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Java translation library for the Tolgee platform.


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Weave is a modern and highly efficient Java library designed to streamline language translation and localization of your applications. The library is built around the Tolgee API and it allows for powerful, real-time translations with built-in hot-reloading and formatting features. Weave also supports adding post-processors to your translations.


This repository contains software that was originally developed for internal use by our organization. We have chosen to open-source this software in the hopes that it may be of use to others.

Please note the following important points:

  • While we are making this software available to the public, we will not be providing external support. If you choose to use this software, please understand that you do so entirely at your own risk.
  • Additionally, we will not be accepting any contributions to this project. The source code is available for you to use and modify as you wish, within the bounds of the included license, but we will not be incorporating any changes or enhancements made by external parties.

Setting Up Weave

Setting up Weave is easy. To create a new instance of Weave, you can use the builder:

Weave weave = Weave.builder()

The build method blocks until the initial translations are fetched from the Tolgee API. If you want to avoid blocking, you can use the buildAsync method instead, which returns a CompletableFuture<Weave>.

Translating Text

After initializing Weave, you can fetch translations by using the project and language instances:

Project project = weave.project(1);
Translation translation = project.translation(Language.ENGLISH, "test-hello"); // "Hello {name}!"
String formatted = translation.format(Map.of("name", "John")); // "Hello John!"

Translations are automatically prepared after first use, but this can be done manually as well:


The prepare method returns a PreparedTranslation instance, which you may use to format the translation, but it is not required as the original translation instance will automatically use the prepared translation. After preparing a translation, you can format it by using the format method, without the need to provide the formatting parameters again:

String formatted = translation.format("John"); // "Hello John!"

We provide a set of common languages, but if you need to create a custom language, you can do so by using the Language.create method:

Language language = Language.create("en", "English");

You may also use the Language.fromLocale method to convert a built-in Java locale to a Weave language:

Language language = Language.fromLocale(Locale.ENGLISH);

Hot-Reloading Translations

Weave provides the ability to refresh or reload your translations at runtime. This can be achieved through:

weave.refresh(); // refresh all projects
weave.refreshProject(1); // refresh specific project via its id

These methods return CompletableFuture<Void>, and CompletableFuture<Project> respectively, which can be used to wait for the refresh to complete.

Adding Post-Processors

Weave allows you to add post-processors to your translations. This can be achieved through:

Weave weave = Weave.builder()
              .addProcessors(prepared -> prepared.text().toLowerCase())

These post-processors are applied to all translations, and they are applied after formatting. This allows you to easily parse colors and other formatting codes.

Shutting Down Weave

When you are done using Weave, you must shut it down to free up resources and stop the network threads. This can be achieved through:



Java translation library for the Tolgee platform.





