Releases: vaccineontology/VO
Releases · vaccineontology/VO
Release 2025-02-26
What's Changed
- Update by @yongqunh in #791
- Cleanup old files by @zhengj2007 in #794
- Rename folder name by @zhengj2007 in #795
- Delete docs/use_cases/Vaccine protection use case directory by @zhengj2007 in #796
- Clean up vaccine.csv file by @zhengj2007 in #797
- Add scripts by @yupingzheng00000 in #798
- Standardize vaccine names by @zhengj2007 in #801
- Fix issues reported on Github by @zhengj2007 in #802
- Add missing VAC ajuvant website links by @zhengj2007 in #803
- Update vaccine information based on VIOLIN by @zhengj2007 in #804
- Cleanup high level VO terms by @zhengj2007 in #805
- Make release candidate 2025-02-26 by @zhengj2007 in #806
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2024-12-29...v2025-02-26
Release 2024-12-29
What's Changed
- Aadd OMOP classification file and generation pipeline by @zhengj2007 in #774
- Updated scripts by @yupingzheng00000 in #775
- Update vaccine platform by @xingxianli in #779
- Update vaccine-induced response branch by @zhengj2007 in #782
- Biomarker and correlates of protection by @zhengj2007 in #783
- Add 3 new vaccine adjuvants by @zhengj2007 in #788
- Fix known issues of process related terms by @zhengj2007 in #789
- Make 2024-12-29 release candidate by @zhengj2007 in #790
Full Changelog: v2024-11-23...v2024-12-29
Release 2024-11-23
What's Changed
- Add scripts by @yupingzheng00000 in #764
- Modify the VO_OMOP_mappings.xlsx by @xingxianli in #765
- Add two new vaccine adjuvants by @zhengj2007 in #769
- Clean up by @zhengj2007 in #770
- Cleanup annotations by @zhengj2007 in #771
- Cleanup vaccines by @zhengj2007 in #772
- Release 20241123 by @zhengj2007 in #773
Full Changelog: v2024-09-22...v2024-11-23
Release 2024-09-22
What's Changed
- Fda vaccine update pull request by @xingxianli in #735
- implement flu season property by @xingxianli in #738
- Updated 'licensed vaccine role' and 'authorized vaccine role' associated with vaccines by @zhengj2007 in #744
- clean up equivalent axioms by @zhengj2007 in #745
- fix #742 by @xingxianli in #746
- Fixed some known issues by @zhengj2007 in #750
- add 'IL-12-MOP (CTX-1796)' vaccine adjuvant by @zhengj2007 in #751
- Fixed issues #747, #748, and #749 by @zhengj2007 in #752
- Added vaccine intermediate terms to group RxNorm/RxNorm Extension terms by @zhengj2007 in #754
- Fix755 by @xingxianli in #756
- Add COVID-19 xbb vaccines by @zhengj2007 in #757
- release candidate 2024-09-22 by @zhengj2007 in #758
Full Changelog: v2024-08-11...v2024-09-22
Release 2024-08-11
What's Changed
- FDA updated vaccines by @xingxianli in #727
- updated vaccine_RxNorm by @xingxianli in #728
- revise vaccine.csv by @xingxianli in #729
- add two new vaccine adjuvant per request by @zhengj2007 in #732
- merged templates by @xingxianli in #733
- Release candidate 20240808 by @zhengj2007 in #734
Full Changelog: v2024-07-13...v2024-08-11
Release 2024-07-13
What's Changed
- updated comments and filename by @xingxianli in #723
- In vo_RxNorm.csv, a column added to indicate which templates (vaccine.csv, vaccine_RxNorm.csv, vaccine_component.csv, protein.csv) they are in.
- Updated the comment column in vaccine.csv, vaccine_RxNorm.csv, vaccine_component.csv, and protein.csv. (Indicate whether RxNorm, RxNorm Extension, or RxNorm not in OMOP)
- Updated the VO:0003364 ‘Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B strain NZ98/254 outer membrane vesicle’ for both RxNorm and RxNorm Extension.
- Updated the final 180 terms in VO_RxNorm.csv
- Updated and checked the repeated terms in vo_RxNorm.csv, and added repeat comments.
- Removed 127 terms in vaccine_component.owl, 4 terms protein.owl, added 166 new terms in vaccine_RxNorm.owl; updated file vo_new_terms_IDs.xlsx.
- Updated the comments of vo_RxNorm.csv about which file terms are in.
- Cancer vaccines by @zhengj2007 in #724
- Added two new route of administration terms
- Added 125 new cancer vaccines in CanVaxKB.
- Updated high-level VO terms by @zhengj2007 in #725
- Relabeled two terms:
- VO:0001243 ‘immunizes host’ -> ‘immunizes recipient’
- VO:0001274 ‘vaccine host role’ -> ‘vaccine recipient role’
- Updated definition of following terms:
- VO:0000002 vaccination
- VO:0000494 vaccine immunization
- VO:0000490 immunization
- VO:0000492 passive immunization
- VO:0000491 active immunization
- VO:0001274 vaccine recipient role
- VO:0000278 vaccine function
- VO:0001243 immunizes recipient
- VO:0000001 vaccine, issue: #715
- Modified definition of “preventive vaccine function” and “therapeutic vaccine function”, issue: #714
- Relabeled two terms:
- Release 2024-07-13 by @zhengj2007 in #726
- Added 4 new VO creators
- Fixed wrong function terms used in cancer vaccine template
- Made release candidate 2024-07-13
Full Changelog: v2024-06-26...v2024-07-13
Release 2024-06-26
What's Changed
- Rx norm extension by @zhengj2007 in #718
- Added 3205 vaccines in RxNorm extension with associated brand name, dose form, and package terms.
- RxNorm by @zhengj2007 in #719
- Added 1188 RxNorm concepts as vaccines
- Added 19 RxNorm concepts as vaccine components
- Added 631 RxNorm Extension concepts as vaccines
- Added new brand names, dose forms, and drug package associated with vaccines
- Rx norm update by @zhengj2007 in #720
- Added 102 vaccines corresponding to RxNorm concepts
- Updated VO to RxNorm and RxNorm extension mappings
- Add cvx concept by @zhengj2007 in #721
- Add 3 CVX code concepts
- Add OMOP concept IDs for CVX codes
- Preparation of Release 20240626 by @zhengj2007 in #722
Full Changelog: v2024-06-09...v2024-06-26
Release 2024-06-09
What's Changed
- Updated influenza vaccine related terms by @zhengj2007 in #713
- Update parents of 3 CVX code related terms by @zhengj2007 in #716
- Made release candidate 20240609 by @zhengj2007 in #717
Full Changelog: v2024-06-01...v2024-06-09
Release 2024-06-01
What's Changed
- Update the code for 'comment' and 'seeAlso' columns content extraction by @yupingzheng00000 in #701
- Fix some issues by @zhengj2007 in #702
- Added VO term and CVX code mappings by @zhengj2007 in #703
- Add subCategories by @zhengj2007 in #704
- Added missing CVX code information by @zhengj2007 in #705
- Add CVX terms by @zhengj2007 in #707
- Fix issues by @zhengj2007 in #708
- Added hepatitis A related vaccines defined in RxNorm Extension by @zhengj2007 in #709
- Added VO terms for CVX codes and updated VO and CVX code mappings by @zhengj2007 in #710
- Update drug brand name by @zhengj2007 in #711
- Added vaccine study minimal information standard terms by @zhengj2007 in #712
Full Changelog: v2024-04-09...v2024-06-01
Release 2024-04-09
What's Changed
- Cancer vaccine by @xingxianli in #696
- Update cancer vaccine by @zhengj2007 in #698
- Add two new vaccine adjuvant by @zhengj2007 in #699
- make release 2024-04-09 by @zhengj2007 in #700
Full Changelog: v2024-03-20...v2024-04-09