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Structured logger for Uniplaces Go projects.



import logger ""


Initializing the logger requires a config as parameter where you can set which is the current environment and the desired log level.

logger.Init(logger.NewConfig("staging", "warning"))

Note: make sure you call Init only once and as early as possible in your program.


Since the logger is implemented as a singleton, you can access it anywhere.

Simple use
logger.Debug("debug message")
logger.Error(errors.New("error message"))
Structured use
    AddField("test", "value").
    AddContextField("foo", "bar").
    Debug("debug message")
Adding default fields
// Normal field
logger.AddDefaultField("normal-field", "normal_field_value", false)

// Context field
logger.AddDefaultField("context-field", "context_field_value", true)


This project's main focus is to bring a common standard to our Go projects's logs and, as such, please try to follow these guidelines when using this logger:

1 - Add contextual information when logging an error

Use AddContextField(key string, value interface{}).

Example: when trying to fetch something from dynamodb and it fails.

In this case, contextual logging would include the ID of the object you're trying to fetch.

Note: avoid using this when handling sensitive information!

2 - Log as soon as possible

Logs should be specific and easy to trace back, so generic error logging should be avoided.