Favicon is jQuery plugin that helps you manipulate browser's favicon. It allows you to change favicon dynamicly. If browser supports HTML5 Canvas element you can draw on icon before using it. Also you can provide alternative icon if broswer do not support canvas.
Browser support: Firefox 3.5, Opera 9, Chrome 4.
Note: IE and Safari do not support dynamic favicon change.
Note: Canvas is supported by Firefox 4.0b1+, Opera 10+, Chrome 6+, Safari 5+, IE9+
/** * Interface of onDrawCallback * @param {Context} context HTML5 Canvas 2d Context */ var DrawCallback = function (context) {};/**
- jQuery.favicon interface
- @param {String} iconURL
- @param {String} alternativeURL (optional) URL to use instead of iconURL if browser do NOT support HTML5 Canvas elem
- @param {DrawCallback} onDrawCallback (optional) Callback that draws something on icon before apply
- function (iconURL)
- function (iconURL, onDraw)
- function (iconURL, alternateURL, onDraw) */ jQuery.favicon = function (iconURL, alternativeURL, onDrawCallback) {};
- jQuery.favicon.animate - starts frames based animation
- @param {String} animationURL Should be image that contains frames joined horizontally
- @param {String} alternateURL Normal one frame image that will be used if Canvas is not supported
- @param {Object} options optional
- function (animationURL, alternateURL)
- function (animationURL, alternateURL, {
- interval: 1000, // change frame in X ms, default is 1000ms
- onStart: function () {}, // is called after image is ready
- onDraw: function (context, frame) {}, // is called each frame
- onStop: function () {}, // is called on animation stop
- frames: [1,3,5] // display frames in this exact order, defaults is all frames
- }) */ jQuery.favicon.animate = function (animationURL, alternateURL, options) {};
- jQuery.favicon.unanimate - stops current animation */ jQuery.favicon.unanimate = function () {};
jQuery.favicon.animate is simple frames based animation implementation. This aproach requires image with all animation frames joined horizontally, like on image bellow
Sample 2 frames animation image used in example 4
jQuery.favicon('mail_icon_32_new_message_active_g.png', function (ctx) { ctx.font = 'bold 15px "helvetica", sans-serif'; ctx.fillStyle = '#FF0000'; ctx.fillText('XX', 10, 27); });
jQuery.favicon('mail_icon_32_new_message_active_w.png', 'mail_icon_32_active.png', function (ctx) { ctx.font = 'bold 15px "helvetica", sans-serif'; ctx.fillStyle = '#FF00FF'; ctx.fillText('10', 10, 27); });
var bool = false; function blink(button) { if (bool) { bool = false; jQuery.favicon.unanimate(); return ; }jQuery.favicon.animate('mail_icon_32_new_message_animation.png', 'mail_icon_32_new_message.png', { frames: [1, 0], interval: 500, onDraw: function (ctx, frame) { ctx.font = 'bold 15px "helvetica", sans-serif'; ctx.fillStyle = '#333333'; ctx.fillText(count, 10, 27); if (Math.random() > .95) count++; }, onStop: function () { jQuery.favicon('mail_icon_32.png'); } });