This model is text-to-image synthesis based on VQGAN with CLIP as a loss function.
CLIP was trained on GCC+MSCOCO sample for 2M sentences, which were translated to Thai by AIReseach translation model, using Teacher learning method by FreddeFrallan
You can learn more about this project here!
A local deploy streamlit app on Google Colab can be found here!
Just select Runtime -> run all. wait about 3 minutes, then your url should appear at the bottom of the notebook with the message "your url is ..." (Google Chrome is recommeneded to open the url.)
- Thai-Cross-CLIP: Thai CLIP text encoder model trained via Teacher Learning
- AI Builders for providing knowledge and support along the way
- Multilingual-CLIP for Teacher learning method
- OpenAI's CLIP
- AIResearch's translation model