This repository is a template for R-specific workshop readers for the UC Davis DataLab. The template uses Quarto to render the reader.
To get started:
Create a new repo on GitHub from this template (instructions).
In the repo (on GitHub):
- Navigate to
Settings -> Pages
. Set GitHub Pages to deploy from branchmain
and directorydocs/
. - Navigate to the front page and click the gear icon next to "About". Add a
short description, check "Use your GitHub Pages website", and add
relevant topic tags (such as
, anddata-science
- Navigate to
Copy the repo your local machine with
git clone
. -
Edit the following files (replace all-caps text with your workshop's metadata):
(this file)_quarto.yml
(delete if there is no assessment)
Delete these instructions from
. The instructions end at the horizontal rule (-----
) below. -
Follow the steps in Contributing to save and upload your changes.
UC Davis DataLab
Author(s): YOUR_NAME
Maintainer: MAINTAINER_NAME <[email protected]>
The reader for this workshop is here.
Before you contribute, make sure to take a look at the workshop reader style guide in the DataLab Handbook.
The workshop reader is written in Markdown and rendered with Quarto. To modify the reader:
If it's your first time contributing, start with Setup.
Talk to the reader's maintainer about your intended changes. The maintainer might ask you to consult existing issues, make pull requests, tag your commits with versions, etc.
git pull
to make sure you have the latest changes. -
Edit an existing chapter file or create a new one. Chapter files are in the
directory and are Quarto Markdown files (.qmd
). Chapter files should:- Follow the file naming scheme
(for numbered chapters) ortitle-of-chapter.qmd
(for unnumbered chapters). - Begin with a first-level header (like
# This
). This will be the title of your chapter. Subsequent section headers should be second-level headers (like## This
) or below.
Put any supporting resources in
. Store large files (> 1 MB), such as data sets, on Google Drive, Box, or other cloud storage rather than GitHub. - Follow the file naming scheme
quarto render
to render the reader (the files indocs/
). This can be time-consuming; if you're not done editing and just want a quick preview, you can usequarto preview
instead. -
When you're finished editing, run
git add
on:- Any
files you added or edited inchapters/
- Any image files you added or edited in
- The entire
directory - Any other files you added or edited
Then run
git commit
to save the files andgit push
to upload them to GitHub. - Any
The reader is hosted by GitHub Pages as a live, public website. The files for
the website are stored in docs/
on branch main
. To update the website:
quarto render
to render the reader (the files indocs/
). -
git add docs/
, thengit commit
andgit push
Then the website will update automatically after a few minutes.
The reader is rendered with Quarto. Make sure it's installed before rendering the reader.
The reader might also depend on specific R packages. If the maintainer has
opted to use renv, open R in this repo and run renv::restore()
to install
them. If not, you'll have to use trial-and-error to determine which packages to