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OX Provisioning App

A provisioning App that connects UCS' IDM with OX' database. This is done via the App Center's listener integration and OX' SOAP API.

The App itself is a Docker container that brings nothing but the files needed to speak to the SOAP server.

  • App name: TODO
  • AppID: ox-connector


The following UDM objects are covered:

  • Contexts
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Resources

How it works

The App Center creates a listener for the App directly on the UCS server, it is installed on, based on the following attribute in the ini file:

ListenerUDMModules = oxmail/oxcontext, users/user

The listener then writes on each and every change a file with only :


Additionally, a service runs on UCS: The "listener converter". It converts the afore mentioned json file into another json file. The first file (from the listener) basically only writes the entryUUID of the object. The converter uses UDM and dumps the attribute of the object to


When done converting all files it found in the directory of the listener, the converter looks in its own directory: Are there any JSON files? If yes, it triggers a script in the container of the App:

docker cp ... /var/cache/univention-appcenter/.../ox-connector.listener_trigger:/tmp/listener_trigger`
docker exec ... /tmp/listener_trigger

The trigger file, shipped by the App itself, runs and shall find and process all files in /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/ox-connector/data/listener/ (this directory is mounted automatically).

It has to iterate over all files it finds. Every file it processed successfully, it shall delete.

After the trigger script finishes, the converter waits 5 seconds and repeats converting files and running the trigger again (if there are new files or files from a prior, unsuccessful run of the trigger).

To summarize:

  • The App Center takes care of putting JSON files into the container
  • The files contain the information about one and only one object. It may be of Context, User, ...
  • The files are ordered by timestamp
  • The logic how to process these is in a script that runs inside the container
  • The script can process the files in order
  • The script will not run twice at the same time
  • The script exits on the first failed SOAP call. It can repeat processing the JSON file after 5 seconds because it runs again
  • Proper Queue Management is not yet implemented. But you may do rm /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/ox-connector/listener/$broken.json at any time

Setup (Dev and QA)

The whole point is to decouple OX and the integration. Yet, we want to run against a real OX.

Setup OX

Install the OX App Suite app on a UCS system in a separate domain. The domains for OX App Suite and OX Connector must not be the same. Otherwise, you encounter problems regarding LDAP schema and more.

#ucr set ox/joinscript/skip=yes  # we provide a join script. but we need some setup steps nonetheless (creation of the ox master admin)
ucr set ox/listener/enabled=false  # we provide the listener
# OX uses LDAP (settings) of the UCS server with the connector app:
ucr set \
    ox/cfg/,dc=local \
    ox/cfg/,cn=dc,cn=computers,dc=ucs,dc=local \
    ox/cfg/ \
univention-app install oxseforucs


The SOAP endpoints are not avaiable by default. You need to modify /etc/apache2/conf-available/proxy_http_ox_100_appsuite.conf. This needs to be in there:

<Location /webservices>
    # restrict access to the soap provisioning API
    Order Deny,Allow
    Allow from all  # <- this changed. you may want to be more subtle, but this works
    Allow from
    # you might add more ip addresses / networks here
    # Allow from 192.168 10 172.16

Setup OX connector

On the system where the OX connector app should be installed, install the UCS mail server app first::

univention-app install mailserver

Then install the OX connector app::

univention-app install ox-connector --set \
  OX_MASTER_ADMIN="oxadminmaster" \
  LOCAL_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin" \
  OX_SMTP_SERVER="smtp://$(hostname -f):587" \
  OX_IMAP_SERVER="imap://$(hostname -f):143" \
  • The password for OX_MASTER_PASSWORD is the content of /etc/ox-secrets/master.secret on OX server.
  • The mail server for OX_SMTP_SERVER and OX_IMAP_SERVER has just been installed on this host.
  • The value for OX_SOAP_SERVER is the FQDN of the server where OX is installed.

When the app was installed, the SSL CA certificate of the OX server must be imported into the apps Docker container::

root@m151:~# univention-app shell ox-connector
/oxp # wget --no-check-certificate -O /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/soap-server.crt
/oxp # update-ca-certificates
# ignore "WARNING: ca-certificates.crt does not contain exactly one certificate or CRL: skipping"

Now when users are created on the host with the OX connector app, they will have a mailbox on it, and OX will use it.


How to build the container. On a UCS:

GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1 git clone
cd provisioning
# creates

(This checks out certain submodules. There are some flaws when the submodules branch changes. You may need to remove and re-clone the whole repository sometimes?)

Install during Development Phase

For now, follow docker build instructions in Build. Then

#univention-app dev-set ox-connector Volumes=ox-connector:/  # tbd
univention-app install ox-connector --do-not-pull --set OX_MASTER_PASSWORD="$(cat /etc/ox-secrets/master.secret)"
service univention-directory-manager-rest restart  # Bug 50253

Double check

Here you can follow what the App does:

tail -f /var/log/univention/listener_modules/ox-connector.log


On your laptop:

devsync ~/git/provisioning/ /var/lib/docker/volumes/ox-connector/_data/ # tbd


There shall be a lot of tests. These can be executed like this:

univention-app shell ox-connector
python3 -m pytest -l -v tests


Besides the necessary steps for an app update, make sure to apply the following steps before release of a new app version for the OX Connect app.

  1. - Update the DOC_TARGET_VERSION variable in .gitlab-ci.yml to the new app version. The variable makes sure that the new app version has a dedicated documentation.

  2. - Add an appropriate changelog entry to docs/changelog.rst and follow the recommendation at

  3. - Update the link to the app documentation in the app description to the appropriate version link.

  4. - Push the updated documentation to the repository. Manually trigger the production in the docs pipeline.

  5. - After running the production job for the documentation in the pipeline, update the symlink latest the new version in the ox-connector-app directory of the repository.

  6. - To deploy the documentation, trigger the deploy job in the pipeline of the repository.

Build and push the container:

$ make clean
$ rsync -av -n --delete --exclude .git --exclude appsuite --exclude __pycache__ ./ --exclude venv --exclude .pytest_cache --exclude requirements_all.txt [email protected]:ox-provisioning/
# All OK? Then repeat the above command with the '-n'.
$ ssh [email protected]
$ cd ox-provisioning
$ ./build_docker_image --release --push

Transfer Appcenter configuration to App Provider Portal:



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