This program has only been tested on the lab machines, and the version of Java installed on those machines(Amazon Corretto 21). Running it on other java versions may yield different results or not be supported.
For generating graphs, this program also relies on the MatPlotLib and Pandas Python libraries.
: Contains all source files,
: Stacscheck automatic testing located within tests directory.Scripts/generating/
: Contains scripts for generating data and saving to CSV using the program.Scripts/graphing/
: Contains scripts for generating graphs from existing CSV files inData/
: Contains Data which can be used to make graphs.Graphs/
: Contains graphs generated off the CSV data inData/
by the scripts inScripts/graphing/
To run the program, while in src directory enter a command of the form:
java P1main <Algorithm> <D> <r,c> <coverage> [verbose or CSV] [Limit:<yourtimelimit>]
Algorithm: Specifies the algorithm. Options are:
AStar: A* Search Algorithm
BestF: Best First Search Algorithm
AStarOpt: A* Search with Warnsdorf's rule as heuristic
BestFOpt: Best First Search with Warnsdorf's rule as heuristic
D: Dimension of the grid.
r,c: Starting position as row and column (comma-separated).
coverage: Percentage of grid cells to cover (integer between 0-100).
[verbose]: Optional flag. Include this parameter to run in verbose mode
[CSV]: Optional flag. Include this parameter to run to output additional results in CSV format
[Time Limit]: Optional flag. Include this parameter to set a custom time limit for the program to time out in seconds. Any value under 0 is interpreted as no time limit. Warning, making infinite time limits cause the algorithms, particularly AStar,/AStarOp to run out of memory and crash.
The program has three modes which are
Only outputs the path cost
java P1main <Algorithm> <D> <r,c> <coverage>
Provides verbose output, as outlined in the specification
java P1main <Algorithm> <D> <r,c> <coverage> verbose
Provides full results in the form of comma seperated values, typically used for generating CSV files
java P1main <Algorithm> <D> <r,c> <coverage> CSV
The path cost output has numerous special output options which have different meanings. -1 : No path exists -100 : Algorithm times out (was taking over 30 seconds) -200 : If selected algorithm was not implemented
While in P1-SEARCH
directory run:
stacscheck Tests
Scripts both for generating graphs and collecting/saving data must be ran while in their directory:
python generateGraphsExampleScript
ran in scripts/generating/
python generateDataExampleScript
ran in scripts/graphing/