ABLE Tools is a collection of general use tools and art assets for all Emerging Media Lab projects. The project is also designed as an easy approach to Unity scripting, 3D modelling, and to train EML volunteers who are new to Unity, so development might be slow.
If you have a suggestion/request for a tool - open an issue! On GitHub, select "Issues" and "New Issue" to create a new task for someone to complete. (You can even assign it to yourself!)
ABLE is an acronym for All Builds for Learning Enhancement, and we totally didn't come up with this after the fact.
Tools are designed to be as standalone as possible. When a tool does require a specific asset, that will be indicated on the README for that tool.
- Unity 2018.4
We use the 2018 LTS ("Long Term Support") version of Unity because it's guaranteed to not have major changes. If a tool would benefit from a newer feature (i.e UIElements based editor tools) we might consider moving up a version, or at least having tools with different version compatibilities.
- Catherine Winters - Staff Advisor
- Abel Waller - Project Lead
- Alice Hsaio - Designer
- Boxiu Xiao - Developer
- Sandy Co - Designer
- Tiana Perry - Designer
For documentation, please visit the UBC Wiki for this repository: (Create either an external wiki or gh pages site for the script documentation. A template doxyfile is included for generating doxygen based documentation.)