Converts a monophonic wav file into a MIDI file. A more in depth explanation can be found here
To run, the following must be installed
- Arrayfire Binaries ( Last tested with 3.6.2 )
- CUDA Toolkit
- If CUDA is not installed it should fallback to OpenCL or CPU
- Python3
- Required python packages:
pip install --user numpy PyQt5 pyqtgraph matplotlib
- Make sure that the CUDA and Arrayfire Environment Variables are set correctly
First build the Rust source [1] as a dynamic library to create wav2midi.dll
with the following:
$ cargo +nightly build
- Dependency
requires nightly toolchain:
$ rustup install nightly
$ [-h] -f FILE_NAME [-w WINDOW] [-p HIGHPASS] [-r HPS_RATE]
provides a GUI
$ make
will create a standalone distributable folder if Rust Toolchain and Python3 are installed. SINGLE_FILE=1
flag will create a single executable file instead of a folder, but the execution will be slower as everytime files are unpacked into a temporary folder
- testaudio/tetris_acoustic_guitar.wav → testaudio/tetris_acoustic_guitar.mid -f testaudio/tetris_acoustic_guitar.wav -w 13 -p 215 -r 3 -o 7 -c 1.03
- testaudio/tetris_violin.wav → testaudio/tetris_violin.mid -f testaudio/tetris_violin.wav -w 13 -p 215 -r 6 -o 7 -c 1.02