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pzsvc preview generator external service

Sonny Saniev edited this page Mar 25, 2016 · 2 revisions

Purpose of pzsvc-preview-generator is to showcase piazza's core capabilites. This app exposes rest endpoint, takes a post request containing payload of required metadata. Points to the s3 location, downloads, crops the raster file, and uploads the cropped raster back up to s3 bucket.


Post a request with a payload. url:

Local: http://localhost:8086/crop

Use sample working payload:

    "source": {
        "domain": "",
        "bucketName": "pz-svcs-prevgen",
        "fileName": "NASA-GDEM-10km-colorized.tif"
    "function": "crop",
    "bounds": {
        "minx": -140.00,
        "miny": 10.00,
        "maxx": -60.00,
        "maxy": 70.00

Service will download the file from "pz-svcs-prevgen" s3 bucket and crop it with given bounding box info. The cropped result tif will be uploaded back up to s3 bucket "pz-svcs-prevgen-output":

If all goes well, the resulting received payload will be of DataResource type:

  "dataType": {
    "type": "raster",
    "location": {
      "type": "s3",
      "bucketName": "pz-svcs-prevgen",
      "fileName": "478788dc-ac85-4a85-a75c-cbb352620667-NASA-GDEM-10km-colorized.tif",
      "domainName": ""
    "mimeType": "image/tiff"
  "metadata": {
    "name": "External Crop Raster Service",
    "id": "478788dc-ac85-4a85-a75c-cbb352620667-NASA-GDEM-10km-colorized.tif",
    "description": "Service that takes payload containing S3 location and bounding box for some raster file, downloads, crops and uploads the crop back up to s3.",
    "url": "http://host:8086/crop",
    "method": "POST"
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