Project with Prof. Sowers studying the traffic data of NYC taxis, provided by Prof. Work. Project partner: Derrek Yager.UIUC Mathematics Department.
We begin by reading travel_times_2011.csv
using csv.DictReader. Using read_data_csv, we then save the trips and travel times data in sparse coordinate matrix form, i.e. (hour (in EDT), link, trips, traveltimes), as data_coo_form.txt
. Next, using write_data_array, we write these values to data_trips.csv
and data_travel_times.csv
. For an unknown reason, write_data_array introduced a line break in the first hour of the first day of data. After correcting this break, we reverse the order of the data from the previous step since the data is given in descending order, but we need to write it in ascending order. This is fairly memory intensive due to the scale of the data so we utilized the campus cluster for efficiency.
Next, we want to pull out the data corresponding to links with at most 30 days worth of data missing; this is done with find_full_links. We also ran this on the campus cluster. The list of full link ids is saved under full_link_ids.csv
. We then pull the corresponding data for these links using write_full_link_data and save into write_full_link_trips.csv
and write_full_link_traveltimes.csv
. Henceforth, read_full_link_json should be used to return the full link ids and their data.
Then, we want to find the periodicity of the full link data. By running autocorrelation, we see that the period is 7 days. We check the refinement of this by running autocorrelation_hourly, and verify the 7-day period. We also checked the periodicity of the travel times and it matches the 7-day period (graph omitted but is saved in Figures).
![full_links][pic1] [pic1]:
![full_links_hourly][pic2] [pic2]:
Beware NaN is a float so int(NaN) returns error We group the functions for running Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization under find_signatures. Using the campus cluster, we run SNMF with β, η, and rank ????? Running SNMF(traveltimes, rank=50, β=0.1, η=0.1, threshold=0.01) gives error of 39.890%. Running SNMF(trips, rank=50, β=0.1, η=0.1, threshold=0.01) gives error of 28.666%.