This application was created as a final project for The Iron Yard St. Petersburg for the May 2015 Ruby on Rails Engineering cohort. I presented a demo of it at The Iron Yard Demo Day on July 24rth, 2015. Video of this presentation is available here.
This application was generated with the rails_apps_composer gem provided by the RailsApps Project.
Rails Composer is open source and supported by subscribers. Please join RailsApps to support development of Rails Composer.
This app was upgraded to the Heroku-18 stack on January 13th, 2020. Hopefully.
Need help? Ask on Stack Overflow with the tag 'railsapps.'
Your application contains diagnostics in the README file. Please provide a copy of the README file when reporting any issues.
If the application doesn't work as expected, please report an issue and include the diagnostics.
This application requires:
- Ruby 2.3.1
- Rails
Learn more about Installing Rails.
Michael Nash is a Ruby on Rails developer. He is a recent graduate of The Iron Yard St Peterburg’s Ruby on Rails program. He is also a former academic, with an MA in Chinese History from Columbia and years of travel and language experience around Asia.
His current projects include (but are not limited to) developing a series of Rails engines as a supplement to rails composer, working through the problems on the Euler Project in Ruby, working through the Learnynode program to learn Node.js, and and learning the basics of Python.
His portfolio is available at Github here.
He tweets at @utumno86.