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Build WAR File

Build a war file form manual deployment with ./ the result is in the target folder.

Build Docker image

Create an image with tomcat and OData webservice with

docker image build --tag .

or uncomment the build section in docker-compose.yml and use docker-compose build instead.

Start Tomcat

Start a tomcat server with port 8080 mapped to the host

docker-compose up -d

Environment variable need to be added

The Solr Url must be added as an environment variable to start the api. The Url must point to the DSpace Solr instance.

variable: SOLR_URL

Example value:

value: http://localhost:8080/solr/search

Adjustments regarding data model of dspace instance

Already existing Entitys (Publication, Project, Researcher, Orgunit) can be used as default.

Probably need to be changed for entitys (regarding your database model):

  • Resource_TYPE_FILTER need to be changed, if you are using a different resource type filters at your dspace installation. You can find your Resource Type Filters in solr: localhost:8080/solr/#/search/schema-browser?field=resourcetype_filter
  • For Entity Publication: ID_CONVERTER_TYP need to be changed to the handle you are using at your dspace instance for dspace items
  • Metadata field names and mapping of names in all Entities regarding your database model

All new Entities with metadata need to be definied in src/main/java/entitys/ and added to src/main/java/entitys/EntityRegister. Relations between those entities and ComplexProperties (which represents NestedObjects from DspaceCris) need to be registered in the EntitiyRegister as well.

Use OData API


  • Get all Projects http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Projects

  • Get all Researchers http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Researchers

  • Get all Publications http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Publications

  • Get all Orgunits http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Orgunits

  • Get Researcher with id 1 http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Researchers(1)

  • Get Publication with id 7 http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Publications(7)

  • Get all Publications of Orgunit with id 5 http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Orgunits(5)/Publications

  • Get all Researchers of Orgunit with id 5 http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Orgunits(5)/Researchers

  • Get all Publications of Researcher with id 5 http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Researchers(5)/Publications

  • Get all Researchers of Orgunit and Orgunit data with id 5 in single JSON Object http://localhost:8070/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Orgunits(14)?$expand=Researchers

  • Filter Researcher Name with String 'Test' http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Researchers?$filter=contains(name,'Test')

  • Filter Publications of a Researcher with String 'Book' http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/Researchers(5)/Publications?$filter=contains(type,'Book')

Use OData API with CSL

  • Get all Publications of Researcher with id 5 in csl style 'apa' http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/cslforresearcher(style='apa',id=5)

  • Get Publications of orgunit with id 11 in style 'ieee' http://localhost:8080/ODataService/ODataService.svc/cslfororgunit(style='ieee',id=11)

  • It is still possible to add filter or order options to the uri: .../cslfororgunit(style='ieee',id=11)?$filter=contains(type,'book')

API Architecture

rough draft of the architecture:

More informations and filter options of OData

please have a look at: Apache Olingo Olingo OData 4.0 Javadoc


OData REST API for DSpace-CRIS 5.8







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