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Disclaimer - Work in progress

The repository you are looking into is work in progress. It contains proof of concept and preview builds in development.

The repository's content provides you with first insights into the containerized cloud IAM from Univention, derived from the UCS appliance.

LDAP directory synchronization with UCS

This component searches user and group entries via LDAP, e.g. in MS Active Directory or OpenLDAP, and syncs the users and groups found via UDM REST API to UCS.

The synchronization always processes the full source data and thus does not have to maintain any local state.


Implementation notes

  • The connector always reads the full source and target data (users and groups) to calculate the required modifications in the target.
  • The connector does not store any local state.
  • Only a single source is configured. If you want to sync from multiple sources simply run multiple instances with separate config files.
  • The OU structure of the AD source is ignored and all user and groups are written into a single dedicated target container (OU).
  • A configurable primary key is used to correctly synchronize renamed entries. Note that renaming a group which is referenced as nested group may require two connector runs to fully update the target entries.


Access control

  • The source directory should have a dedicated service account configured which allows searching/reading all wanted users and groups entries.
  • A service account has to be created in UCS which allows to write users and groups in the configured target container (OU).


  • The connector has to reach the target UCS system on port 443/tcp.
  • The connector has to reach the source directory via TCP (e.g. port 636/tcp).
  • No inbound connections are needed.

Encrypted connections with TLS

Because this component sends clear-text passwords when connecting it is required that all source and target systems are configured to properly support encrypted connections via transport layer security (TLS).

See also: BSI TR-02102 Kryptographische Verfahren: Empfehlungen und Schlüssellängen



Install with pip

Install with pip into virtual environment directory /opt/udm-directory-connector:

tar xzf udm-directory-connector-0.0.1.tar.gz
cd udm-directory-connector-0.0.1
python3 -m venv /opt/udm-directory-connector
/opt/udm-directory-connector/bin/pip install .
mkdir /etc/udm-directory-connector

Create Debian package

You can use the setuptools helper module stdeb to generate Debian/Ubuntu packages. The file stdeb.cfg is provided to faciliate use of this.

See also container-stdeb for running the package builds in a separate container.


Note that udm-directory-connector process has to be invoked in regular time-intervals either as a CRON job or triggered by a systemd.timer.

From within a virtual env

If installed into virtual environment /opt/udm-directory-connector you can invoke the auto-generate wrapper script:

/opt/udm-directory-connector/bin/udm-directory-connector /etc/udm-directory-connector/

To provide stricter run-time settings with Python's command-line arguments:

/opt/udm-directory-connector/bin/python3 -W error -I -bb -m udm_directory_connector /etc/udm-directory-connector/

Packaged executable

If installed from Debian/Ubuntu package:

/usr/bin/udm-directory-connector /etc/udm-directory-connector/

With systemd service units

See example systemd service unit for a so-called one-shot service: [email protected]

For running multiple synchronization processes on a single system use systemd service instances and use specifiers referencing separate config files.

For each sync process create a systemd timer unit triggering a service unit instance. See example systemd timer unit for triggering the one-short service: udm-directory-connector.service

See relevant systemd man-pages:


The configuration file is written in YAML syntax and is structured as a hierarchy.

See configuration example in source distribution directory config/.

At the top hierarchy level there are these config dictionaries:

  • udm: Parameters for configuring how to reach UDM and some more.
  • source: Parameters for configuring how to connect to the LDAP source directory and some data transformation rules.


  • uri: (mandatory) URI including base path for accessing UDM REST API
  • user: (mandatory) User's name used for authenticating to UDM
  • password: (mandatory) User's password used for authenticating to UDM
  • ca_cert: (optional) Path name of the trusted CA certificate bundle file. Defaults to your platform-specific CA bundle file.
  • skip_writes: (optional) If true this skips write operations to UDM (default false).
  • connect_timeout: (optional) Timeout in seconds to wait for connection to UDM (default 6.0 secs).
  • read_timeout: (optional) Timeout in seconds to wait for UDM results (default 1800 secs).
  • user_ou: (mandatory) Name of the OU used as target container for user entries.
  • user_pkey_property: (optional) UDM property to use for storing the remote primary key for users.
  • user_properties: (optional) List of user property names the connector writes to.
  • group_ou: (mandatory) Name of the OU used as target container for group entries.
  • group_pkey_property: (optional) UDM property to use for storing the remote primary key for groups.
  • group_properties: (optional) List of group property names the connector writes to.


  • ldap_uri: (mandatory) LDAP URI of the source directory to connect to. Ideally you should configure an URI starting with ldaps:// here to ensure LDAP over TLS is used right from the beginning. Note that the OpenLDAP client library (libldap) used by python-ldap implements a TLS hostname check strictly requring the hostname in the LDAP URI to match one of the DNS values of X.509v3 extension subjectAltName in the source directory's TLS server certificate.
  • bind_dn: (mandatory) The bind DN to use authenticate to the source directory via LDAP simple bind operation.
  • bind_pw: (mandatory) The clear-text password to use with LDAP simple bind operation.
  • ca_cert: (optional) Path name of the trusted CA certificate bundle file. Defaults to your platform-specific CA bundle file.
  • timeout: (optional) Timeout in seconds to wait for network (default 5 secs).
  • search_pagesize: (optional) Page size to used when searching with Simple Paged Results control.
  • user_base: (mandatory) search base used when searching user entries.
  • user_scope: "sub" Search scope used when searching user entries. ("one" or "sub", default "sub").
  • user_filter: (optional) LDAP filter used when searching user entries.
  • user_attrs: (optional) LDAP attributes to be requested while searching for users. Recommendation is to only list the attributes actually used in transformation/mapping later.
  • user_range_attrs: (optional) LDAP user attributes for which values are optionally retrieved by Range Retrieval (for MS AD)
  • user_trans: Data transformation configuration applied to user entries.
  • group_base: (mandatory) search base used when searching group entries.
  • group_scope: "sub" Search scope used when searching group entries. ("one" or "sub", default "sub").
  • group_filter: (optional) LDAP filter used when searching group entries.
  • group_attrs: (optional) LDAP attributes to be requested while searching for groups. Recommendation is to only list the attributes actually used in transformation/mapping later.
  • group_range_attrs: (optional) LDAP group attributes for which values are optionally retrieved by Range Retrieval (for MS AD)
  • group_trans: Data transformation configuration applied to group entries.


The connector writes log messages at different log level:

  • DEBUG Very detailed messages only used for development and debugging. Do not use in production.
  • INFO The normal log level used for production especially for logging all changes done to the target.
  • WARN Messages indicating something went wrong to be investigated at a later time.
  • ERROR Messages indicating something went wrong to be investigated immediately.

The following environment variables are used to influence logging before the connector reads its normal configuration file:

  • LOG_LEVEL Minimum log level really written to logs (defaults to INFO)
  • LOG_CONF Full path name of a Python logging configuration file. If not set all log messages are simply written to stderr with a format including a time-stamp.

See also:


The connector does not provide a monitoring end-point itself.

Some metrics could be extracted from log messages with tools like mtail, promtail or similar.

Running tests

For running the tests you need:

  • Locally installed OpenLDAP server software (aka slapd)
  • python-ldap 3.4.0+ (3.4.0 or newer because of recent changes in slapdtest using cn=config instead of slapd.conf)

You can directly execute the tests by invoking module unittest from the command-line:

cd udm-directory-connector/
python3 -m venv /path/to/venv
/path/to/venv/bin/pip install -e .
/path/to/venv/bin/python3 -W error -I -bb -m unittest

The command-line arguments -W error -I -bb are used to run the tests in very strict mode (for details see Python 3 Command line -- Miscellaneous options).

You might have to set environment vars BIN and SBIN to indicate where the OpenLDAP command-line tools and the slapd executable can be found.

It is highly recommended to run the tests in a virtual env dynamically created by tox:

BIN=/opt/openldap-ms/bin:/opt/openldap-ms/sbin SBIN=/opt/openldap-ms/sbin tox

Test cases

Note that modifying source entries and verifying the change in UCS depends on the actual configuration (attribute mapping/composition etc.). So this section does not contain detailed attribute/property values.


Add user

Action in the source directory:

  • Add a new user not present in UCS yet.

Expected result:

  • New user was added after next connector run.
  • Attribute value uid matches configured user name in the source directory.
  • Attribute value univentionObjectIdentifier matches the configured primary attribute value in the source directory.

Modify user

Action in the source directory:

  • Modify some attributes in the source directory which are mapped to UDM properties in the configuration, e.g. mail, description, but not(!) the username (uid or sAMAccountName).

Expected result:

  • Existing user was modified after next connector run.

Rename user

Action in the source directory:

  • Modify username attributes in the source directory, e.g. uid or sAMAccountName.

Expected result:

  • Existing user was renamed after next connector run.
  • Attribute value uid matches configured username in the source directory.
  • User is still member of the same groups.

Delete user

Action in the source directory:

  • Delete a user entry in the source directory.

Expected result:

  • Existing user was removed after next connector run.


Add group

Action in the source directory:

  • Add a new group not present in UCS yet.

Expected result:

  • New group was added after next connector run.
  • Attribute value cn matches configured group name in the source directory.
  • Attribute value univentionObjectIdentifier matches the configured primary attribute value in the source directory.

Modify group

Action in the source directory:

  • Modify some attributes in the source directory which are mapped to UDM properties in the configuration, e.g. description.

Expected result:

  • Existing group was modified after next connector run.

Add user to group

Remove user from group

Rename group

Action in the source directory:

  • Modify group name attributes in the source directory, e.g. cn.

Expected result:

  • Existing group was renamed after next connector run.
  • Attribute value cn matches configured group name in the source directory.

Delete group

Action in the source directory:

  • Delete a group entry in the source directory.

Expected result:

  • Existing group was removed after next connector run.


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