This is the active branch for the project. Refer to the todos at the bottom for current progress.
- To run it on your own machine make a .env file in the root directory with the following
- Make sure that you have firebase set up with a firestore database with rules allowing reads and writes.
- Use (npm install) to download all necessary modules/libraries.
Authentication (user)
- Email register/login
- Email password reset
- Email account verification (verify account)
- Email restrict accounts to "" accounts.
- Check to see if the name has already been used
- Set up database (with how data is stored)
- Configure read/write perms
- Store pickems
- Set up storage db for team images
- Method to delete images that are no longer in use
Pickem (admin)
- Create a teams
- Store a team's image
- Colour picker to choose a team's colour accent in pickems.
- Create a match
- Pick a winner
- Update all user scores after a winner is chosen
- Edit team features
- Edit match features
- Option to update leaderboard
Pickem (user)
- Choose a team for each pickem
- Rechoose pickems
- See current score
UI work
- Pickem (concise and descriptive)
- Leaderboard (cleaner akin to league 2024 pickems or CR leaderboard)
- Home page (content + UI)
- Colour scheme (dark mode !!!)