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Operations Scripts

All scripts are non-destructive when run without any arguments (and usually give 'usage' info). Scripts from various $DAYJOB, with identifying crap removed. They're written for a Debian/Ubuntu environment

As most of these scripts are sanitised, there are some variables at the start that will need customisation (usually a placeholder in capitals will indicated required vars)

thing function
archive-gmail get a zipped .mbox of your gmail
bash.boilerplate boilerplate for bash scripts
check-elasticsearch nagios check for ElasticSearch status
check-redirects confirm http redirects for a list of domains
ddvpn-syd call with sudo with OpenConnect installed, connects to your Dimension Data Sydney VPN
deploy-s3-site uploads repos/local dirs to s3 bucket websites, gzipping appropriate files
di get shell on a running docker container
ec2-create-rolling-snapshot snapshots EC2 volumes, intended as a daily cronjob
kvm-backup backup KVM virtual machines that aren't snapshottable (requires VM downtime)
gatekeeper tar/zipfile deployer for autoscaled VMs, see README in subdir
git-counter compare contributors' lines of code for a repo
grafana-backup-s3 backs up grafana db (settings) to s3
https-code-checker checks http codes for http/https on given domains
info.php php info snippet for testing webserving works
init.boilerplate.centos init script template for ye olde CentOS, which I never want to touch again
json2yaml convert json to human-readable yaml
ldap-backup-s3 backup an ldap namespace to s3
meat read config files without comments or empty lines (just the 'meat')
mmsdump use mongodump on an MMS-managed mongodb
mongo-backup script for making backup tar.gz's from a local mongo
mysql-meta grab user grants or database metadata without having to remember the sql query to do so...
mysql-restore-from-s3 restore mysql from backup file on s3
mysql-tablemigrate copy a monotonically-increasing large database table (200GB)
nginx_[dis/en]site make those nginx symlinks!
prometheus-backup-s3 backups up prometheus via btrfs snapshots to s3
remove-comments-and-base64-encode useful for EC2 userdata scripts
send-sms-global sends SMSes via SMS Global
snappywrapper use the ec2 rolling snapshotter within AWS, using instance role-based perms
unifi-prune.js en-smallerise the mongo DB used by the unifi controller
update-openvpn-crl update openvpn cert revocation list (list older than 90 days = no new cnx)
vacri-in-a-box ops advice simulator for devs
wpengine-copy CI script to copy content to an ssh-capable WPEngine install
xwiki-backup-s3 backs up xwiki to s3 (defunct)
yaml2json convert yaml to human-illegible json
yank script to overcome Docker's shortcomings for deployment