uPortal-project parent Maven POM for portlet projects.
Add the following into your target project's pom.xml:
<version>[[pom parent version]]</version>
For available releases, see: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jasig.portlet/uportal-portlet-parent
This project follows the standard Maven install flow, which includes snapshot builds. It is straight forward to test local changes to the parent pom by running:
~$ mvn clean install
and then in your target project, select the version to be the SNAPSHOT version of the
local build. The snapshot version number is logged near the end of the install
To release this parent pom into maven central, run:
~$ mvn clean release
- organization details
- Apache 2 license
- Source encoding
- Java version
- tomcat-servlet-api
- tomcat-jsp-api
- tomcat-el-api
- tomcat-websocket-api
- tomcat-jaspic-api
- portlet-api
- pluto-taglib
- maven-compiler-plugin
- maven-jar-plugin
- maven-war-plugin
- sometimes reconfigured for custom war names, overlays
- maven-ear-plugin (may not be needed)
- maven-release-plugin
- license-maven-plugin
- sometimes reconfigured to avoid adding license headers to files
- maven-jasig-legal-plugin
- notice-maven-plugin
- maven-checkstyle-plugin
- maven-jxr-plugin
- maven-project-info-reports-plugin
- maven-surefire-report-plugin
- maven-pmd-plugin
- maven-changelog-plugin
- maven-javadoc-plugin
- cobertura-maven-plugin
- taglist-maven-plugin
- findbugs-maven-plugin
- jdepend-maven-plugin
- maven-enforcer-plugin
Use mvn help:describe -Dplugin=[shortname|FQN]
to display goals with descriptions.
For example mvn help:describe -Dplugin=jar
or mvn help:describe -Dplugin=org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin
To display goal parameters, add -Ddetail
to the above commands.
- [https://maven.apache.org/plugins/index.html]
- [https://www.mojohaus.org/plugins.html]
- [https://mycila.carbou.me/license-maven-plugin/]
- [https://github.com/Jasig/maven-jasig-legal-plugin]
- [https://github.com/Jasig/maven-notice-plugin]
Replaces Apereo Parent, which was at version 41 when this replacement went into effect.