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Welcome to Find My Market! This repo is the backend that our app uses to store it's users and their favorites.

Technology & Framework

The API for Find My Market was built in python using the FastAPI framework. We used Pydantic for model definition, SQLAlchemy as our orm, Postgres as our database, and Pytest as our testing framework. Find My Market is hosted on Heroku, and we used TravisCI for contiunous integration. You can view the swagger docs of this API's endpoints here.

Why FastAPI?

FastAPI is a newer python framework that offers high performance, is easy to learn, and shortens the process from development to production. We only had two weeks to complete this so a framework with an easier learning curve was a great choice for us. Another awesome feature of FastAPI is that it generates swagger docs for your endpoints automatically.


Here you can see a sample of the endpoints on this API. It also generates previews of your schemas defined in your code.

Documentation for API Endpoints

Type HTTP request Description
users GET /users/ Get all users
users POST /users/ Create a new user
users GET /users/{user_id} Get single user by ID
users POST /users/{user_id}/favorites Add a favorite to the user, request must include a fmid identifier for the market
users GET /users/{user_id}/favorites Get all favorites from one user
markets GET /markets/ Get all markets

Schema Design

We went with a very simple design for this API. We pulled most of the farmers market data used in the app from a separate API we built out, which allowed us to keep this API lightweight and keep our tables simple.


Note: The fmid column shown on markets here is pulled from an external api. You can view those docs here.

Running Locally

To run this api you need to have python installed on your local machine. MacOS Windows

Fork and clone.

CD into the local directory and run source ./env/bin/activate to start up a local python environment.

Run pip install fastapi and pip install uvicorn to install fastapi

Run pip install -r requirements.txt and pip install -r dev-requirements.txt to install the API dependencies.

This API uses a postgresql database so you'll need to create two: market_api and market_api_test.

Next run alembic upgrade head to run all the migrations. Note: You may need to set your PYTHONPATH variable if you get the error module app not found. This can be done by running the command export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/where/the/folder/is/located" and then you can run alembic upgrade head.

The API should be set up now and you can our test suite by using the command bash

To run the local server use uvicorn app.main:app --reload. Open up postman and send your requests to http://localhost:8000/<endpoints>

Note on Environment Variables: If you'd like to change environmental varaibles, they are defined in using a Pydantic Settings object.



Backend API for the Find My Market app






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