Live tracking system of a Xbee-based payload with Google Earth.
Done by UPC Space Program - ESEIAAT, UPC - 2017
What can you find here?
#Main Scripts
- -> Python script to create a KML spline from a CSV document. Please notice this CSV document has a structure of "time", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Altitude" for each column. GPS_ballon.csv is an exemple of a CSV document and "path.kml" is the KML file
xbee_balloon -> python script that creates a KML point readint from a Serial port and appends data to a CSV file.
xbee_car -> python script that creates a KML point reading from a Serial port.
#Calling scripts for unix-based systems
xbee_balloon_command -> it calls forever "xbee_balloon"
xbee_car_comand -> it calls forever "xbee_car"
xbee_csvtokml_command -> it calls forever ""
Other PNG files and KML files are just an exemple that could be added to a Google Earth.
Please change boundrate and port from main scripts to your preferences