A basic application you can adapt to your organization's branding to create a fully functional agent application that works with the Unblu Collaboration Server.
To rename an application, follow these steps:
- Rename the project in the Xcode File Inspector
- Rename the scheme by clicking it and selecting "Manage Schemes..."
- Rename the project folder and .xcworkspace
- Rename your target in the Podfile
To replace the app's icons with your own, add them to the AppIcon
set of the default asset catalog.
Add the icons in all the sizes currently present.
Add the logo for the splash screen to the asset catalog, then add the name of the logo to the splashLogoIconName
property of the Configuration class.
Create a Localizable.strings file for each language you want your app to be available in and add them to the Localization section of the root project panel. For more information, refer to Apple's documentation on localization.
To set the authentication method, adapt the properties of the Configuration
There are three ways to authenticate:
Direct authentication. Set the following properties:
- The HTTP address of your Unblu Collaboration ServerunbluServerEntryPath
- The entry pathauthType = .direct
Authentication with a reverse proxy. Set the following properties:
- The HTTP address of you proxy serverunbluServerEntryPath
- The entry pathauthType = .oauthProxy
With an external identity provider and authorization header. Set the following properties:
- The HTTP address of you proxy server -
- The entry path -
authType = .oauth
- The information your identity provider requires. Here's an example:IdentityProvider(type: .Microsoft,webAuthServerAddress: "https://login.microsoftonline.com", webAuthBaseUrl: "/oauth2/v2.0", webAuthClientId: "aae6ad6b-2230-414e-83f0-2b5933499b0b", webAuthClientSecret: "VJ38Q~r0i77qACoCtdN~dig9XsYPFrT-5mZadaef", webAuthCallbackURLScheme: "msauth.com.unblu.prototype.BrandableAgent", webAuthGetTokenId: "/authorize?response_type=code", webAuthGetToken: "/token", webAuthLogout: "/logout", webAuthTenant:"8005dd54-64b0-4f9d-bf46-e2582d0c2760")
Refer to you identity provider's documentation for how to fill in these settings correctly.
To use this type of authentication, you should add a p12 file (with a p12 extension) to your projects directory next to Info.plist, and then add this file to your project (in Xcode). In the Configuration.swift file, add the file name without extension and the password for this file to the clientCertBasedAuthentication variable.
// Providing a digital certificate that can be verified by a server, for example: (pkcs12FileName: "client_cert", pkcs12Password: "secret")
// You need to create a password-protected PKCS#12 file for certificates with the '.p12' extension
// Then put this file in ios-brandable-agent-app/BrandableAgent/
// The file name without path and extension, as well as the password, you must specify in the line below
static let clientCertBasedAuthentication = (pkcs12FileName: "", pkcs12Password: "")
if you followed these two steps, this type of authentication will work automatically if the server requests such authentication.
If you use an external identity provider for authentication, uncomment the WKAppBoundDomains
section in your Info.plist file and add the following information there:
- The domain of your server
- The domain of your identity provider's server
Once you've done that, your application will only work with these domains.