MD5Sum: 616ac20e7f53bd7d460a83f65e78dc9c
Documentation for dragen-alignment-pipeline v4.2.4
Tenant: umccr-prod
Bundles Generated
Bundle Name: dragen_alignment_pipeline_with_validation_data__4_2_4__20240830041127 / Bundle Version v9_r3__20240830041127
This bundle has been generated by the release of workflows/dragen-alignment-pipeline/4.2.4/dragen-alignment-pipeline__4.2.4.cwl. The pipeline can be found at https://github.com/umccr/cwl-ica/releases/tag/dragen-alignment-pipeline/4.2.4__20240830041127.
Version Description
Bundle version description is currently redundant while we cannot append versions to bundles. Regardless - the bunch version is v9_r3
Bundle ID: c8190cc2-4b62-489a-a1a6-433348eccded
- Bundle Link
Pipeline Project ID: 5844391a-69db-4b52-86b5-6a0d55c2386f
Pipeline Project Name: pipelines
Pipeline ID: 03689516-b7f8-4dca-bba9-8405b85fae45
Pipeline Code: dragen-alignment-pipeline__4_2_4__20240830041127
- development
- staging
- dragen_hash_table_v9_r3_alt_masked_cnv_hla_rna
- hg38_v39_gencode_annotation
- wgs_validation_fastq__cups_pair_8
- wgs_validation_fastq__2016_249_17_MH_P033
- wgs_validation_fastq__2016_249_18_WH_P025
- wgs_validation_fastq__B_ALL_Case_10
- wgs_validation_fastq_Diploid_Never_Responder
- wgs_validation_fastq_SBJ00303
- wgs_validation_fastq_SEQC50
- wgs_validation_fastq_SFRC01073
- wts_validation_fastq__SBJ00480
- wts_validation_fastq__SBJ00028
- wts_validation_fastq__SBJ00061
- wts_validation_fastq__SBJ00188
- wts_validation_fastq__SBJ00199
- wts_validation_fastq__SBJ00236
- wts_validation_fastq__SBJ00238
Bundle Name: dragen_alignment_pipeline_prod__4_2_4__20240830041127 / Bundle Version v9_r3__20240830041127
This bundle has been generated by the release of workflows/dragen-alignment-pipeline/4.2.4/dragen-alignment-pipeline__4.2.4.cwl. The pipeline can be found at https://github.com/umccr/cwl-ica/releases/tag/dragen-alignment-pipeline/4.2.4__20240830041127.
Version Description
Bundle version description is currently redundant while we cannot append versions to bundles. Regardless - the bunch version is v9_r3
Bundle ID: 0a3f1f7a-b497-45b2-b1c5-0d2d507bddd8
- Bundle Link
Pipeline Project ID: 5844391a-69db-4b52-86b5-6a0d55c2386f
Pipeline Project Name: pipelines
Pipeline ID: 03689516-b7f8-4dca-bba9-8405b85fae45
Pipeline Code: dragen-alignment-pipeline__4_2_4__20240830041127
- production
- dragen_hash_table_v9_r3_alt_masked_cnv_hla_rna
- hg38_v39_gencode_annotation
Visual Overview
Inputs Template
Click to expand!
# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://github.com/umccr/cwl-ica/releases/download/dragen-alignment-pipeline%2F4.2.4__20240830041127/dragen-alignment-pipeline__4.2.4__20240830041127.schema.json
# aln min score (Optional)
# Docs: (signed) Minimum alignment score to report; baseline for MAPQ.
# When using local alignments (global = 0), aln-min-score is computed by the host software as "22 * match-score".
# When using global alignments (global = 1), aln-min-score is set to -1000000.
# Host software computation may be overridden by setting aln-min-score in configuration file.
# Range: −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
aln_min_score: string
# alt aware (Optional)
# Docs: Enables special processing for alt contigs, if alt liftover was used in hash table.
# Enabled by default if reference was built with liftover.
alt_aware: false
# ann sj max indel (Optional)
# Docs: Maximum indel length to expect near an annotated splice junction.
# Range: 0 - 63
ann_sj_max_indel: string
# annotation file (Optional)
# Docs: Use to supply a gene annotation file. Required for quantification and gene-fusion.
class: File
location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file
# dedup min qual (Optional)
# Docs: Minimum base quality for calculating read quality metric for deduplication.
# Range: 0-63
dedup_min_qual: string
# edit chain limit (Optional)
# Docs: For edit-mode 1 or 2: Maximum seed chain length in a read to qualify for seed editing.
# Range: > 0
edit_chain_limit: string
# edit mode (Optional)
# Docs: 0 = No edits, 1 = Chain len test, 2 = Paired chain len test, 3 = Edit all std seeds.
edit_mode: '0'
# edit read len (Optional)
# Docs: For edit-mode 1 or 2: Read length in which to try edit-seed-num edited seeds.
# Range: > 0
edit_read_len: string
# edit seed num (Optional)
# Docs: For edit-mode 1 or 2: Requested number of seeds per read to allow editing on.
# Range: > 0
edit_seed_num: string
# en alt hap aln (Optional)
# Docs: Allows chimeric alignments to be output, as supplementary.
en_alt_hap_aln: false
# en chimeric aln (Optional)
# Docs: Allows chimeric alignments to be output, as supplementary.
en_chimeric_aln: false
# enable duplicate marking (Optional)
# Docs: Enable the flagging of duplicate output alignment records.
enable_duplicate_marking: false
# enable map align (Optional)
# Docs: Enable use of BAM input files for mapper/aligner.
enable_map_align: false
# enable map align (Optional)
# Docs: Enables saving the output from the map/align stage.
# If only running map/align, the default value is true.
# If running the variant caller, the default value is false.
# Therefore in the case of the dragen alignment pipeline, this will always be true.
# For sanity purposes, we have it as an option since its default state is not intuitive
enable_map_align_output: false
# enable rna (Optional)
# Docs: Enable rna specific settings
enable_rna: false
# enable rna quantification (Optional)
# Docs: If set to true, enables RNA quantification. Requires --enable-rna to be set to true.
enable_rna_quantification: false
# enable rrna filtering (Optional)
# Docs: Use the DRAGEN RNA pipeline to filter rRNA reads during alignment. The default value is false.
enable_rrna_filter: false
# enable sort (Optional)
# Docs: Enable sorting after mapping/alignment.
enable_sort: false
# fastq list (Optional)
# Docs: CSV file that contains a list of FASTQ files for normal sample
# to process (read_1 and read_2 attributes must be presigned urls for each column)
class: File
location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file
# Row of fastq lists (Optional)
# Docs: The row of fastq lists.
# Each row has the following attributes:
# * RGID
# * RGLB
# * RGSM
# * Lane
# * Read1File
# * Read2File (optional)
- rgid: string
rglb: string
rgsm: string
lane: string
class: File
location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file
class: File
location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file
# gap ext pen (Optional)
# Docs: Score penalty for gap extension.
gap_ext_pen: string
# gap open pen (Optional)
# Docs: Score penalty for opening a gap (insertion or deletion).
gap_open_pen: string
# generate md tags (Optional)
# Docs: Whether to generate MD tags with alignment output records. Default is false.
generate_md_tags: false
# generate sa tags (Optional)
# Docs: Whether to generate SA:Z tags for records that have chimeric/supplemental alignments.
generate_sa_tags: false
# generate zs tags (Optional)
# Docs: Whether to generate ZS tags for alignment output records. Default is false.
generate_zs_tags: false
# global (Optional)
# Docs: If alignment is global (Needleman-Wunsch) rather than local (Smith-Waterman).
global: false
# hard clips (Optional)
# Docs: Flags for hard clipping: [0] primary, [1] supplementary, [2] secondary.
# The hard-clips option is used as a field of 3 bits, with values ranging from 0 to 7.
# The bits specify alignments, as follows:
# * Bit 0—primary alignments
# * Bit 1—supplementary alignments
# * Bit 2—secondary alignments
# Each bit determines whether local alignments of that type are reported with hard clipping (1)
# or soft clipping (0).
# The default is 6, meaning primary alignments use soft clipping and supplementary and
# secondary alignments use hard clipping.
hard_clips: string
# map orientations (Optional)
# Docs: Constrain orientations to accept forward-only, reverse-complement only, or any alignments.
map_orientations: '0'
# mapq max (Optional)
# Docs: Ceiling on reported MAPQ. Max 255
mapq_max: string
# mapq strict js (Optional)
# Docs: Specific to RNA. When set to 0, a higher MAPQ value is returned, expressing confidence that the alignment is at least partially correct. When set to 1, a lower MAPQ value is returned, expressing the splice junction ambiguity.
mapq_strict_js: false
# match n score (Optional)
# Docs: (signed) Score increment for matching a reference 'N' nucleotide IUB code.
# Range: -16 to 15
match_n_score: string
# match score (Optional)
# Docs: Score increment for matching reference nucleotide.
# When global = 0, match-score > 0; When global = 1, match-score >= 0
match_score: string
# max intron bases (Optional)
# Docs: Maximum intron length reported.
max_intron_bases: string
# max rescues (Optional)
# Docs: Maximum rescue alignments per read pair. Default is 10
max_rescues: string
# min intron bases (Optional)
# Docs: Minimum reference deletion length reported as an intron.
min_intron_bases: string
# min score coeff (Optional)
# Docs: Adjustment to aln-min-score per read base.
# Range: -64 to 63.999
min_score_coeff: string
# mismatch pen (Optional)
# Docs: Score penalty for a mismatch.
mismatch_pen: string
# no unclip score (Optional)
# Docs: When no-unclip-score is set to 1, any unclipped bonus (unclip-score) contributing to an alignment is removed from the alignment score before further processing.
no_unclip_score: false
# no unpaired (Optional)
# Docs: If only properly paired alignments should be reported for paired reads.
no_unpaired: false
# output prefix (Required)
# Docs: The prefix given to all output files
output_prefix: string
# pe max penalty (Optional)
# Docs: Maximum pairing score penalty, for unpaired or distant ends.
# Range: 0-255
pe_max_penalty: string
# pe orientation (Optional)
# Docs: Expected paired-end orientation: 0=FR, 1=RF, 2=FF.
pe_orientation: '0'
# preserve map align order (Optional)
# Docs: Produce output file that preserves original order of reads in the input file.
preserve_map_align_order: false
# reference tar (Required)
# Docs: Path to ref data tarball
class: File
location: icav2://project_id/path/to/file
# remove duplicates (Optional)
# Docs: If true, remove duplicate alignment records instead of just flagging them.
remove_duplicates: false
# rescue sigmas (Optional)
# Docs: Deviations from the mean read length used for rescue scan radius. Default is 2.5.
rescue_sigmas: string
# sec aligns (Optional)
# Docs: Maximum secondary (suboptimal) alignments to report per read.
# Range: 0 - 30
sec_aligns: string
# sec aligns hard (Optional)
# Docs: Set to force unmapped when not all secondary alignments can be output.
sec_aligns_hard: false
# sec phred delta (Optional)
# Docs: Only secondary alignments with likelihood within this Phred of the primary are reported.
# Range: 0 - 255
sec_phred_delta: string
# sec score delta (Optional)
# Docs: Secondary aligns allowed with pair score no more than this far below primary.
sec_score_delta: string
# seed density (Optional)
# Docs: Requested density of seeds from reads queried in the hash table
# Range: 0 - 1
seed_density: string
# supp aligns (Optional)
# Docs: Maximum supplementary (chimeric) alignments to report per read.
supp_aligns: string
# supp as sec (Optional)
# Docs: If supplementary alignments should be reported with secondary flag.
supp_as_sec: false
# supp min score adj (Optional)
# Docs: Amount to increase minimum alignment score for supplementary alignments.
# This score is computed by host software as "8 * match-score" for DNA, and is default 0 for RNA.
supp_min_score_adj: string
# unclip score (Optional)
# Docs: Score bonus for reaching each edge of the read.
# Range: 0 - 127
unclip_score: string
# unpaired pen (Optional)
# Docs: Penalty for unpaired alignments in Phred scale.
# Range: 0 - 255
unpaired_pen: string
# verbose (Optional)
# Docs: Enable verbose output from DRAGEN.
verbose: false
Click to expand!
"aln_min_score": "string",
"alt_aware": false,
"ann_sj_max_indel": "string",
"annotation_file": {
"class": "File",
"location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
"dedup_min_qual": "string",
"edit_chain_limit": "string",
"edit_mode": "0",
"edit_read_len": "string",
"edit_seed_num": "string",
"en_alt_hap_aln": false,
"en_chimeric_aln": false,
"enable_duplicate_marking": false,
"enable_map_align": false,
"enable_map_align_output": false,
"enable_rna": false,
"enable_rna_quantification": false,
"enable_rrna_filter": false,
"enable_sort": false,
"fastq_list": {
"class": "File",
"location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
"fastq_list_rows": [
"rgid": "string",
"rglb": "string",
"rgsm": "string",
"lane": "string",
"read_1": {
"class": "File",
"location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
"read_2": {
"class": "File",
"location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
"gap_ext_pen": "string",
"gap_open_pen": "string",
"generate_md_tags": false,
"generate_sa_tags": false,
"generate_zs_tags": false,
"global": false,
"hard_clips": "string",
"map_orientations": "0",
"mapq_max": "string",
"mapq_strict_js": false,
"match_n_score": "string",
"match_score": "string",
"max_intron_bases": "string",
"max_rescues": "string",
"min_intron_bases": "string",
"min_score_coeff": "string",
"mismatch_pen": "string",
"no_unclip_score": false,
"no_unpaired": false,
"output_prefix": "string",
"pe_max_penalty": "string",
"pe_orientation": "0",
"preserve_map_align_order": false,
"reference_tar": {
"class": "File",
"location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
"remove_duplicates": false,
"rescue_sigmas": "string",
"sec_aligns": "string",
"sec_aligns_hard": false,
"sec_phred_delta": "string",
"sec_score_delta": "string",
"seed_density": "string",
"supp_aligns": "string",
"supp_as_sec": false,
"supp_min_score_adj": "string",
"unclip_score": "string",
"unpaired_pen": "string",
"verbose": false
Outputs Template
Click to expand!
"dragen_alignment_output_directory": {
"class": "Directory",
"location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/dir/"
"dragen_bam_out": {
"class": "File",
"location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/file"
"multiqc_output_directory": {
"class": "Directory",
"location": "icav2://project_id/path/to/dir/"
Overrides Template
Zipped workflow
Click to expand!
Packed workflow
Click to expand!
Click to expand!
aln min score
ID: aln_min_score
Optional: True
Type: int
(signed) Minimum alignment score to report; baseline for MAPQ.
When using local alignments (global = 0), aln-min-score is computed by the host software as "22 * match-score".
When using global alignments (global = 1), aln-min-score is set to -1000000.
Host software computation may be overridden by setting aln-min-score in configuration file.
Range: −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
alt aware
ID: alt_aware
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Enables special processing for alt contigs, if alt liftover was used in hash table.
Enabled by default if reference was built with liftover.
ann sj max indel
ID: ann_sj_max_indel
Optional: True
Type: int
Maximum indel length to expect near an annotated splice junction.
Range: 0 - 63
annotation file
ID: annotation_file
Optional: True
Type: File
Use to supply a gene annotation file. Required for quantification and gene-fusion.
dedup min qual
ID: dedup_min_qual
Optional: True
Type: int
Minimum base quality for calculating read quality metric for deduplication.
Range: 0-63
edit chain limit
ID: edit_chain_limit
Optional: True
Type: int
For edit-mode 1 or 2: Maximum seed chain length in a read to qualify for seed editing.
Range: > 0
edit mode
ID: edit_mode
Optional: True
Type: [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ]
0 = No edits, 1 = Chain len test, 2 = Paired chain len test, 3 = Edit all std seeds.
edit read len
ID: edit_read_len
Optional: True
Type: int
For edit-mode 1 or 2: Read length in which to try edit-seed-num edited seeds.
Range: > 0
edit seed num
ID: edit_seed_num
Optional: True
Type: int
For edit-mode 1 or 2: Requested number of seeds per read to allow editing on.
Range: > 0
en alt hap aln
ID: en_alt_hap_aln
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Allows chimeric alignments to be output, as supplementary.
en chimeric aln
ID: en_chimeric_aln
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Allows chimeric alignments to be output, as supplementary.
enable duplicate marking
ID: enable_duplicate_marking
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Enable the flagging of duplicate output alignment records.
enable map align
ID: enable_map_align
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Enable use of BAM input files for mapper/aligner.
enable map align
ID: enable_map_align_output
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Enables saving the output from the map/align stage.
If only running map/align, the default value is true.
If running the variant caller, the default value is false.
Therefore in the case of the dragen alignment pipeline, this will always be true.
For sanity purposes, we have it as an option since its default state is not intuitive
enable rna
ID: enable_rna
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Enable rna specific settings
enable rna quantification
ID: enable_rna_quantification
Optional: True
Type: boolean
If set to true, enables RNA quantification. Requires --enable-rna to be set to true.
enable rrna filtering
ID: enable_rrna_filter
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Use the DRAGEN RNA pipeline to filter rRNA reads during alignment. The default value is false.
enable sort
ID: enable_sort
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Enable sorting after mapping/alignment.
fastq list
ID: fastq_list
Optional: True
Type: File
CSV file that contains a list of FASTQ files for normal sample
to process (read_1 and read_2 attributes must be presigned urls for each column)
Row of fastq lists
ID: fastq_list_rows
Optional: True
Type: fastq-list-row[]
The row of fastq lists.
Each row has the following attributes:
- Lane
- Read1File
- Read2File (optional)
gap ext pen
ID: gap_ext_pen
Optional: True
Type: int
Score penalty for gap extension.
gap open pen
ID: gap_open_pen
Optional: True
Type: int
Score penalty for opening a gap (insertion or deletion).
generate md tags
ID: generate_md_tags
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Whether to generate MD tags with alignment output records. Default is false.
generate sa tags
ID: generate_sa_tags
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Whether to generate SA:Z tags for records that have chimeric/supplemental alignments.
generate zs tags
ID: generate_zs_tags
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Whether to generate ZS tags for alignment output records. Default is false.
ID: global
Optional: True
Type: boolean
If alignment is global (Needleman-Wunsch) rather than local (Smith-Waterman).
hard clips
ID: hard_clips
Optional: True
Type: int
Flags for hard clipping: [0] primary, [1] supplementary, [2] secondary.
The hard-clips option is used as a field of 3 bits, with values ranging from 0 to 7.
The bits specify alignments, as follows:
- Bit 0—primary alignments
- Bit 1—supplementary alignments
- Bit 2—secondary alignments
Each bit determines whether local alignments of that type are reported with hard clipping (1)
or soft clipping (0).
The default is 6, meaning primary alignments use soft clipping and supplementary and
secondary alignments use hard clipping.
map orientations
ID: map_orientations
Optional: True
Type: [ 0 | 1 | 2 ]
Constrain orientations to accept forward-only, reverse-complement only, or any alignments.
mapq max
ID: mapq_max
Optional: True
Type: int
Ceiling on reported MAPQ. Max 255
mapq strict js
ID: mapq_strict_js
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Specific to RNA. When set to 0, a higher MAPQ value is returned, expressing confidence that the alignment is at least partially correct. When set to 1, a lower MAPQ value is returned, expressing the splice junction ambiguity.
match n score
ID: match_n_score
Optional: True
Type: int
(signed) Score increment for matching a reference 'N' nucleotide IUB code.
Range: -16 to 15
match score
ID: match_score
Optional: True
Type: float
Score increment for matching reference nucleotide.
When global = 0, match-score > 0; When global = 1, match-score >= 0
max intron bases
ID: max_intron_bases
Optional: True
Type: int
Maximum intron length reported.
max rescues
ID: max_rescues
Optional: True
Type: int
Maximum rescue alignments per read pair. Default is 10
min intron bases
ID: min_intron_bases
Optional: True
Type: int
Minimum reference deletion length reported as an intron.
min score coeff
ID: min_score_coeff
Optional: True
Type: float
Adjustment to aln-min-score per read base.
Range: -64 to 63.999
mismatch pen
ID: mismatch_pen
Optional: True
Type: int
Score penalty for a mismatch.
no unclip score
ID: no_unclip_score
Optional: True
Type: boolean
When no-unclip-score is set to 1, any unclipped bonus (unclip-score) contributing to an alignment is removed from the alignment score before further processing.
no unpaired
ID: no_unpaired
Optional: True
Type: boolean
If only properly paired alignments should be reported for paired reads.
output prefix
ID: output_prefix
Optional: False
Type: string
The prefix given to all output files
pe max penalty
ID: pe_max_penalty
Optional: True
Type: int
Maximum pairing score penalty, for unpaired or distant ends.
Range: 0-255
pe orientation
ID: pe_orientation
Optional: True
Type: [ 0 | 1 | 2 ]
Expected paired-end orientation: 0=FR, 1=RF, 2=FF.
preserve map align order
ID: preserve_map_align_order
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Produce output file that preserves original order of reads in the input file.
reference tar
ID: reference_tar
Optional: False
Type: File
Path to ref data tarball
remove duplicates
ID: remove_duplicates
Optional: True
Type: boolean
If true, remove duplicate alignment records instead of just flagging them.
rescue sigmas
ID: rescue_sigmas
Optional: True
Type: float
Deviations from the mean read length used for rescue scan radius. Default is 2.5.
sec aligns
ID: sec_aligns
Optional: True
Type: int
Maximum secondary (suboptimal) alignments to report per read.
Range: 0 - 30
sec aligns hard
ID: sec_aligns_hard
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Set to force unmapped when not all secondary alignments can be output.
sec phred delta
ID: sec_phred_delta
Optional: True
Type: int
Only secondary alignments with likelihood within this Phred of the primary are reported.
Range: 0 - 255
sec score delta
ID: sec_score_delta
Optional: True
Type: float
Secondary aligns allowed with pair score no more than this far below primary.
seed density
ID: seed_density
Optional: True
Type: float
Requested density of seeds from reads queried in the hash table
Range: 0 - 1
supp aligns
ID: supp_aligns
Optional: True
Type: int
Maximum supplementary (chimeric) alignments to report per read.
supp as sec
ID: supp_as_sec
Optional: True
Type: boolean
If supplementary alignments should be reported with secondary flag.
supp min score adj
ID: supp_min_score_adj
Optional: True
Type: float
Amount to increase minimum alignment score for supplementary alignments.
This score is computed by host software as "8 * match-score" for DNA, and is default 0 for RNA.
unclip score
ID: unclip_score
Optional: True
Type: int
Score bonus for reaching each edge of the read.
Range: 0 - 127
unpaired pen
ID: unpaired_pen
Optional: True
Type: int
Penalty for unpaired alignments in Phred scale.
Range: 0 - 255
ID: verbose
Optional: True
Type: boolean
Enable verbose output from DRAGEN.
Click to expand!
Create dummy file
ID: dragen-alignment-pipeline--4.2.4/create_dummy_file_step
Step Type: tool
Intermediate step for letting multiqc-interop be placed in stream mode
dragen qc step
ID: dragen-alignment-pipeline--4.2.4/dragen_qc_step
Step Type: tool
The dragen qc step - this takes in an array of dirs
run dragen alignment step
ID: dragen-alignment-pipeline--4.2.4/run_dragen_alignment_step
Step Type: tool
Runs the alignment step on a dragen fpga
Takes in a fastq list and corresponding mount paths from the predefined mount paths
All other options available at the top of the workflow
Click to expand!
dragen alignment output directory
ID: dragen-alignment-pipeline--4.2.4/dragen_alignment_output_directory
Optional: False
Output Type: Directory
The output directory containing all alignment output files and qc metrics
dragen bam out
ID: dragen-alignment-pipeline--4.2.4/dragen_bam_out
Optional: False
Output Type: File
The output alignment file
dragen QC report out
ID: dragen-alignment-pipeline--4.2.4/multiqc_output_directory
Optional: False
Output Type: Directory
The dragen multiQC output