I am an aspiring Deep Learning and Computer Vision enthusiast who is fascinated to automate the world. I have made myself to adapt various Python packages like Tensorflow, OpenCV, Keras and more. My repositories contains my projects like Car Damage Detection (Segmentation), Pothole Detection, Wildfire Detection, Sign Language Recognition, Transfer Learning projects and more by using algos YOLO, Detectron2, TFOD, VGG16, ResNet50 and more.
Language: Python
Object Detection and Tracking- Detectron2, YOLOv5, TFOD, DeepSORT.
Transfer Learning - Xception, VGG16, InceptionV3, ResnNet50, InceptionResNetV2 with Fine Tuning methods.
Libraries, Frameworks & Tools - Keras, TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib.