Wellcome to my bachelor thesis code collection repository.
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- For SafeCurve criteria testing on all embedded curves, I used Jubjub supporting evidence.
- For the generator group generation I used the following python code from cryptobook.nakov.com:
from tinyec.ec import SubGroup, Curve
field = SubGroup(p=17, g=(15, 13), n=18, h=1)
curve = Curve(a=0, b=7, field=field, name='p1707')
print('curve:', curve)
for k in range(0, 25):
p = k * curve.g
print(f"{k} * G = ({p.x}, {p.y})")
import hashlib
from zokrates_pycrypto.curves import Decaf377
from zokrates_pycrypto.eddsa import PrivateKey, PublicKey
from zokrates_pycrypto.utils import write_signature_for_zokrates_cli
if __name__ == "__main__":
raw_msg = "This is my secret message"
msg = hashlib.sha512(raw_msg.encode("utf-8")).digest()
# sk = PrivateKey.from_rand()
# Seeded for debug purpose
key = 5145218980968378210524378404035776788013036277399811805365337506608398016000
sk = PrivateKey(key, curve=Decaf377)
sig = sk.sign(msg)
pk = PublicKey.from_private(sk)
is_verified = pk.verify(sig, msg)
path = 'decaf377_zokrates_inputs.txt'
write_signature_for_zokrates_cli(pk, sig, msg, path)
ZoKrates ZOK
from "ecc/decaf377.zok" import verifyEddsa;
def main(private field[2] R, private field S, field[2] A, u32[8] M0, u32[8] M1) -> bool {
bool isVerified = verifyEddsa(R, S, A, M0, M1);
return isVerified;
ZoKrates cli
zokrates compile -i decaf377dsl.zok -c bls12_377
zokrates setup -b ark -s gm17
zokrates compute-witness -a decaf377_zokrates_inputs
zokrates generate-proof -b ark -s gm17
zokrates verify