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vcert A web-based certificate authority management system built atop Django 1.8.5 and OpenSSL.

Open Source License: GPL v2

Copyright Videntity 2013-201


This document describes a developer install. For a quicker start check out instructions.

vcert is a web-based (Django) Certificate Authority (or CA) that uses OpenSSL under the hood. The site runs vcert. It was built specifically to build x509 certificates compatible with the Direct Project. It is written in Python and Django and can run atop Apache2 or other webserver.

vcert can be used to manage a trust anchors (i.e. a registration authority or HISP) or a root CA.

vcert supports revocation via certificate revocation lists (CRLs). A CRL is created for each trust anchor and is published to a URL.

This software was designed to assist in testing for compliance with the Direct Project's Applicability Statement. Perhaps you are not working in Health IT at all and are just looking for a simple way to manage certificates. You may be able to be able to use this for that purpose.


Installation Part 1 - Download and Initial Setup

vcert has a number of dependencies including OpenSSL, Python, and Django. This software was tested with OpenSSL version 1.0.1, Python 2.7 and Django 1.5. SQLite is the default database and it was tested with SQLite version 3. The following instructions assume Ubuntu 13.04 is the operating system, but it is possible to use others. (If anyone wants to contribute Windows, Mac, or other operating system instructions please do so.)

Here is how to get started on Ubuntu 13.04. From the terminal, start by installing OpenSSL. This is likely already installed, but installation instructions are added here for clarity.

sudo apt-get install openssl zip

Now install pip and make sure its up to date.

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install --upgrade pip

Install git and then clone the master repository.

sudo apt-get install git-core
git clone

Now change into the project's directory.

cd vcert

Let's install the necessary python libraries including Django from the project's requirements file.

sudo pip install -r vcert/requirements.txt

Now that Django is installed lets setup our database. Be sure and say yes when asking to create an administrative account as this will be used in the CA's administration.

python syncdb

A directory for OpenSSL's CA must be created. We will do so by creating a symbolic link between /opt/ca and vcert/apps/certificates/ca directories.

sudo ln -s vcert/apps/certificates/ca /opt/

Now copy to


You can at this point try out the server at this point with python runserver, but your settings will need to be customized before everything will work as expected.

Installation Part 2 - Django Settings

The file contains default settings, where the file add and overwrites what is in via Python imports.

One of the main changes is replacing with your own domain. You'll also want to setup email settings for outgoing email notifications and setup web locations for publishing certificates and CRLs.

Certificates and CRLs get published via Amazon Web Service's (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) and email notifications are sent via Simple Email Service (SES). The email setup is easily changed, but the certificate and CRL publishing requires S3. vcert assumes you create three S3 buckets with "vanity" URLs. They are ca for CRLs and the CA's public certificate, pubcerts for public certificates issued, and privcerts for private certificates. For illustration, if you want to host your CA on the domain, then you would create the buckets, and You need to map the DNS entries accordingly to create the "vanity" URL. This is accomplished within AWS management console for S3 and in your DNS provider's website.

Please see the in-line comments inside for instructions on what the various settings do.

Installlation Part 3 - OpenSSL CA Configuration

There are still a few of items that need to be addressed:

Most notably you need to do the following:

Create and/or install the root CA's (or subordinate certificate's) private certificate and change accordingly. Here is how to generate a new CA keypair with a password on the private key. It assumes the domain and uses the configuration file /opt/ca/conf/ Before this next step, You will likely want to make adjustment there such the changing "" to your domain, setting organizational name, city, state, and so on. Here are the steps:

cd /opt/ca
openssl genrsa -out private/ca.example.comKey.pem 2048
openssl req -sha256 -new -x509 -days 1826 -key private/ca.example.comKey.pem -out public/
openssl rsa -des3 -in ./private/ca.example.comKey.pem -out ./private/ca.example.comKey.pem

You will end up with the CA's public key in /opt/ca/public and the private key in /opt/ca/private.

You need to publish the CA's public certificate and CRL somehere. ca (e.g. is a reasonable place. In the above example, we used the configuration file You can use openssl command line to create the CRL for your CA.

Installation Part 4 - Setting up Cron for CRL Updates

In order to make the CRL updates automatic, we will use cron to execute a script to perform the update. Edit your crontab like so.

crontab -r

Now add the following line to your cron file.

0 */2 * * * /home/ubuntu/django-apps/vcert/scripts/ >> /home/ubuntu/crl.log

This assumes your vcert project is located at /home/ubuntu/django-apps/vcert/. and the output of this operation is written to /home/ubuntu/crl.log. Adjust these paths to fit your local environment. With this setting we are updating the CRLs every 30 minutes. Note that each "Trust Anchor" has its own CRL.

Run the Application

Now you can run the vcert in development mode:

python runserver

Production Deployment

The convention is to deploy vcert on server named caconsole (e.g. Please refer to Django's documentation for more information on deploying Django


vcert makes no security claims and is provided AS-IS with NO WARRANTY. Django has a number of security features that 'vcert' uses. It is recommended that you use a unique SECRET_KEY and that you host the service on HTTPS using a valid certificate. User authentication is accomplished via django's standard auth which uses salted and hashed passwords. Use up to date OpenSSL software.

In order to enable a user to act as an administraor (i.e. verify/approve certificates) you need to give set the user's is_staff flag to True.

There are other configuration via the admin. ( in a development configuration). You can so this in two ways:

  1. Make this user a superuser (with access to all models).
  2. Set the is_staff flag and enable access on the Certificate models.

See for more information on authentication in Django.


vcert operation is quite simple. Any user with a CA account can create a new "Trust anchor". A trust anchor is the child certificate of the vcerts certificate with signing authority. (Remember this is configured in After the Trust anchor request is made an email is sent to the CA's verifier (CA_VERIFIER_EMAIL

What you do for "verification" is up to you. After the verifier verifies the information, then the verifier finds the certificate in question within the Django admin, checks the "verify" box and then clicks save.
(How you do verification is up to you). When this happens, certificates are published and an email notification is sent to the person requesting the certificate. Then the user may create leaf nodes off of the Trust Archor from his or her account. These, too, go through the same verification notification and verification process before they may be accessed by the requestor.

As written, vcert requires an invitation code to create an account. This is accomplished in the Django admin. Click the section that says "Invitations" under "Accounts", then click "Add invitation", then provide an invitation code and the email to which it should be sent. Click "Save" and an email with the code will be sent. Anyone can use the invitation code. In other words, it does not require the new user to use the email in the invitation to register.

Happy CA-ing!
