Publish MQTT timer messages for testing etc.
git clone
cd mqtt-timer
./gradlew clean assembleShadowDist
mqtt.timer.MqttTimerMain --uri <uri> [OPTION]...
--uri <uri> the server URI, e.g. tcp://localhost:1883
--user <user name> user name for authentication
--pass <password> password authentication
--freq <frequency> supported values are secondly (default),
minutely, hourly, or daily, hundredmsly,
--topic <topic name> an optional topic (default is timer/<frequency>)
--start-delay <num> start delay in milliseconds before the
connection to the server is established
--silent do not write sent timestamps to stdout
--help, -h show this help
java -jar build/libs/mqtt-timer-all.jar --uri tcp://localhost:1883 --topic timer/secondly --freq secondly