Postfix vManager is a Web Based Management tool created for PostMMfix Mail Server Administration with PHP and MySQL
The Postfix vManager provides an web based virtual mailbox administration system to allow Unix/Linux administrators to easily manage domains, parking domains, alias domain, mailboxes and forwardres. Postfix vManager is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
Postfix vManager was written in PHP, It requires PHP 4 and above, Postfix, Dovecot and MySQL
- Features ===========
Standard and enhanced features from Postfix vManager includes:
- Super admin user level with full access.
- Domain Admin user level with access only to assigned domains and their mailboxes and aliases.
- Domain admins can create and modify SubDomain admins and mailboxes.
- JQuery Datatable throughout for quick in browser searching and pagination.
- Create, modify and delete domains including the mailboxes and aliases, a non-super admin can create per-domain; Activate / deactivate mailboxes and aliases at the click of a button.
- Facility for users (mailbox owners) to change their password.
- Parking Domain support.
- Alias domain with virtual alias mailboes support.
- Autoresponder (Vacation) support enabled.
- Screenshots ==============
Here is some screenshots of Postfix vManager.
- Login Page
- Domains List
- Users List
- Groups List
- How to Install =================
For any bug Report or suggesions: Please email me [email protected]