When I (Vince) started my bacherlor here at Radboud I quickly heard about there being a need for a website where people can keep track of their anytimers, so in September I started working on this project whereafter I finished it for the course R&D together with Luuk Schukkink. After that Dirk Doesburg helped me deploying the site on one of thalia's servers, solving some security issues and all round improving.
- Clone this github repository
- Go into the client folder and install dependencies with
npm install
- Create an env file in the client directory, which will look something like the following for development:
VITE_CLIENT_ID=7xLk3gkoqC4ANdl9r7vAR19sxgEb5EIp5pVBgYfJ VITE_CONCREXIT_URI=https://staging.thalia.nu VITE_AUTH_PATH=/user/oauth/authorize/ VITE_TOKEN_PATH=/user/oauth/token/ VITE_REDIRECT_URI=http://localhost:5173/auth/callback VITE_BACKEND_URI=http://localhost:8000
- Start a development server with
npm run dev
- Go into the server directory and create a virtual environment for django
- Apply migrations with
python manage.py migrate
- Create a superuser with
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Start the django server with
python manage.py runserver
- Thaliany should now work at the address where the frontend is currently hosted.