This project is not maintained anymore, please use symfony/process instead.
Copyright 2012 Christian Sciberras & Contributors
No Specific Licensing (do whatever you want with it)
PHP command execution on steroids (aka interactively).
A PHP class for running programs through PHP, (uses proc_open()
), interactively,
that is giving a chance to your script to respond to input requests accordingly.
Assuming we have the following batch script:
SET /p name=Enter your name:
ECHO Hello, %name%!
One can interact with this batch script as follows:
$exec = new InterExec('test.bat');
$exec->on('start', function(){
echo 'Start<br/>';
$exec->on('output', function($exec, $data){
echo '> '.$data.'<br/>';
$exec->on('input', function($exec, $last){
$data = PHP_EOL; // default input, to unblock stream
if($last == 'Enter your name: ')
$data = 'John Doe'.PHP_EOL;
echo '< '.$data.'<br/>';
return $data;
$exec->on('stop', function(){
echo 'Stop<br/>';
The above would result in the following page:
> Enter your name:
< John Doe
> Hello, John Doe!
> Press any key to continue...
string $command_to_run
The command to run.
array|null $environment_vars
Environment variables (null to use existing variables).
integer $timeout
Time, in seconds, after which command is forcefully aborted.
string $stdout
All of the program's standard output till now.
string $stderr
All of the program's error output till now.
integer $return
Program's exit code (obviously only set after program quits).
float $time_start
Timestamp of when execution started.
float $time_taken
The time taken for the program to run and close.
boolean $fix_windows_path
If enabled, fixes a problem with popen not allow spaces inside program path (even when quoted).
float $tick_interval
Interval between ticks, in seconds (a value of zero disables interval).
resource $process_handle
Resource handle for currently running command process (or null if none running).
integer $data_buffer_size
Size of buffer for reading from pipes.
string $pipeType
Type of the pipe, InterExec::PIPE_TYPE_DEFAULT or InterExec::PIPE_TYPE_PTY
__construct($command_to_run [, $environment_vars])
Constructs new execution instance. string $command_to_run The command line to execute. array $environment_vars (Optional) Environment variables.
on($event, $callback)
Calls $callback when an event is triggered. string $event Name of event. callable $callback The callback to call.
Returns whether process is currently running or not.
Runs the specified command.
- start - Triggered when program starts.
- stop - Triggered when program ends.
- tick - Triggered on each execution step (see interval property).
- input($last):$data - Called when program is requesting input.
contains last output buffer. Callback should return$data
to be sent to program. - output($data) - Called when program sent some output.
contains the standard output fragment. - error($data) - Called when program signals erroneous state.
contains the standard error fragment.
All callbacks will receive the command object that triggered the event, as first parameter (as a solution to unavailability of $this
in PHP object callbacks).