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Further fixes to duplicate variable names.
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abdoo8080 committed Oct 5, 2024
1 parent 0b41804 commit 92342ea
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Showing 13 changed files with 94 additions and 153 deletions.
24 changes: 16 additions & 8 deletions Smt/Reconstruct.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ open Lean
open Attribute

structure Reconstruct.state where
userNames : HashMap String FVarId
termCache : HashMap cvc5.Term Expr
proofCache : HashMap cvc5.Proof Expr
count : Nat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,9 +63,10 @@ def traceReconstructTerm (t : cvc5.Term) (r : Except Exception Expr) : Reconstru
| .error _ => m!"{bombEmoji}"

def withNewTermCache (k : ReconstructM α) : ReconstructM α := do
let state ← get
let termCache := (← get).termCache
modify fun state => { state with termCache := {} }
let r ← k
set { ← get with termCache := state.termCache }
modify fun state => { state with termCache := termCache }
return r

def reconstructTerm : cvc5.Term → ReconstructM Expr := withTermCache fun t => do
Expand All @@ -89,9 +91,10 @@ where
throwError "Failed to reconstruct term {t} with kind {t.getKind}"

def withNewProofCache (k : ReconstructM α) : ReconstructM α := do
let state ← get
let proofCache := (← get).proofCache
modify fun state => { state with proofCache := {} }
let r ← k
set { ← get with proofCache := state.proofCache }
modify fun state => { state with proofCache := proofCache }
return r

def withProofCache (r : cvc5.Proof → ReconstructM Expr) (pf : cvc5.Proof) : ReconstructM Expr := do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,10 +175,10 @@ def traceReconstructProof (r : Except Exception (Expr × Expr × List MVarId)) :
| _ => m!"{bombEmoji}"

open Qq in
partial def reconstructProof (pf : cvc5.Proof) : MetaM (Expr × Expr × List MVarId) := do
partial def reconstructProof (pf : cvc5.Proof) (fvNames : HashMap String FVarId) : MetaM (Expr × Expr × List MVarId) := do
withTraceNode `smt.reconstruct.proof traceReconstructProof do
let (p : Q(Prop)) state ← (Reconstruct.reconstructTerm (pf.getResult)).run ⟨{}, {}, 0, #[], #[]⟩
let (h : Q(True → $p)) (.mk _ _ _ _ mvs) ← (Reconstruct.reconstructProof pf).run state
let (p : Q(Prop)) state ← (Reconstruct.reconstructTerm (pf.getResult)).run ⟨fvNames, {}, {}, 0, #[], #[]⟩
let (h : Q(True → $p)) (.mk _ _ _ _ _ mvs) ← (Reconstruct.reconstructProof pf).run state
return (p, q($h trivial), mvs.toList)

open cvc5 in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,10 +220,15 @@ open Lean.Elab Tactic in
match r with
| .error e => logInfo (repr e)
| .ok pf =>
let (p, hp, mvs) ← reconstructProof pf
let (p, hp, mvs) ← reconstructProof pf (← getFVarNames)
let mv ← Tactic.getMainGoal
let mv ← mv.assert (Name.num `s 0) p hp
let (_, mv) ← mv.intro1
replaceMainGoal (mv :: mvs)
getFVarNames : MetaM (HashMap String FVarId) := do
let lCtx ← getLCtx
return lCtx.getFVarIds.foldl (init := {}) fun m fvarId =>
m.insert (lCtx.getRoundtrippingUserName? fvarId).get!.toString fvarId

end Smt
23 changes: 15 additions & 8 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Builtin.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,16 +29,18 @@ def getFVarExpr! (n : Name) : MetaM Expr := do
| some d => return d.toExpr
| none => throwError "unknown free variable '{n}'"

def getFVarOrConstExpr! (n : Name) : MetaM Expr := do
match (← getLCtx).findFromUserName? n with
| some d => return d.toExpr
| none =>
let c ← getConstInfo n
return .const (c.numLevelParams.repeat (.zero :: ·) [])
def getFVarOrConstExpr! (n : String) : ReconstructM Expr := do
match (← get).userNames.find? n with
| some fv => return .fvar fv
| none => match (← getLCtx).findFromUserName? n.toName with
| some d => return d.toExpr
| none =>
let c ← getConstInfo n.toName
return .const (c.numLevelParams.repeat (.zero :: ·) [])

@[smt_term_reconstruct] def reconstructBuiltin : TermReconstructor := fun t => do match t.getKind with
| .VARIABLE => getFVarExpr! (getVariableName t)
| .CONSTANT => getFVarOrConstExpr! (Name.mkSimple t.getSymbol)
| .CONSTANT => getFVarOrConstExpr! t.getSymbol
| .EQUAL =>
let α : Q(Type) ← reconstructSort t[0]!.getSort
let x : Q($α) ← reconstructTerm t[0]!
Expand All @@ -65,7 +67,12 @@ def getFVarOrConstExpr! (n : Name) : MetaM Expr := do
| _ => return none
getVariableName (t : cvc5.Term) : Name :=
if t.hasSymbol then Name.mkSimple t.getSymbol else Name.num `x t.getId
if t.hasSymbol then
if t.getSymbol.toName == .anonymous then
Name.mkSimple t.getSymbol
else Name.num `x t.getId

def reconstructRewrite (pf : cvc5.Proof) : ReconstructM (Option Expr) := do
match pf.getRewriteRule with
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Quant.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,12 @@ namespace Smt.Reconstruct.Quant
open Lean Qq

def getVariableName (t : cvc5.Term) : Name :=
if t.hasSymbol then Name.mkSimple t.getSymbol else Name.num `x t.getId
if t.hasSymbol then
if t.getSymbol.toName == .anonymous then
Name.mkSimple t.getSymbol
else Name.num `x t.getId

@[smt_term_reconstruct] def reconstructQuant : TermReconstructor := fun t => do match t.getKind with
| .FORALL =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,8 +228,8 @@ where
xs.foldrM f (p, q, h)
addThm q($p = $q) h
reconstructSkolemize (pf : cvc5.Proof) : ReconstructM Expr := do
let res := pf.getChildren[0]!.getResult
let es ← reconstructQuant.reconstructForallSkolems res[0]! (res[0]![0]!.getNumChildren - 1)
let chRes := pf.getChildren[0]!.getResult
let es ← reconstructQuant.reconstructForallSkolems chRes[0]! (chRes[0]![0]!.getNumChildren - 1)
let f := fun h e => do
let α : Q(Type) ← pure (e.getArg! 0)
let hα : Q(Nonempty $α) ← Meta.synthInstance q(Nonempty $α)
Expand Down
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/UF.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,16 +13,18 @@ namespace Smt.Reconstruct.UF

open Lean Qq

def getFVarOrConstExpr! (n : Name) : MetaM Expr := do
match (← getLCtx).findFromUserName? n with
| some d => return d.toExpr
| none =>
let c ← getConstInfo n
return .const (c.numLevelParams.repeat (.zero :: ·) [])
def getFVarOrConstExpr! (n : String) : ReconstructM Expr := do
match (← get).userNames.find? n with
| some fv => return .fvar fv
| none => match (← getLCtx).findFromUserName? n.toName with
| some d => return d.toExpr
| none =>
let c ← getConstInfo n.toName
return .const (c.numLevelParams.repeat (.zero :: ·) [])

@[smt_sort_reconstruct] def reconstructUS : SortReconstructor := fun s => do match s.getKind with
| .UNINTERPRETED_SORT => getFVarOrConstExpr! (Name.mkSimple s.getSymbol)
| .UNINTERPRETED_SORT => getFVarOrConstExpr! s.getSymbol
| _ => return none

@[smt_term_reconstruct] def reconstructUF : TermReconstructor := fun t => do match t.getKind with
Expand Down
20 changes: 15 additions & 5 deletions Smt/Tactic/Smt.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,10 +20,19 @@ open Lean hiding Command
open Elab Tactic Qq
open Smt Translate Query Reconstruct Util

def prepareSmtQuery (hs : List Expr) (goalType : Expr) : MetaM (List Command) := do
def genUniqueFVarNames : MetaM (HashMap FVarId String × HashMap String FVarId) := do
let lCtx ← getLCtx
let st : NameSanitizerState := { options := {}}
let (lCtx, _) := (lCtx.sanitizeNames st).run
return lCtx.getFVarIds.foldl (init := ({}, {})) fun (m₁, m₂) fvarId =>
let m₁ := m₁.insert fvarId (lCtx.getRoundtrippingUserName? fvarId).get!.toString
let m₂ := m₂.insert (lCtx.getRoundtrippingUserName? fvarId).get!.toString fvarId
(m₁, m₂)

def prepareSmtQuery (hs : List Expr) (goalType : Expr) (fvNames : HashMap FVarId String) : MetaM (List Command) := do
let goalId ← Lean.mkFreshMVarId
Lean.Meta.withLocalDeclD (mkNot goalType) fun g =>
Query.generateQuery g hs
Query.generateQuery g hs fvNames

def withProcessedHints (mv : MVarId) (hs : List Expr) (k : MVarId → List Expr → MetaM α): MetaM α :=
go mv hs [] k
Expand All @@ -46,7 +55,8 @@ def smt (mv : MVarId) (hs : List Expr) (timeout : Option Nat := none) : MetaM (L
mv.withContext do
let goalType : Q(Prop) ← mv.getType
-- 2. Generate the SMT query.
let cmds ← prepareSmtQuery hs (← mv.getType)
let (fvNames₁, fvNames₂) ← genUniqueFVarNames
let cmds ← prepareSmtQuery hs (← mv.getType) fvNames₁
let cmds := .setLogic "ALL" :: cmds
trace[smt] "goal: {goalType}"
trace[smt] "\nquery:\n{Command.cmdsAsQuery (cmds ++ [.checkSat])}"
Expand All @@ -61,7 +71,7 @@ def smt (mv : MVarId) (hs : List Expr) (timeout : Option Nat := none) : MetaM (L
throwError "unable to prove goal, either it is false or you need to define more symbols with `smt [foo, bar]`"
| .ok pf =>
-- 4b. Reconstruct proof.
let (p, hp, mvs) ← reconstructProof pf
let (p, hp, mvs) ← reconstructProof pf fvNames₂
let mv ← mv.assert (← mkFreshId) p hp
let ⟨_, mv⟩ ← mv.intro1
let ts ← hs.mapM Meta.inferType
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,7 +140,7 @@ def parseTimeout : TSyntax `smtTimeout → TacticM (Option Nat)
let (hs, mv) ← Preprocess.elimIff mv hs
mv.withContext do
let goalType ← mv.getType
let cmds ← prepareSmtQuery hs (← mv.getType)
let cmds ← prepareSmtQuery hs (← mv.getType) (← genUniqueFVarNames).fst
let cmds := cmds ++ [.checkSat]
logInfo m!"goal: {goalType}\n\nquery:\n{Command.cmdsAsQuery cmds}"

Expand Down
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions Smt/Translate.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ structure TranslationM.State where
/-- A mapping from a scopped name to a suffix index that makes it unique. This field does not handle
scopping, which should be handled by `withScopedName` -/
scopedNames : HashMap Name Nat := .empty
/-- A mapping from fvars to unique names. -/
uniqueFVarNames : HashMap FVarId String := .empty

abbrev TranslationM := StateT TranslationM.State MetaM

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,9 +139,13 @@ partial def applyTranslators? : Translator := withCache fun e => do
-- Then try splitting subexpressions
match e with
| fvar fv =>
if !(← get).localFVars.contains fv then
if (← get).localFVars.contains fv then
return symbolT (← fv.getUserName).toString
modify fun st => { st with depFVars := st.depFVars.insert fv }
return symbolT (← fv.getUserName).toString
match (← get).uniqueFVarNames.find? fv with
| some n => return symbolT n
| none => return symbolT (← fv.getUserName).toString
| const nm _ =>
modify fun st => { st with depConstants := st.depConstants.insert nm }
return symbolT nm.toString
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions Smt/Translate/Query.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,10 @@ def addCommandFor (e tp : Expr) : QueryBuilderM (Array Expr) := do

-- Otherwise it is a local/global declaration with name `nm`.
let nm ← match e with
| fvar id .. => pure (← id.getDecl).userName.toString
| fvar id .. =>
match (← (get : TranslationM _)).uniqueFVarNames.find? id with
| some nm => pure nm
| none => pure (← id.getUserName).toString
| const n .. => pure n.toString
| _ => throwError "internal error, expected fvar or const but got{indentD e}\nof kind {e.ctorName}"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,14 +256,14 @@ def emitVertex (cmds : HashMap Expr Command) (e : Expr) : StateT (List Command)
let some cmd := cmds.find? e | throwError "no command was computed for {e}"
set (← addCommand cmd (← get))

def generateQuery (goal : Expr) (hs : List Expr) : MetaM (List Command) :=
def generateQuery (goal : Expr) (hs : List Expr) (fvNames : HashMap FVarId String) : MetaM (List Command) :=
withTraceNode `smt.translate.query (fun _ => pure .nil) do
trace[smt.translate.query] "Goal: {← inferType goal}"
trace[smt.translate.query] "Provided Hints: {hs}"
let ((_, st), _) ← QueryBuilderM.buildDependencyGraph goal
|>.run { toDefine := hs : QueryBuilderM.Config }
|>.run { : QueryBuilderM.State }
|>.run { : TranslationM.State }
|>.run { uniqueFVarNames := fvNames : TranslationM.State }
trace[smt.translate.query] "Dependency Graph: {st.graph}"
-- The type of the proof generated by a solver depends on the order of asserions. We assert the
-- Lean goal at the end of the query to simplify unification during proof reconstruction.
Expand Down
87 changes: 1 addition & 86 deletions Test/EUF/Issue126.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,86 +1 @@
goal: ¬b n →
te n o r v → (∃ q, nm q ∧ ∀ (s : a), nmm s q → tb s n o r v) ∨ ∃ q, ngt q ∧ ∀ (s : a), nmm s q → tc s n o r v

(declare-sort n 0)
(declare-fun ngt (n) Bool)
(declare-fun ne (n) Bool)
(assert (forall ((s n)) (=> (ngt s) (not (ne s)))))
(declare-fun nm (n) Bool)
(assert (forall ((s n)) (=> (nm s) (ngt s))))
(declare-sort a 0)
(declare-fun nmm (a n) Bool)
(declare-fun b (a) Bool)
(assert (forall ((s n)) (=> (ngt s) (exists ((a a)) (and (nmm a s) (not (b a)))))))
(assert (forall ((s1 n)) (forall ((s2 n)) (exists ((a a)) (and (nmm a s1) (and (nmm a s2) (not (b a))))))))
(declare-sort v 0)
(declare-sort r 0)
(declare-fun ta (a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun tf (a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun sd (a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun sb (a a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun sc (a a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun tc (a a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun se (a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun sg (a r) Bool)
(declare-fun sa (a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun td (a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun tb (a a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun te (a a r v) Bool)
(declare-fun tg (a r) Bool)
(declare-fun sf (a a r v) Bool)
(assert (and (forall ((s a)) (forall ((d a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (or (and (not (b s)) (= (sa s d r v) (ta s d r v))) (and (b s) (=> (sa s d r v) (ta s d r v)))))))) (and (forall ((s a)) (forall ((d a)) (forall ((o a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (or (and (not (b s)) (= (sb s d o r v) (tb s d o r v))) (and (b s) (=> (sb s d o r v) (tb s d o r v))))))))) (and (forall ((s a)) (forall ((d a)) (forall ((o a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (or (and (not (b s)) (= (sc s d o r v) (tc s d o r v))) (and (b s) (=> (sc s d o r v) (tc s d o r v))))))))) (and (forall ((a_2 a)) (forall ((a_3 r)) (= (sg a_2 a_3) (tg a_2 a_3)))) (and (forall ((a_2 a)) (forall ((a_3 a)) (forall ((a_4 r)) (forall ((a_5 v)) (= (sd a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5) (td a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5)))))) (and (forall ((a_2 a)) (forall ((a_3 a)) (forall ((a_4 r)) (forall ((a_5 v)) (= (se a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5) (te a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5)))))) (forall ((a_2 a)) (forall ((a_3 a)) (forall ((a_4 r)) (forall ((a_5 v)) (= (sf a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5) (tf a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5)))))))))))))
(assert (and (forall ((s a)) (forall ((|d₁| a)) (forall ((|d₂| a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((|v₁| v)) (forall ((|v₂| v)) (=> (and (not (b |d₁|)) (and (not (b |d₂|)) (and (sf |d₁| s r |v₁|) (sf |d₂| s r |v₂|)))) (= |v₁| |v₂|)))))))) (and (forall ((s a)) (forall ((d a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (=> (and (not (b s)) (and (not (b d)) (sf d s r v))) (and (sg s r) (forall ((d a)) (sa s d r v)))))))) (and (forall ((s a)) (forall ((d a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (=> (and (not (b s)) (and (not (b d)) (se d s r v))) (and (sg s r) (forall ((d a)) (sa s d r v)))))))) (and (forall ((s a)) (forall ((o a)) (forall ((|d₁| a)) (forall ((|d₂| a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((|v₁| v)) (forall ((|v₂| v)) (=> (not (b s)) (=> (and (sc s |d₁| o r |v₁|) (sc s |d₂| o r |v₂|)) (= |v₁| |v₂|)))))))))) (and (forall ((s a)) (forall ((o a)) (forall ((|d₁| a)) (forall ((|d₂| a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((|v₁| v)) (forall ((|v₂| v)) (=> (not (b s)) (=> (and (sb s |d₁| o r |v₁|) (sb s |d₂| o r |v₂|)) (= |v₁| |v₂|)))))))))) (and (forall ((s a)) (forall ((|d₁| a)) (forall ((|d₂| a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((|v₁| v)) (forall ((|v₂| v)) (=> (not (b s)) (=> (and (sa s |d₁| r |v₁|) (sa s |d₂| r |v₂|)) (= |v₁| |v₂|))))))))) (and (forall ((s a)) (forall ((d a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (=> (not (b s)) (= (forall ((d a)) (sa s d r v)) (sa s d r v))))))) (and (forall ((n_1 a)) (forall ((o a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (=> (not (b n_1)) (=> (sf n_1 o r v) (exists ((q n)) (and (nm q) (forall ((s a)) (=> (nmm s q) (sc s n_1 o r v))))))))))) (and (forall ((n_1 a)) (forall ((o a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (=> (not (b n_1)) (=> (se n_1 o r v) (or (exists ((q n)) (and (nm q) (forall ((s a)) (=> (nmm s q) (sb s n_1 o r v))))) (exists ((q n)) (and (ngt q) (forall ((s a)) (=> (nmm s q) (sc s n_1 o r v)))))))))))) (and (forall ((n a)) (forall ((d a)) (forall ((o a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (=> (not (b n)) (= (se n o r v) (sc n d o r v)))))))) (and (forall ((n a)) (forall ((o a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (=> (not (b n)) (=> (sd n o r v) (sa o n r v))))))) (and (forall ((n a)) (forall ((d a)) (forall ((o a)) (forall ((r r)) (forall ((v v)) (=> (not (b n)) (= (sd n o r v) (sb n d o r v)))))))) (forall ((s a)) (forall ((r r)) (=> (not (b s)) (= (sg s r) (exists ((v v)) (forall ((d a)) (sa s d r v))))))))))))))))))))
(declare-const v v)
(declare-const o a)
(declare-const n a)
(declare-const r r)
(assert (not (=> (not (b n)) (=> (te n o r v) (or (exists ((q n)) (and (nm q) (forall ((s a)) (=> (nmm s q) (tb s n o r v))))) (exists ((q n)) (and (ngt q) (forall ((s a)) (=> (nmm s q) (tc s n o r v))))))))))
Test/EUF/Issue126.lean:77:55: error: unsolved goals
n✝ a r✝ v✝ : Type
b : a → Prop
nmm : a → n✝ → Prop
ne ngt nm : n✝ → Prop
nsih : ∀ (s1 s2 : n✝), ∃ a, nmm a s1 ∧ nmm a s2 ∧ ¬b a
noh : ∀ (s : n✝), ngt s → ∃ a, nmm a s ∧ ¬b a
nsg : ∀ (s : n✝), nm s → ngt s
nne : ∀ (s : n✝), ngt s → ¬ne s
sa : a → a → r✝ → v✝ → Prop
sb sc : a → a → a → r✝ → v✝ → Prop
sg : a → r✝ → Prop
sd se sf : a → a → r✝ → v✝ → Prop
ha :
(∀ (s d₁ d₂ : a) (r : r✝) (v₁ v₂ : v✝), ¬b d₁ ∧ ¬b d₂ ∧ sf d₁ s r v₁ ∧ sf d₂ s r v₂ → v₁ = v₂) ∧
(∀ (s d : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝), ¬b s ∧ ¬b d ∧ sf d s r v → sg s r ∧ ∀ (d : a), sa s d r v) ∧
(∀ (s d : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝), ¬b s ∧ ¬b d ∧ se d s r v → sg s r ∧ ∀ (d : a), sa s d r v) ∧
(∀ (s o d₁ d₂ : a) (r : r✝) (v₁ v₂ : v✝), ¬b s → sc s d₁ o r v₁ ∧ sc s d₂ o r v₂ → v₁ = v₂) ∧
(∀ (s o d₁ d₂ : a) (r : r✝) (v₁ v₂ : v✝), ¬b s → sb s d₁ o r v₁ ∧ sb s d₂ o r v₂ → v₁ = v₂) ∧
(∀ (s d₁ d₂ : a) (r : r✝) (v₁ v₂ : v✝), ¬b s → sa s d₁ r v₁ ∧ sa s d₂ r v₂ → v₁ = v₂) ∧
(∀ (s d : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝), ¬b s → ((∀ (d : a), sa s d r v) ↔ sa s d r v)) ∧
(∀ (n o : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝), ¬b n → sf n o r v → ∃ q, nm q ∧ ∀ (s : a), nmm s q → sc s n o r v) ∧
(∀ (n o : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝),
¬b n →
se n o r v →
(∃ q, nm q ∧ ∀ (s : a), nmm s q → sb s n o r v) ∨
∃ q, ngt q ∧ ∀ (s : a), nmm s q → sc s n o r v) ∧
(∀ (n d o : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝), ¬b n → (se n o r v ↔ sc n d o r v)) ∧
(∀ (n o : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝), ¬b n → sd n o r v → sa o n r v) ∧
(∀ (n d o : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝), ¬b n → (sd n o r v ↔ sb n d o r v)) ∧
∀ (s : a) (r : r✝), ¬b s → (sg s r ↔ ∃ v, ∀ (d : a), sa s d r v)
ta : a → a → r✝ → v✝ → Prop
tb tc : a → a → a → r✝ → v✝ → Prop
tg : a → r✝ → Prop
td te tf : a → a → r✝ → v✝ → Prop
hb :
(∀ (s d : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝), ¬b s ∧ (sa s d r v ↔ ta s d r v) ∨ b s ∧ (sa s d r v → ta s d r v)) ∧
(∀ (s d o : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝), ¬b s ∧ (sb s d o r v ↔ tb s d o r v) ∨ b s ∧ (sb s d o r v → tb s d o r v)) ∧
(∀ (s d o : a) (r : r✝) (v : v✝), ¬b s ∧ (sc s d o r v ↔ tc s d o r v) ∨ b s ∧ (sc s d o r v → tc s d o r v)) ∧
(∀ (a_2 : a) (a_3 : r✝), sg a_2 a_3 = tg a_2 a_3) ∧
(∀ (a_2 a_3 : a) (a_4 : r✝) (a_5 : v✝), sd a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5 = td a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5) ∧
(∀ (a_2 a_3 : a) (a_4 : r✝) (a_5 : v✝), se a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5 = te a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5) ∧
∀ (a_2 a_3 : a) (a_4 : r✝) (a_5 : v✝), sf a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5 = tf a_2 a_3 a_4 a_5
n o : a
r : r✝
v : v✝
⊢ ¬b n → te n o r v → (∃ q, nm q ∧ ∀ (s : a), nmm s q → tb s n o r v) ∨ ∃ q, ngt q ∧ ∀ (s : a), nmm s q → tc s n o r v
Test/EUF/Issue126.lean:3:8: warning: declaration uses 'sorry'

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