Releases: viamrobotics/viam-java-sdk
Releases · viamrobotics/viam-java-sdk
What's Changed
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #77
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #78
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #79
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #80
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #81
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #82
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #84
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #85
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #86
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #87
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #88
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #89
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #90
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #91
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #92
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #93
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #94
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #96
- Rename switch to nswitch by @njooma in #95
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #98
- RSDK-9904 - add job to notify slack of proto failure by @stuqdog in #97
- bumping release version by @purplenicole730 in #99
New Contributors
- @purplenicole730 made their first contribution in #99
Full Changelog: v0.0.9...v0.0.10
What's Changed
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #72
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #74
- RSDK-8714: add audioinput wrappers by @gloriacai01 in #68
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #75
- version bump by @lia-viam in #76
Full Changelog: v0.0.8...v0.0.9
What's Changed
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #59
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #61
- RSDK-8714: add Servo wrappers by @gloriacai01 in #60
- RSDK-8714: add Powersensor wrappers by @gloriacai01 in #62
- RSDK-8714: add Gantry wrappers by @gloriacai01 in #63
- RSDK-8714: Arm wrappers by @gloriacai01 in #66
- RSDK-8714: Encoder wrappers by @gloriacai01 in #64
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #69
- RSDK-8714: add Base wrappers by @gloriacai01 in #67
- RSDK-8714: Posetracker wrappers by @gloriacai01 in #65
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #71
- v0.0.8 version bump by @lia-viam in #73
New Contributors
- @gloriacai01 made their first contribution in #60
- @lia-viam made their first contribution in #73
Full Changelog: v0.0.7...v0.0.8
What's Changed
- RSDK-8096 fix module-in-process with tarball by @abe-winter in #49
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #48
- RSDK-8061 meta-in-tarball for local android development by @abe-winter in #50
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #51
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #52
- [RSDK-8312] Collect and send API and SDK version in metadata by @njooma in #53
- v0.0.6 by @njooma in #55
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #54
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6
What's Changed
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #31
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #32
- unsigned builds for local development by @abe-winter in #33
- RSDK-6740 local tarball support by @abe-winter in #34
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #35
- RSDK-7806 update android readme by @abe-winter in #36
- bump version 0.0.3 by @abe-winter in #37
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3
What's Changed
- RSDK-838: Rebuild with latest proto definitions by @stevebriskin in #1
- Update SDK to modern java/android versions and get working with latest viam protos by @edaniels in #2
- Support android modules by @edaniels in #3
- Add MLModel Service for Android by @edaniels in #4
- provide getPackageManager through system context by @abe-winter in #5
- Open source prep 1: javadocs, buf, examples by @njooma in #6
- Open source prep 2: Licenses by @njooma in #7
- Add testing to :core:sdk by @njooma in #8
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #9
- sensor rpc by @shawnbmccarthy in #12
- No longer override Android/Dalvik env vars by @edaniels in #13
- Add experimental Android Module executed In-Process by @edaniels in #14
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #10
- Add stop support for in process modules by @edaniels in #15
- fix up not found error exception messages by @edaniels in #11
- camera by @edaniels in #17
- Open source prep 3: README, test workflow, add Kotlin by @njooma in #16
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #19
- Migrate to protobuf-lite by @edaniels in #20
- Open source prep 3: Signing and publishing by @njooma in #22
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #21
- RSDK-7393 - add doCommand to sensor service by @stuqdog in #24
- Add board component by @njooma in #23
- Release workflow by @njooma in #25
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #26
- Media Utils by @njooma in #27
- Automated Protos Update by @github-actions in #28
- Motor by @njooma in #29
- Bumping release version by @cheukt in #30
New Contributors
- @stevebriskin made their first contribution in #1
- @edaniels made their first contribution in #2
- @abe-winter made their first contribution in #5
- @njooma made their first contribution in #6
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #9
- @shawnbmccarthy made their first contribution in #12
- @stuqdog made their first contribution in #24
- @cheukt made their first contribution in #30
Full Changelog: