This is a bot for #unity-coders, which uses pircbotx. Source available on github.
If you would like documentation on how to use the bot, please consult the project wiki.
$ mvn package
$ mkdir target/config
$ cp src/main/resources/uc_pircbotx.json.example target/config/bot.json
# edit config in target/config/bot.json
$ java -jar target/uc_pircbotx-0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Warning: This is very experimental. It /should/ work on debian based distributions providing all the packages needed are installed.
$ mvn package
$ # edit src/main/scripts/ucbot-ctl # change user as needed
$ # edit src/main/scripts/unix-install # change user to match ucbot-ctl
$ sudo src/main/scripts/unix-install
$ vim /etc/uc_pircbotx.json # edit to suit your needs
$ sudo ucbot-ctl
This is the way we are currently using the bot for our needs. There is a public docker image on docker hub.
There are however a few issues needing to be fixed:
- Plugins directory is not a thing yet
mkdir config plugins
wget -O config/bot.json
# edit config file
sudo docker run -d --name ircbot -v `pwd`/config:/home/uc_pircbotx/config -v `pwd`/plugins:/home/uc_pircbotx/plugins webpigeon/uc_pircbotx
This is mostly for webpigeon incase he forgets
# sudo docker login
sudo docker build -t webpigeon/uc_pircbotx .
sudo docker push webpigeon/uc_pircbotx
The maven website has tutorials on using maven with eclipse. You can see them at
Opening a maven project in netbeans will work 'out of the box' as of Netbeans 6.9 (7.1+ recommended).