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ashlinrichardson authored Aug 19, 2019
1 parent 89e7a0a commit 9a1f73f
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Showing 13 changed files with 782 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitattributes
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# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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# bcws-psu-research
research software for image data integration and analysis developed in collaboration between CITZ DSAB and BCWS PSU, for wildfire managment decision-making support
# bcws
bcws image analysis project

multispectral image viewer and clustering algorithm included

## requirements:
python 2 (for image viewer) and gnu/g++ (for discretization algorithm)
tested on ubuntu

## how to:
1) view the sample input data:

python sentinel2_cut.bin

2) compile and run the clustering algorithm:


## Results
### r,g,b <- bands 12, 9, 3
Taking K, the number of k-nearest neighbours to be: 222, 444 and 666 resp.:
![alt text](output/b_12-9-3_k222-444-666.gif)

### y = log(n_segments), x = number of k-nearest neighbours
![alt text](output/plot.png)

Hypothetically for a one-level analysis (non-hierarchical) taking K=100 is highly information-preserving choice, as the curve seems to depart strongly from monotonicity after K=200..

..hence K=200 or so provides efficiency without excessive info. loss
### output formats
The clustering algorithm output is provided in two formats:
Cluster labels in IEEE 32-bit Floating-point format (0 is unlabelled, labels start at 1)
Image where the pixels are colored according to the cluster "centres" to which they're assigned
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions ansicolor.h
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#pragma once
#define KNRM "\x1B[0m" //normal
#define KBLK "\x1B[30m" //black
#define KRED "\x1B[31m" //red
#define KGRN "\x1B[32m" //green
#define KYEL "\x1B[33m" //yellow
#define KBLU "\x1B[34m" //blue
#define KMAG "\x1B[35m" //magenta
#define KCYN "\x1B[36m" //cyan
#define KWHT "\x1B[37m" //white
#define KBLD "\x1B[1m" //bold
#define KRES "\x1B[0m" //reset
#define KITA "\x1B[3m" //italics
#define KUND "\x1B[4m" //underline
#define KSTR "\x1B[9m" //strikethrough
#define KINV "\x1B[7m" //inverseON
#define BBLK "\x1B[30m" //black
#define BRED "\x1B[31m" //red
#define BGRN "\x1B[32m" //green
#define BYEL "\x1B[33m" //yellow
#define BBLU "\x1B[34m" //blue
#define BMAG "\x1B[35m" //magenta
#define BCYN "\x1B[36m" //cyan
#define BWHT "\x1B[37m" //white
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions
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#!/usr/bin/env python
''' ansi color codes for posix terminal'''

color = {"KNRM": "\\x1B[0m", #normal
"KBLK": "\\x1B[30m", #black
"KRED": "\\x1B[31m", #red
"KGRN": "\\x1B[32m", #green
"KYEL": "\\x1B[33m", #yellow
"KBLU": "\\x1B[34m", #blue
"KMAG": "\\x1B[35m", #magenta
"KCYN": "\\x1B[36m", #cyan
"KWHT": "\\x1B[37m", #white
"KBLD": "\\x1B[1m", #bold
"KRES": "\\x1B[0m", #reset
"KITA": "\\x1B[3m", #italics
"KUND": "\\x1B[4m", #underline
"KSTR": "\\x1B[9m", #strikethrough
"KINV": "\\x1B[7m", #inverseON
"BBLK": "\\x1B[30m", #black
"BRED": "\\x1B[31m", #red
"BGRN": "\\x1B[32m", #green
"BYEL": "\\x1B[33m", #yellow
"BBLU": "\\x1B[34m", #blue
"BMAG": "\\x1B[35m", #magenta
"BCYN": "\\x1B[36m", #cyan
"BWHT": "\\x1B[37m"} #white

for c in color:
exec(c + ' = "' + color[c] + '"')

if __name__ == '__main__':
print KMAG + "ansicolor" + KYEL + "." + KGRN + "py" + KNRM
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions cluster.cpp
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/* 20190818 ultra-minimalist reinterpretation of kgc-2010 algorithm (IGARSS 2010) */

class f_idx{
public: // float, index tuple object
float d;
unsigned int idx;
f_idx(float d_ = 0., unsigned int idx_ = 0){
d = d_;
idx = idx_;
f_idx(const f_idx &a){
d = a.d;
idx = a.idx;

bool operator<(const f_idx& a, const f_idx&b){
return a.d > b.d; // priority_queue max first: we want min first

// read header file
void hread(str hfn, int & nrow, int & ncol, int & nband){
str line;
vector<str> words;
ifstream hf(hfn);
nrow = ncol = nband = 0;
if(!hf.is_open()) err(str("failed to open header file: ") + hfn);
while(getline(hf, line)){
words = split(line, '=');
if(words.size() == 2){
str w(words[0]);
int n = atoi(words[1].c_str());
if(w == str("samples")) ncol = n;
if(w == str("lines")) nrow = n;
if(w == str("bands")) nband = n;

float * falloc(size_t nf){
return (float *) alloc(nf * (size_t)sizeof(float));

// read binary file
float * bread(str bfn, int nrow, int ncol, int nband){
FILE * f = fopen(bfn.c_str(), "rb");
size_t nf = (size_t)nrow * (size_t)ncol * (size_t)nband;
float * dat = falloc(nf);
size_t nr = fread(dat, nf * (size_t)sizeof(float), 1, f);
if(nr != 1) err("failed to read data");
return dat;

pthread_mutex_t print_mutex;

void cprint(str s){
cout << s << endl;

size_t kmax, k_use;
pthread_attr_t attr; // specify threads joinable
pthread_mutex_t next_j_mutex;
size_t next_j;
size_t np;
int nrow, ncol, nband;
float * dat;

float * dmat_d;// = falloc(np * kmax);
unsigned int * dmat_i;// = (unsigned int *)alloc(np * (size_t)kmax * (size_t)sizeof(unsigned int));
vector<unsigned int> top_i;

float * rho;
unsigned int * label;
unsigned int next_label;

// thread worker function, incl. sorted distance matrix row calculation
void * dmat_threadfun(void * arg){
unsigned int i;
long unsigned int my_next_j;
long k = (long)arg;
cprint(str("dmat_threadfun(") + std::to_string(k) + str(")"));
float d, df;
unsigned int pi;
unsigned int my_i = 0;
unsigned int u;

// try to pick up a job
my_next_j = next_j ++; // index of data this thread should pick up if it can

if(my_next_j > np -1){
cprint(str("\texit thread ") + to_string(k));

if(my_next_j % 37 == 0){
float pct = 100. * (float)next_j / (float) np;
cprint(str(" worker: ") + to_string(k) + str(" pickup: ") + to_string(my_next_j)
+ str(" %") + to_string(pct));
priority_queue<f_idx> pq;
for0(i, np){
if(i != my_next_j){
d = 0.;
for(u = 0; u < nband; u++){
pi = np * u;
df = dat[pi + i] - dat[pi + my_next_j];
d += df * df;
pq.push(f_idx(d, i)); //my_next_j));
//dmat row is sorted
for0(i, kmax){
f_idx x(;
unsigned int ki = (my_next_j * kmax) + i;
dmat_d[ki] = x.d;
dmat_i[ki] = x.idx;
while(pq.size() != 0) pq.pop();
my_i ++;

unsigned int top(unsigned int j){
unsigned int i, ki, ni;
if(label[j] > 0) return label[j];
float rho_max = rho[j];
unsigned int max_i = j;

for0(i, k_use){
ki = (j * kmax) + i;
ni = dmat_i[ki];
if(rho[ni] > rho_max){
rho_max = rho[ni];
max_i = ni;
if(max_i != j){
return top(max_i);
label[j] = next_label ++;
// printf("next_label %ld np %ld\n", (long int)next_label, (long int)np);
return label[j];

int main(int argc, char** argv){

kmax = 2222;

if(argc < 2) err("cluster [bin file name. hdr file must also be present");
str bfn(argv[1]);
//int nrow, ncol, nband;
str hfn(split(bfn, '.')[0] + str(".hdr"));
hread(hfn, nrow, ncol, nband);
printf("nrow %d ncol %d nband %d\n", nrow, ncol, nband);

dat = bread(bfn, nrow, ncol, nband);

np = nrow * ncol;
printf("np %d\n", np);
printf("(np^2 - n) / 2=%f\n", (((float)np * (float)np) - (float)np) / 2.);

// scale the data first?

dmat_d = falloc(np * kmax);
dmat_i = (unsigned int *)alloc(np * (size_t)kmax * (size_t)sizeof(unsigned int));

if(fsize("dmat.d") < nrow * ncol * kmax * sizeof(float)){

next_j = 0; // put a lock on this variable

int numCPU = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
cout << "Number of cores: " << numCPU << endl;

// mutex setup
pthread_mutex_init(&print_mutex, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&next_j_mutex, NULL);

// make the threads joinable
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);

// allocate threads
pthread_t * my_pthread = new pthread_t[numCPU];
unsigned int j;
for0(j, numCPU){
long k = j;
pthread_create(&my_pthread[j], &attr, dmat_threadfun, (void *) k);

// wait for threads to finish
for0(j, numCPU) pthread_join(my_pthread[j], NULL);
cout << "end dmat_calc()" << endl;

FILE * f;
f = fopen("dmat.d", "wb");
fwrite(dmat_d, np * kmax * sizeof(float), 1, f);
f = fopen("dmat.i", "wb");
fwrite(dmat_i, np * kmax * sizeof(unsigned int), 1, f);

FILE * f = fopen("dmat.d", "rb");
fread(dmat_d, np * kmax * sizeof(float), 1, f);
f = fopen("dmat.i", "rb");
fread(dmat_i, np * kmax * sizeof(unsigned int), 1, f);

rho = (float *)alloc(np * kmax * sizeof(float));
label = (unsigned int *) alloc(np * sizeof(unsigned int));

FILE * f = fopen("class.csv", "wb");
fprintf(f, "k_use,n_classes");

for(k_use = 1; k_use <= kmax; k_use++){
if(k_use > kmax) err("kuse > kmax");
//printf("density estimation..\n");
unsigned int i, j;
for0(i, np){
float d_avg = 0.;
for0(j, k_use){
d_avg += dmat_d[i * kmax + j];
rho[i] = 1. / d_avg;

//printf("hill climbing..\n");
top_i.push_back(0); // null is self-top
next_label = 1;
for0(i, np) label[i] = 0; // default label: unlabeled

// do the clustering
for0(i, np) label[i] = top(i);

printf("%ld %ld\n", (long int)k_use, (long int)(next_label-1));
f = fopen("nclass.csv", "ab");
fprintf(f, "\n%ld,%ld", (long int)k_use, (long int)(next_label-1));

// outputs
f = fopen((str("label_") + to_string(k_use)).c_str(), "wb");
float * label_float = falloc(np);
for0(i, np) label_float[i] = (float)label[i];
fwrite(label_float, np *sizeof(float), 1, f);

f = fopen((str("out_") + to_string(k_use) + str(".bin")).c_str(), "wb");
int u;
float df;
for0(u, nband){
for0(i, np){
unsigned int ti = top_i[label[i]];
unsigned int pi = np * u;
df = dat[pi + ti];
fwrite(&df, sizeof(float), 1, f);
return 0;
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# compile the clustering method
g++ -w -O3 -march=native -o cluster.exe cluster.cpp misc.cpp -lpthread

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