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Optimize polynorm tactic and add native version. (#136)
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abdoo8080 authored Oct 11, 2024
1 parent 4fcc41d commit f80c0bc
Showing 1 changed file with 112 additions and 39 deletions.
151 changes: 112 additions & 39 deletions Smt/Reconstruct/Int/Polynorm.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,20 @@ Authors: Abdalrhman Mohamed, Harun Khan
import Lean
import Qq

private theorem Int.neg_congr {x y : Int} (h : x = y) : -x = -y := by
simp [h]

private theorem Int.add_congr {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : Int} (h₁ : x₁ = x₂) (h₂ : y₁ = y₂) : x₁ + y₁ = x₂ + y₂ := by
simp [h₁, h₂]

private theorem Int.sub_congr {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : Int} (h₁ : x₁ = x₂) (h₂ : y₁ = y₂) : x₁ - y₁ = x₂ - y₂ := by
simp [h₁, h₂]

private theorem Int.mul_congr {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : Int} (h₁ : x₁ = x₂) (h₂ : y₁ = y₂) : x₁ * y₁ = x₂ * y₂ := by
simp [h₁, h₂]

private theorem Eq.trans₂' (hba : b = a) (hbc : b = c) (hcd : c = d) : a = d := hba ▸ hbc ▸ hcd ▸ rfl

namespace Smt.Reconstruct.Int.PolyNorm

abbrev Var := Nat
Expand All @@ -17,7 +31,7 @@ def Context := Var → Int
structure Monomial where
coeff : Int
vars : List Var
deriving Inhabited, Repr
deriving Inhabited, Repr, DecidableEq

namespace Monomial

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,7 +203,6 @@ theorem denote_add {p q : Polynomial} : (p.add q).denote ctx = p.denote ctx + q.
simp only [List.foldr_cons, List.foldl_cons, Int.add_comm 0, Monomial.foldl_assoc Int.add_assoc, Int.add_assoc]
rw [← ih, foldl_add_insert]

theorem denote_sub {p q : Polynomial} : (p.sub q).denote ctx = p.denote ctx - q.denote ctx := by
simp only [sub, denote_neg, denote_add, Int.sub_eq_add_neg]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,49 +303,97 @@ end PolyNorm.Expr

open Lean Qq

abbrev PolyM := StateT (Array Q(Int)) MetaM

def getIndex (e : Q(Int)) : PolyM Nat := do
let es ← get
if let some i := es.findIdx? (· == e) then
return i
let size := es.size
set (es.push e)
return size

partial def toPolyNormExpr (e : Q(Int)) : PolyM PolyNorm.Expr := do
match e with
| ~q(OfNat.ofNat $x) => pure (.val x.rawNatLit?.get!)
| ~q(-$x) => pure (.neg (← toPolyNormExpr x))
| ~q($x + $y) => pure (.add (← toPolyNormExpr x) (← toPolyNormExpr y))
| ~q($x - $y) => pure (.sub (← toPolyNormExpr x) (← toPolyNormExpr y))
| ~q($x * $y) => pure (.mul (← toPolyNormExpr x) (← toPolyNormExpr y))
| e => let v : Nat ← getIndex e; pure (.var v)

partial def toQPolyNormExpr (e : Q(Int)) : PolyM Q(PolyNorm.Expr) := do
partial def genCtx (e : Q(Int)) : StateT (Array Q(Int) × HashSet Q(Int)) MetaM Unit := do
if !(← get).snd.contains e then
modify fun (es, cache) => (es, cache.insert e)
go : StateT (Array Q(Int) × HashSet Q(Int)) MetaM Unit := do
match e with
| ~q(OfNat.ofNat $x) => pure q(.val (@OfNat.ofNat Int $x _))
| ~q(-$x) => pure q(.neg $(← toQPolyNormExpr x))
| ~q($x + $y) => pure q(.add $(← toQPolyNormExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormExpr y))
| ~q($x - $y) => pure q(.sub $(← toQPolyNormExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormExpr y))
| ~q($x * $y) => pure q(.mul $(← toQPolyNormExpr x) $(← toQPolyNormExpr y))
| e => let v : Nat ← getIndex e; pure q(.var $v)
| ~q(OfNat.ofNat $x) => pure ()
| ~q(-$x) => genCtx x
| ~q($x + $y) => genCtx x >>= fun _ => genCtx y
| ~q($x - $y) => genCtx x >>= fun _ => genCtx y
| ~q($x * $y) => genCtx x >>= fun _ => genCtx y
| _ => if !(← get).fst.contains e then modify fun (es, cache) => (es.push e, cache)

partial def toQPolyNormExpr (ctx : Q(PolyNorm.Context)) (es : Array Q(Int)) (e : Q(Int)) (cache : HashMap Expr (Expr × Expr)) :
MetaM (HashMap Expr (Expr × Expr) × (o : Q(PolyNorm.Expr)) × Q(«$o».denote $ctx = $e)) := do
match cache.find? e with
| some (e, h) => return ⟨cache, e, h⟩
| none =>
let ⟨cache, o, h⟩ ← go
return ⟨cache.insert e (o, h), o, h⟩
go : MetaM (HashMap Expr (Expr × Expr) × (o : Q(PolyNorm.Expr)) × Q(«$o».denote $ctx = $e)) := do match e with
| ~q(OfNat.ofNat $x) =>
pure ⟨cache, q(.val (@OfNat.ofNat Int $x _)), q(rfl)⟩
| ~q(-$x) =>
let ⟨cache, o, h⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es x cache
pure ⟨cache, q(.neg $o), q(Int.neg_congr $h)⟩
| ~q($x + $y) =>
let ⟨cache, ox, hx⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es x cache
let ⟨cache, oy, hy⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es y cache
pure ⟨cache, q(.add $ox $oy), q(Int.add_congr $hx $hy)⟩
| ~q($x - $y) =>
let ⟨cache, ox, hx⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es x cache
let ⟨cache, oy, hy⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es y cache
pure ⟨cache, q(.sub $ox $oy), q(Int.sub_congr $hx $hy)⟩
| ~q($x * $y) =>
let ⟨cache, ox, hx⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es x cache
let ⟨cache, oy, hy⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es y cache
pure ⟨cache, q(.mul $ox $oy), q(Int.mul_congr $hx $hy)⟩
| _ =>
let some v := (es.findIdx? (· == e)) | throwError "variable not found"
pure ⟨cache, q(.var $v), .app q(@Eq.refl Int) e⟩

def polyNorm (mv : MVarId) : MetaM Unit := do
let some (_, l, r) := (← mv.getType).eq?
let some (_, (l : Q(Int)), (r : Q(Int))) := (← mv.getType).eq?
| throwError "[poly_norm] expected an equality, got {← mv.getType}"
let (l, es) ← (toQPolyNormExpr l).run #[]
let (r, es) ← (toQPolyNormExpr r).run es
let is : Q(Array Int) := es.foldl (fun acc e => q(«$acc».push $e)) q(#[])
let ctx : Q(PolyNorm.Context) := q(fun v => if h : v < «$is».size then $is[v] else 0)
let h : Q(«$l».toPolynomial = «$r».toPolynomial) := .app q(@Eq.refl.{1} PolyNorm.Polynomial) q(«$l».toPolynomial)
mv.assign q(@PolyNorm.Expr.denote_eq_from_toPolynomial_eq $ctx $l $r $h)
let (_, (es, _)) ← (genCtx l >>= fun _ => genCtx r).run (#[], {})
let is : Q(Array Int) ← pure (es.foldl (fun acc e => q(«$acc».push $e)) q(#[]))
let ctx : Q(PolyNorm.Context) ← pure q((«$is».getD · 0))
let ⟨cache, el, _⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es l {}
let ⟨_, er, _⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es r cache
let hp : Q(«$el».toPolynomial = «$er».toPolynomial) := (.app q(@Eq.refl PolyNorm.Polynomial) q(«$el».toPolynomial))
let he := q(@PolyNorm.Expr.denote_eq_from_toPolynomial_eq $ctx $el $er $hp)
mv.assign he
logPolynomial (e : Q(PolyNorm.Expr)) (es : Array Q(Int)) := do
let p ← unsafe Meta.evalExpr PolyNorm.Expr q(PolyNorm.Expr) e
let ppCtx := fun v => if h : v < es.size then es[v] else q(0)
logInfo m!"poly := {PolyNorm.Polynomial.toExpr p.toPolynomial ppCtx}"
let p ← unsafe Meta.evalExpr PolyNorm.Expr q(PolyNorm.Expr) e
let ppCtx := (es.getD · q(0))
logInfo m!"poly := {PolyNorm.Polynomial.toExpr p.toPolynomial ppCtx}"

def nativePolyNorm (mv : MVarId) : MetaM Unit := do
let some (_, (l : Q(Int)), (r : Q(Int))) := (← mv.getType).eq?
| throwError "[poly_norm] expected an equality, got {← mv.getType}"
let (_, (es, _)) ← (genCtx l >>= fun _ => genCtx r).run (#[], {})
let is : Q(List Int) ← pure (es.foldr (fun e acc => q($e :: $acc)) q([]))
let ctx : Q(PolyNorm.Context) ← pure q((«$is».getD · 0))
let ⟨cache, el, _⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es l {}
let ⟨_, er, _⟩ ← toQPolyNormExpr ctx es r cache
let hp ← nativeDecide q(«$el».toPolynomial = «$er».toPolynomial)
let he := q(@PolyNorm.Expr.denote_eq_from_toPolynomial_eq $ctx $el $er $hp)
mv.assign he
logPolynomial (e : Q(PolyNorm.Expr)) (es : Array Q(Int)) := do
let p ← unsafe Meta.evalExpr PolyNorm.Expr q(PolyNorm.Expr) e
let ppCtx := (es.getD · q(0))
logInfo m!"poly := {PolyNorm.Polynomial.toExpr p.toPolynomial ppCtx}"
nativeDecide (p : Q(Prop)) : MetaM Q($p) := do
let hp : Q(Decidable $p) ← Meta.synthInstance q(Decidable $p)
let auxDeclName ← mkNativeAuxDecl `_nativePolynorm q(Bool) q(decide $p)
let b : Q(Bool) := .const auxDeclName []
return .app q(@of_decide_eq_true $p $hp) (.app q(Lean.ofReduceBool $b true) q(Eq.refl true))
mkNativeAuxDecl (baseName : Name) (type value : Expr) : MetaM Name := do
let auxName ← Lean.mkAuxName baseName 1
let decl := Declaration.defnDecl {
name := auxName, levelParams := [], type, value
hints := .abbrev
safety := .safe
addAndCompile decl
pure auxName

namespace Tactic

Expand All @@ -345,7 +406,19 @@ open Lean.Elab Tactic in
Int.polyNorm mv
replaceMainGoal []

syntax (name := nativePolyNorm) "native_poly_norm" : tactic

open Lean.Elab Tactic in
@[tactic nativePolyNorm] def evalNativePolyNorm : Tactic := fun _ =>
withMainContext do
let mv ← Tactic.getMainGoal
Int.nativePolyNorm mv
replaceMainGoal []

end Smt.Reconstruct.Int.Tactic

example (x y z : Int) : 1 * (x + y) * z = z * y + x * z := by

example (x y z : Int) : 1 * (x + y) * z = z * y + x * z := by

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