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Custom Monitor Docker component for Home Assistant


Home Assistant 2024.8.0

Home Assistant 2024.8.0 is not compatible with monitor_docker, please upgrade to Home Assistant 2024.8.1


This repository contains the Monitor Docker component I developed for monitoring my Docker environment from Home-Assistant. It is inspired by the Sander Huisman Docker Monitor, where I switched mainly from threads to asyncio and put my own wishes/functionality in. Feel free to use the component and report bugs if you find them. If you want to contribute, please report a bug or pull request and I will reply as soon as possible.

Monitor Docker

The Monitor Docker allows you to monitor Docker and container statistics and turn on/off containers. It can connect to the Docker daemon locally or remotely. When Home Assistant is used within a Docker container, the Docker daemon should be mounted as follows -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock.

Docker run Example

docker run -d \
... \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

docker-compose.yaml Example

    image: homeassistant/home-assistant
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

NOTE: Making /var/run/docker.sock read-only has no effect, because it is a socket (and not file).

Raspberry Pi (Raspbian)

Using a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian it could happen no memory is reported. In such case the Docker API does not report it to Monitor Docker. Making the following changes, normally fixes the problem:

  • Open the file /boot/cmdline.txt
  • Add the following to the end of the existing line cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory
  • Reboot your Raspberry Pi

NOTE: Add the line to the existing line, do not replace it

Ubuntu / Debian

Also on Ubuntu/Debian it is possible no memory is shown, the following changes could solve your problem:

  • Open the file /etc/default/grub
  • Modify the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1"
  • Run sudo update-grub
  • Reboot your Ubuntu/Debian

NOTE: This is untested, use at your risk


HACS - Recommended

  • Have HACS installed, this will allow you to easily manage and track updates.
  • Search for 'Monitor Docker'.
  • Click Install below the found integration.
  • Configure using the configuration instructions below.
  • If applicable, add the volume /var/run/docker.sock to your Home Assistant container.
  • Restart Home-Assistant.


  • Copy directory custom_components/monitor_docker to your <config dir>/custom_components directory.
  • Configure with config below.
  • If applicable, add the volume /var/run/docker.sock to your Home Assistant container.
  • Restart Home-Assistant.


To use the monitor_docker in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - name: Docker
      - appdaemon
      - db-dsmr
      - db-hass
      - deconz
      - dsmr
      - hass
      - influxdb
      - mosquitto
      - nodered
      - unifi
      appdaemon: AppDaemon
      db-dsmr: "Database DSMR-Reader"
      db-hass: Database Home Assistant
      deconz: DeCONZ
      dsmr: "DSMR-Reader"
      hass: Home Assistant
      influxdb: InfluxDB
      mosquitto: Mosquitto
      nodered: "Node-RED"
      unifi: UniFi
      - version
      - containers_running
      - containers_total
      - state
      - status
      - memory

Configuration variables

Parameter Type Description
name string (Required) Client name of Docker daemon. Defaults to Docker.
url string (Optional) Host URL of Docker daemon. Defaults to unix://var/run/docker.sock. Remote Docker daemon via TCP socket is also supported, use e.g. http://ip:2375. Do NOT add a slash add the end, this will invalid the URL. For TLS support see Q&A section. SSH is not supported.
scan_interval time_period (Optional) Update interval. Defaults to 10 seconds.
certpath string (Optional) If TCP socket is used, you can define your Docker certificate path, forcing Monitor Docker to enable TLS. The filenames must be cert.pem and key.pem
containers list (Optional) Array of containers to monitor. Defaults to all containers.
containers_exclude list (Optional) Array of containers to be excluded from monitoring, when all containers are included.
monitored_conditions list (Optional) Array of conditions to be monitored. Defaults to all conditions.
rename dictionary (Optional) Dictionary of containers to rename. Renaming is done on the name in HA Lovelove, not the entity name (see rename_entity). Default no renaming.
rename_entity boolean (Optional) If rename is enabled, it changes the name in HA Loveloce, not the entity name. Enable this setting to also rename the entitu name (Default: False)
sensorname string (Optional) Sensor string to format the name used in Home Assistant. Defaults to {name} {sensor}, where {name} is the container name and {sensor} is e.g. Memory, Status, Network speed Up
switchname string (Optional) Switch string to format the name used in Home Assistant. Defaults to {name}, where {name} is the container name.
switchenabled boolean / list (Optional) Enable/Disable the switch entity for containers (Default: True Enabled switch for all containers, False: Disabled switch for all containers). Or specify a list of containers for which to enable switch entities.
buttonenabled boolean (Optional) Enable/Disable the button entity for containers (Default: False Enabled button for all containers, False: Disabled button for all containers). Or specify a list of containers for which to enable button entities.
precision_cpu integer (Optional) Precision of CPU usage percentage (Default: 2)
precision_memory_mb integer (Optional) Precision of memory usage in MB (Default: 2)
precision_memory_percentage integer (Optional) Precision of memory usage in percentage (Default: 2)
precision_network_kb integer (Optional) Precision of network bandwidth in kB (Default: 2)
precision_network_mb integer (Optional) Precision of network usage in MB (Default: 2)
Monitored Conditions Description Unit
version Docker version -
containers_total Total number of containers -
containers_running Number of running containers -
containers_paused Number of paused containers -
containers_stopped Number of stopped containers -
containers_cpu_percentage CPU Usage. The CPU usage depends on the number of CPU cores, e.g. if you have 8 cores, this value can have a maximum of 800% %
containers_1cpu_percentage CPU Usage, between 0-100% %
containers_memory Memory usage MB
containers_memory_percentage Memory usage %
images Number of images -
state Container state. This is created, restarting, running, removing, paused, exited or dead -
status Container status. E.g. Up 13 days, Up 5 hours, Exited (0) 11 hours ago -
health Container health if available -
uptime Container start time -
image Container image -
cpu_percentage CPU usage. The CPU usage depends on the number of CPU cores, e.g. if you have 8 cores, this value can have a maximum of 800% %
1cpu_percentage CPU Usage, between 0-100% %
memory Memory usage MB
memory_percentage Memory usage %
network_speed_up Network speed upstream kB/s
network_speed_down Network speed downstream kB/s
network_total_up Network total upstream MB
network_total_down Network total downstream MB
allinone This is a special condition and when used, it will only create 1 sensor per container with all the monitored conditions as attribute value. NOTE: If you use this sensor, all other sensors are NOT created, just 1 sensor -


It is possible to debug the Monitor Docker component, this can be done by adding the following lines to the configuration.yaml file:

    custom_components.monitor_docker: debug


Here are some possible questions/errors with their answers.

  1. Question: Does this integration work with the HASS or supervisord installers?
    Answer: Yes, with an external docker container. Home Assistant supervised does not expose the Docker UNIX/TCP socket. However, you can use an external docker container named docker-socket-proxy. Start this docker with the following docker-compose code. It exposes the socket over TCP and monitor_docker can listen to it.
    # Proxy the Docker sock so that we can pick up stats for HomeAssistant
        image: tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy
        container_name: dockerproxy
        privileged: true
          - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
          - 2375:2375
          - BUILD=1
          - COMMIT=1
          - CONFIGS=1
          - CONTAINERS=1
          - DISTRIBUTION=1
          - EXEC=1
          - IMAGES=1
          - INFO=1
          - NETWORKS=1
          - NODES=1
          - PLUGINS=1
          - SERVICES=1
          - SESSSION=1
          - SWARM=1
          - POST=1
    Add the following to your configuration.yaml:
      - name: Docker
        url: http://<host_ip>:2375
  1. Error: Missing valid docker_host.Either DOCKER_HOST or local sockets are not available.
    Answer: Most likely the socket is not mounted properly in your Home Assistant container. Please check if you added the volume /var/run/docker.sock
  2. Error: aiodocker.exceptions.DockerError: DockerError(900, "Cannot connect to Docker Engine via
    Answer: You are trying to connect via TCP and most likely the remote address is unavailable. Test it with the command docker -H tcp:// ps if it works (replace with your IP address). Also you can consult the following URL for more help:
  3. Question: Is Docker TCP socket via TLS supported?
    Answer: Yes it is. You need to set the url to e.g. http://ip:2376 and the environment variables DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 and DOCKER_CERT_PATH=<path to your certificates> need to be set
    The following is a docker-compose example how to set the environment variables and the volume with the certificates:
    image: homeassistant/home-assistant
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      # The files need to be named "cert.pem" and "key.pem"
      - ./certs:/certs
      - DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/certs
  1. Question: Can this integration monitor 2 or more Docker instances?
    Answer: Yes it can. Just duplicate the entries and give it an unique name and define the url as shown below:
# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - name: Docker
  - name: RemoteDocker

NOTE: The integration supports multiple Docker instances, but you can only define 1 TLS configuration which is applied to all (thus you cannot mix TCP with and without TLS).
6. Question: Can create, delete or re-create of a container be implemented in the integration?
Answer: The used Docker library has no easy (and safe) way to handle such functionality. Please use docker-compose to handle such operations. If anybody can make this fully work in a safe way, I'll be happy to merge the PR
7. Question: Can you add more security to a switch?
Answer: No, this isn't possible from the integration. You need to do this directly in Lovelace itself, within the card e.g.
8. Question: All the reported memory values are 0 (zero), can this be fixed in the integration?
Answer: No, the integration just uses the available information from the API and you should fix your Docker
9. Question: Is it possible to monitor HASS.IO?
Answer: Yes, please use the Docker Socker Proxy and configure http://ip:port to connect to the proxy. This has been tested and verified by other users, but I cannot give support on it.
10. Question: I get a permission denied error?
Answer: In general Docker and HASS.IO are running as root and always can connect to /var/run/docker.sock. If you run in a venv environment or directly with Python, you may need to add the "docker" group to the user used for Home Assistant. The following commands may help you, and it is recommended to reboot after "usermod":

$ sudo usermod -a -G docker <user>
$ sudo reboot
  1. Question: Can you add the feature to check if there are updates to images in e.g.
    Answer: Such feature goes outside of the scope of monitor_docker and there are few other options available for this. You can use or
  2. Question: Is Docker via SSH supported?
    Answer: No, the Docker library used, does not support it. There is a small but, maybe you can get it to work via socat. The following URL may help you:
  3. Question: Can the sensors have an unique entity identifiers? This is useful for renaming it in the HA GUI
    Answer: This is not possible, due to the nature how this integration works. The docker name needs to be consistent across restart and recreate, this can be only doing by overruling the entity identifier as it is working now



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