Adds the ability for foobar2000 to interact with the Windows 10 media control overlay.
Screenshot of the Windows 10 Media Control overlay
Screenshot of foobar2000 in your Discord status using Music Presence
Compilation requires Windows 10 SDK version 10.0.10240.0 or higher.
- Open the provided solution file (foobar2000/foo_mediacontrol/foo_mediacontrol.sln) in Visual Studio.
- Change the target to "Release" and platform to "x86".
- Build the solution (Default: Ctrl+Shift+B).
- Move the resulting foo_mediacontrol.dll to your foobar2000's components folder.
- (Re)Start foobar2000.
Build the project by opening Visual Studio and following these steps:
- Go to "Build" and click "Clean Solution"
- Select "Release" and "x86". Go to "Build" and click "Rebuild foo_mediacontrol"
- Select "Release" and "x64". Go to "Build" and click "Rebuild foo_mediacontrol"
- Wait until both builds completed successfully
Now open a command prompt and enter the following command,
presuming you have make
make package
files for x86 and x64 will be in the package