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refactor: organize repository structure and exclude .rds files from p…
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…re-commit checks (#20)

* refactor: Move .rds files to data-raw and R script to scripts

* Update .pre-commit-config.yaml

Co-authored-by: Cordero Core <[email protected]>


Co-authored-by: Cordero Core <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
IshikaKhandelwal and uwcdc authored Nov 8, 2024
1 parent dd23475 commit a8e3866
Show file tree
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Showing 6 changed files with 358 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .pre-commit-config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ repos:
rev: "v5.0.0"
- id: check-added-large-files
exclude: '^data-raw/.*\.rds$'
- id: check-case-conflict
- id: check-merge-conflict
- id: check-symlinks
Expand Down
Binary file added data-raw/future_climaate_data.rds
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data-raw/grid.rds
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data-raw/historical_climaate_data.rds
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added data-raw/primates_shapefiles.rds
Binary file not shown.
357 changes: 357 additions & 0 deletions scripts/VISS_Sample_Data.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@

# set the folder containing the files as the working directory
path <- "data-raw/"

# load data
historical_climate <- readRDS(paste0(path, "historical_climaate_data.rds"))
future_climate <- readRDS(paste0(path, "future_climaate_data.rds"))
grid <- readRDS(paste0(path, "grid.rds"))
primates_shp <- readRDS(paste0(path, "primates_shapefiles.rds"))

# historical_climate : spatraster containing monthly climate simulations of surface mean temperature from 1850 to 2014.
# future_climate : spatraster containing monthly climate simulations of surface mean temperature from 2015 to 2100.
# primates_shp : distribution polygons of world primates
# grid : 100 km x 100 km grid used to extract and match climate and distribution data

# 1. Transform the distribution polygons to match the grid
# The function prepare_range transform the polygons to the grid format.
# It returns a list in which each elements contains a vector of integers,
# which represents the IDs of the grid cells that overlap with the polygons

# function
prepare_range <- function(range_data, grid){

# filter presence (extant), origin (native and reintroduced), and seasonal (resident and breeding)
range_filtered <- range_data %>%
dplyr::filter(presence == 1,
origin %in% c(1,2),
seasonal %in% c(1,2))

plan("multisession", workers = availableCores() - 1)

res <- future_map(st_geometry(range_filtered), possibly(function(x){
y <- st_intersects(x, grid)
y <- unlist(y)
y <- grid %>%
slice(y) %>%

}, quiet = T), .progress = TRUE)

names(res) <- range_filtered$sci_name

res <- discard(res, is.null)

# combining elements with same name
res_final <- tapply(unlist(res, use.names = FALSE), rep(names(res), lengths(res)), FUN = c)



# run
primates_range_data <- prepare_range(primates_shp, grid)

# 2. Extract climate data using the grid
# The function extract_climate_data extract the climate data associate with each cell in the grid.
# It creates a data frame (tibble) in which each row
# represents a grid cell, and each columns a time step

# function
extract_climate_data <- function(climate_data, grid){

climate <- project(climate_data, "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
climate <- rotate(climate)
climate <- climate - 273.15

df <- exact_extract(climate, grid, fun = "mean", weights = "area")
df <- as_tibble(df) %>%
mutate(world_id = grid$world_id) %>%



# run
historical_climate_df <- extract_climate_data(historical_climate, grid)
future_climate_df <- extract_climate_data(future_climate, grid)

# rename columns
colnames(historical_climate_df) <- c("world_id", 1850:2014)
colnames(future_climate_df) <- c("world_id", 2015:2100)

# 3. Compute the thermal limits for each species
# The function get_niche_limits calculates upper and lower niche limits.
# It creates a data frame with maximum and minimum niche estimates for each species

# functions
get_niche_limits <- function(species_ranges, climate_df){

data <- climate_df %>%
filter(world_id %in% species_ranges) %>%
select(-world_id) %>%

# when the range don't overlap with the climate data, return NA
if(nrow(data) == 0) return(tibble(niche_max = NA, niche_min = NA))

means <- apply(data, 1, mean)
sds <- apply(data, 1, sd) * 3

upper_limit <- means + sds
lower_limit <- means - sds

upper_outliers <- sweep(data ,1, upper_limit)
lower_outliers <- sweep(data ,1, lower_limit)

data[upper_outliers > 0] <- NA
data[lower_outliers < 0] <- NA

row_max <- apply(data, 1, max, na.rm = T)
row_min <- apply(data, 1, min, na.rm = T)

row_max_mean <- mean(row_max)
row_max_sd <- sd(row_max) * 3

row_min_mean <- mean(row_min)
row_min_sd <- sd(row_min) * 3


row_max_upper <- row_max_mean + row_max_sd
row_max_lower <- row_max_mean - row_max_sd

row_min_upper <- row_min_mean + row_min_sd
row_min_lower <- row_min_mean - row_min_sd

pre_max <- row_max[which(row_max <= row_max_upper & row_max >= row_max_lower)]
pre_min <- row_min[which(row_min <= row_min_upper & row_min >= row_min_lower)]

niche_max <- max(pre_max)
niche_min <- min(pre_min)

res <- data.frame(niche_max,niche_min)

} else {

niche_max <- apply(data, 1, max, na.rm = T)
niche_min <- apply(data, 1, min, na.rm = T)

res <- data.frame(niche_max,niche_min)




# run
plan("multisession", workers = availableCores() - 1)
niche_limits <- future_map_dfr(primates_range_data, ~ get_niche_limits(.x, historical_climate_df), .id = "species", .progress = T)

# 4. Calculate exposure
# The function exposure calculates the years in which climate change exceeds the
# niche limits of the species. The code produce data frames in which rows
# represent the species occurring in a grid cell and columns are the years in the time series.
# The cell is assigned with 1 if the climate is suitable for the species in a given year (i.e. below the maximum niche limit),
# and 0 if the climate is unsuitable (above the maximum niche limit)

# function
exposure <- function(data, species_range, climate_data, niche){

spp_data <- species_range[[data]]
spp_name <- names(species_range)[[data]]

spp_matrix <- climate_data %>%
filter(world_id %in% spp_data) %>%

spp_niche <- niche %>%
filter(species %in% spp_name)

spp_matrix <- spp_matrix %>%
mutate(across(2:ncol(spp_matrix), ~ case_when(. <= spp_niche$niche_max ~ 1,
. > spp_niche$niche_max ~ 0)))

spp_matrix$species <- spp_name
spp_matrix <- spp_matrix %>%



# run
plan("multisession", workers = availableCores() - 1)
exposure_list <- future_map(1:length(primates_range_data), ~ exposure(.x, primates_range_data, future_climate_df, niche_limits), .progress = T)
names(exposure_list) <- names(primates_range_data)

# 4. Calculate exposure
# The function exposure calculates the years in which climate change exceeds the
# niche limits of the species. The code produce data frames in which rows
# represent the species occurring in a grid cell and columns are the years in the time series.
# The cell is assigned with 1 if the climate is suitable for the species in a given year (i.e. below the maximum niche limit),
# and 0 if the climate is unsuitable (above the maximum niche limit)

# function
exposure <- function(data, species_range, climate_data, niche){

spp_data <- species_range[[data]]
spp_name <- names(species_range)[[data]]

spp_matrix <- climate_data %>%
filter(world_id %in% spp_data) %>%

spp_niche <- niche %>%
filter(species %in% spp_name)

spp_matrix <- spp_matrix %>%
mutate(across(2:ncol(spp_matrix), ~ case_when(. <= spp_niche$niche_max ~ 1,
. > spp_niche$niche_max ~ 0)))

spp_matrix$species <- spp_name
spp_matrix <- spp_matrix %>%



# run
plan("multisession", workers = availableCores() - 1)
exposure_list <- future_map(1:length(primates_range_data), ~ exposure(.x, primates_range_data, future_climate_df, niche_limits), .progress = T)
names(exposure_list) <- names(primates_range_data)

# 5. Calculate exposure times
# The function calculates in which year exposure occurs. A population (i.e. a species occurrence in a grid cell)
# is classified as exposed when the temperature exceeds the upper niche limit for at least
# five consecutive years. The function returns a data frame containing the species name,
# the ID of the grid cell (world_id), the year of exposure, the year of de-exposure, and duration of exposure.
# To become de-exposed, the same species must experience five consecutive years under
# temperatures within the thermal limits.

# function
exposure_times <- function(data, original.state, consecutive.elements){

species <- data[1]
world_id <- data[2]

n <- as.numeric(data[-c(1,2)])

# Calculate shift sequences
rle_x <- data.frame(unclass(rle(n)))

# Add year
rle_x$year <- 2015 + cumsum(rle_x$lengths) - rle_x$lengths

# Select only shifts with n or more consecuitve elements
rle_x <- rle_x[rle_x$lengths >= consecutive.elements,]

# Add line with original state
rle_x <- rbind(c(1, original.state, 2000), rle_x)

# Remove lines with shifts that are not separated for n consecutive elements
rle_x <- rle_x[c(TRUE, diff(rle_x$values) != 0),]

# Remove first line because the first line is either the original state
# or the same value as the original state
rle_x <- rle_x[-1,]

# if there are no rows in rle_x, it means no exposure
if(nrow(rle_x) == 0) {

exposure <- NA
deexposure <- NA
duration <- NA

return(tibble(species, world_id, exposure, deexposure, duration))


# if the only value in x$values is 0, it means that there was a single exposure event
# with no de-exposure

if(length(unique(rle_x$values)) == 1){
if(unique(rle_x$values) == 0){

exposure <- rle_x$year[1]
deexposure <- 2101 # if deexposure = 2101 it means that deexposure did not occur
duration <- deexposure - exposure
return(tibble(species, world_id, exposure, deexposure, duration))

# the remaining data will always have 0 and 1 on rle_x$values
if(length(unique(rle_x$values)) == 2){

exposure <- rle_x %>%
filter(values == 0) %>%

deexposure <- rle_x %>%
filter(values == 1) %>%

# if(length(deexposure) == 0) deexposure <- 2201
if(length(exposure) > length(deexposure)) deexposure[length(exposure)] <- 2101

duration <- deexposure - exposure

return(tibble(species, world_id, exposure, deexposure, duration))


# run
exposure_df <- exposure_list %>%
bind_rows() %>%
mutate(sum = rowSums(select(., starts_with("2")))) %>%
filter(sum < 82) %>% # Select only cells with < 82 suitable years (>= 82 years means no exposure).This is done to improve computational time by avoiding calcluting exposure for species that are not exposed.

cl <- makeCluster(availableCores() - 1)
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(dplyr))
clusterExport(cl, "exposure_times")

res_final <- pbapply(X = exposure_df,
FUN = function(x) exposure_times(data = x, original.state = 1, consecutive.elements = 5),
cl = cl)

res_final <- res_final %>%
bind_rows() %>%


# Final data frame with exposure times for each species at each grid cell

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