Welcome to AUVIC's software repository. We use the Robot Operating System (ROS) to build C++ and python programs that give our autonomous underwater vehicles life. Computer vision, artificial Intelligence, motor controls, neural networks, web development, and UI/UX design are some of many projects we pursue. If you are interested in joining our team or have any questions or just wanna talk, email us @ [email protected] :)
- Fork this repository
- Clone your copy onto your computer via GIT
- When installing GIT, make sure to set in the settings "commit as-is". This will save us headaches in the future.
- Install ROS Noetic (or Melodic)
- ROS runs on Ubuntu 20.04 (Noetic) and Ubuntu 18.04 (Melodic), however, WSL (windows subsystem) has worked with ROS Kinetic, but I am unsure if this still is the case.
- Docker is another alternative, however, that is beyond the scope of this "getting started" since it doesn't run on all computers.
- I created a bash script in wiki/configuration/system_setup called "noetic_setup.sh" for Ubuntu 20.04 users that will install ros & rosdep for the lazy ones.
- Go into "trident" and call rosdep on each of the packages to install the external dependencies.
Email [email protected] or contact the software lead for help.
The 2021 auv that is currently in development. To create a pull request, Squash your commits by:
- git reset --soft HEAD~< number of commits >
- git reset --soft HEAD~27
- git commit -m "message"
- git push origin +name-of-branch
- The plus sign is not a typo
The 2018 auv that is now getting retired.
The 2016 auv that has been retired.
Store your images, rqt_graphs, and URDF/Gazebo screenshots here.
Contains CI file for trident. Check it out!
Has some sandbox stuff. Check it out, not sure whats really inside honestly.