drained state immediately.

The state of the channel is returned as a status return variable in calls to :write() and :read(). The state of the channel can also be queried using the :closed() and :drained() methods.

Reading and writing from channels

Any thread can write values into a channel and any thread can read those values out of the channel. Writes onto an open channel should always succeed, assuming that no errors occurred. Reads on an empty and non-drained channel can either cause the thread to block (for blocking reads) or return nil (for non-blocking reads). Reads on a drained channel return immediately with the status.

Producer-consumer example

The following example illustrates using a channel to send items from one group of threads to another. A group of producer threads and a group of consumer threads are set up to communicate via a channel. The main thread tears the entire setup down by closing the channel.

local ipc = require 'libipc'
local c = -- create channel

-- Spawn producer threads that write items to channel and checks the
-- returned status. If the status is not, then the
-- channel has been closed and the producers should terminate.
local nproducers = 3
local producers =, function(c, tid)
    local ipc = require 'libipc'
    local sys = require 'sys'
    while true do
        local x = {tid, math.floor(torch.random(10))} -- generate item
        local status = c:write(x) -- write item onto channel
        if status ~= then
            break -- channel is no longer open, so terminate
        sys.sleep(0.1) -- don't generate too fast
end, c)

-- Spawn consumer threads that read items from the channel and checks
-- the returned status. If the status is, then
-- there will not be any more items to read and the consumers should
-- terminate.
local consumers =, function(c)
    local ipc = require 'libipc'
    local nonblocking = false
    while true do
        local status, item = c:read(nonblocking) -- read item from channel
        if status == then
            break -- channel has been drained, so terminate
            print('tid: '..item[1]..' r: '..item[2]) -- do the thing
end, c)

-- It is possible to write to the channel from any thread, including
-- this one.
c:write({0, 'from main thread'})

sys.sleep(5) -- wait 5 secs so producers and consumers can run

-- Close the channel so producers and consumers will terminate.
assert(c:num_items() == 0)

Multi-write example

The following example shows how to write multiple values into a channel with a single :write() call. :write() can accept multiple arguments. Each of these arguments is written to the channel.

      local c =
      local data = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,}
      local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
      local status = c:write(unpack(data))
      assert(status ==
      assert(c:num_items() == 12, 'number of items in channel is incorrect')
      local nonblocking = false
      for i=1,#data do
         local status, readData = c:read(nonblocking)
         assert(status ==
         assert(readData == i)

Closing and draining channels

Open channels can be closed, which changes its state from to Closed channels will no longer accept writes, but any items that are still on the channel can be read.

Once all of the items on a closed channel are read, its state is changed from to Further reads will return immediately with the drained status. An empty channel which is closed will immediately be put into the drained state.

Closing and draining channels can be used to signal to downstream threads that there will no longer be anything to read on the channel. These threads might close the channels that they are writing to, resulting in a cascading teardown of channels further downstream.

See the [Producer-consumer example](### Producer-consumer example) to see an example of threads checking statuses of :read() and :write() calls to determine whether they should terminate and the main thread closing a channel to teardown a collection of threads operating on a channel.

Behaviors not yet implemented

  1. It is not possible to specify the max number of items that can be written to a channel. The channel just grows to allow the write, instead of blocking on write. Therefore, just like ipc.workqueue, there is no backpressure mechanism.
  2. There is no select call to select between a number of channels.
  3. The :read() call, when called in non-blocking mode, does not allow one to distinguish between reading a nil from the channel and not reading an item at all.


The unit tests provide a rich set of examples, in addition to the local model parallelism for forward inference example.

Two examples are described in detail here.

Building workqueues with channels

The channelsAsWorkQueue unit test shows how to build a workqueue as described in ipc.workqueue using channels, while allowing for more than one owner thread.

Multiple threads can write onto the channel that is used to send work items to the workers. They can write onto this channel until it is closed. Multiple workers read from the work item channel. Each worker only knows how to read a work item from the channel, process it and then write it into a results channel. Each worker terminates as soon as it sees that either the work item channel has been drained or the results channel has been closed.

Local model parallelism for forward inference

The local model parallelism example shows how to set up a nn.Sequential-based model so that each of its submodules can execute forward inference in parallel.

The code runs forward inference on the following model:

[nn.Sequential {
  [input -> (1) -> (2) -> (3) -> (4) -> (5) -> (6) -> (7) -> output]
  (1): nn.TemporalConvolution(20 -> 10, 5)
  (2): nn.Tanh
  (3): nn.TemporalConvolution(10 -> 5, 5)
  (4): nn.Tanh
  (5): nn.TemporalConvolution(5 -> 1, 5)
  (6): nn.Tanh
  (7): nn.Max

The unit test first measures the time taken to perform forward inference on a single thread. Then the unit test measures the time taken to perform forward inference when the model is split and run in parallel across multiple threads.

Each model is distributed across multiple threads as follows:

  1. For i = 1 to 3, submodules 2i-1 (nn.TemporalConvolution) and 2i (nn.Tanh) are instantiated on thread i.
  2. The nn.Max submodule is instantiated on thread 4.

Each thread has an input channel and an output channel. The output tensor of the previous submodule will become available on the input channel. The thread reads this tensor from the input channel and then executes the :forward() call on its layer with the tensor as input and writes the resulting output tensor onto its output channel.

The unit test shows that splitting up the model and running each part of it in parallel on separate threads is faster across the generated workload than running the entire model sequentially on a single thread. However, multiple threads running their own copies of the entire model (data-parallel) should be as fast as the model-parallel version.

Background on channels

The semantics of is based on the following resources:


Channels are a simplification of the workqueues provided by ipc.workqueue. A workqueue has two queues - one that is used to send items to workers and the other that is used to send back results to the single owner thread. A channel just has a single queue that any thread can enqueue or dequeue from.