Framework code which allows for configuration of an AWS environment necessary to do the things that U-CS needs to :
- build (perhaps not for all service areas -- but offered if they want it)
- unit test
- publish
- integration tests. (run U-CS end)
- deploy (U-CS)
- etc..
This repo also houses the GitHub actions (push-button for now) that can trigger builds, tests, etc..
Unity CS is a framework of common components for the Unity project. These components include (but are not limited to):
- Software deployment workflows
- Smoke Test workflows
- Environment teardown workflows
- Software build workflows
The goal of Unity CS is to remove much of the hassle of build and deploy work from developers and implement it in an automated manner that is both transparent and executes seamlessly.
tools standardized file locations
How to prepare a repository for use in Unity In order to prepare a repository for automated builds and deployments certain standardized paths and filenames must be utilized so that Unity knows where to find them.
Automated builds rely on a common build entry point such as a script and a set of credentials plus a destination for publishing. These credentials are stored in environment variables for security and accessed at runtime.
- Build-time
- unit tests
- Deploy-time
- smoketests
- After deployment
- system/integration tests
Deployments are handled through Terraform. Terraform scripts are stored in the terraform-unity directory in a repositorys root directory. At deployment time the terraform scripts are validated and
└── terraform-unity
Smoke tests are a simple test to validate a successful deployment. While they may not test all the functionality of a system, they should be comprehensive enough to fail if the deployment has failed.
In order for Unity to find the smoke tests, they must live in the smoketest directory. Currently python smoktetests are supported, but additional formats will be supported in the future.
└── smoketest
Teardowns are managed in the same way as deployments, through Terraform. The teardown workflow is supplied by Unity and requires no additional files in the target repository as long as the terraform-unity directory is set up correctly.
Our workflows are wrapped in Github actions to allow us to run them inside Github easily. But we also want to be able to run them locally. As such we have a docker image that allows you to trigger actions using the Act project to bootstrap the actions. Act also makes use of docker so you need to pass the docker sock into the platform to be able to run it, as follows on a linux host:
docker pull
docker run -it -v //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker
You can also check the workflows out of this repo and run them outside of docker.