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The default signjar task is lacking functionality related to the usage of external cryptograhy providers. The ub-ant-signjar-task extends this functionality to enable integration of this task with EKM.



To build the project run ant on the root directory of the project.


Copy the generated .../dist/ub-sign-jar.jar file to your ant/lib directory. Or use full path reference in your project build.xml, as follows:

<taskdef name="UbSignJar" classname="com.unboundtech.UbSignJar">
    <pathelement location=".../dist/ub-sign-jar.jar"/>


Include the task in your project build.xml to sign jar files with EKM keys, as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="UbSignJar" basedir="." default="ubsign">
   <target name="ubsign">
      <taskdef name="UbSignJar" classname="com.unboundtech.UbSignJar" />
      <UbSignJar jar="test.jar" signedjar="test.jar" partition="part1" alias="key-alias" storepass="" installationDir="C:\Program Files\DyadicSec" />

EKM Specific Task Attributes

All the existing signjar options are supported by this new task. In addition, some EKM specific attributes are included to support using with the EKM cryptograhy provider:

Attribute Description Required Default
partition The EKM partition name to use No The first partition on the partition list
providerPath The path to the EKM Java provider No The path is computed based on the installation directory
installationDir The directory where the EKM client is installed No /usr/lib(64) for Linux or C:\Program Files\DyadicSec for Windows

For the complete set of the standard signjar options, refer to signjar.


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