The scraping aspect of this project is now also done using Amazon Web Services Lambda, EventBridge, and RDS DB. This is achieved through uploading a containerized version of the code base to AWS Lambda, and then running it while the target gym is open every 20 minutes using EventBridge. It then uploads to a corresponding MySQL database in Python.
The majority of the data for this project is now taken from the AWS hosted DB, which contains much more data over a longer period and also contains more recent data. However, the local SQLite DB is still useful for testing and local runs of the program, and as a result, is still used occasionally.
To run the local version of the project, follow the steps for scraping below. The process of creating a predictive model using Tensorflow is also done locally (to save hosting costs which would come from running through AWS). As a result, the instructions are the same once the data is collected from the corresponding DB and converted into a Numpy DataFrame. There are corresponding scripts to collect data from the local DB, or the AWS hosted DB, and is explained further below.
source venv/bin/activate
python src/scraping/
Results saved to sqlite database in /occupancy_data/gym_occupancy_data.db
python src/scraping/
When converting locally stored SQLite DB
python src/predicting/convertingtodf
When converting AWS hosted RDS MYSQL DB
python src/predicting/convertingAWStodf
Including specific date in model features (Inconsistent results due to so far insufficient data)
python src/predicting/generatePredictiveModel
Not including specific date in model features (Recommended)
python src/predicting/generateModelNoDay
To generate prediction on a dataset with day (Not Recommended)
python src/predicting/makePrediction
To generate prediction on a dataset with no day (Recommended)
python src/predicting/makePredictionNoDay
python src/predicting/convertingtodf
python src/predicting/generateModelNoDay
python src/predicting/makePredictionNoDay
can put some diagrams of the structure of the sql databases
can consider trying to access the APIs directly instead of scraping using selenium