VinHack - A Hackathon by VinnovateIT
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The official repository for VinHack, upcoming hackathon by VinnovateIT! Click here to register on Hackerearth.Check the official website of VinHack!
Hacking is building things that you always wanted to have but no one has built it yet. It's to come up with an amazing idea and work tirelessly on it. It is to fail, fail again and fail better. Try out new things and learn while doing that. It's to work together, collaborate and build things that are innovative. It is to be a better programmer.
With that spirit, VinnovateIT is conducting a hackathon, VinHack and invites all developers and hackathon enthusiasts to participate in an interesting and engaging hackathon.
Whether you’re writing your first lines of HTML, building a AR/VR app, VinHack is just the place for you. We will have mentors to help make your idea happen. You will be able to exhibit your skills without worrying about any mortal needs. We will take care of everything :)
VinHack provides a brilliant opportunity for you and your team to forge professional contacts and make new friends. With over 300 developers and designers gathering from all the engineering branches in VIT Vellore, grab your chance of connecting with people to discuss ideas and opportunities.
Hackathons are a great way to give back to the community. Mentoring beginners is always helpful for them and rewarding for us. We’re going to have mentors from a number of different organizations present at the venue. Whenever you’re stuck on a problem or need suggestions they'll always be within a hand’s reach.
We are inviting everyone to build on ideas of their choice. Watching software materialize from pure thought, part by part is the closest to experiencing magic we have ever got to. And we’re excited to see that magic happen all over again!
Start Date & Time | 8:00 AM, 22nd March |
End Date & Time | 9:30 PM, 23rd March |
Team Size | Min - 2 & Max - 5 |
Venue | SJT, VIT Vellore |
Click here to register on Hackerearth.
Do I need to have any specific qualifications to be a participant for the Hackathon?
If you love to code, you are more than welcome to participate in the Hackathon.What is the cost of the hackathon?
It's 100/- each individual.Can I register individual?
Yes! If you don't team, we'll team up during the hackathon.How do I submit what I have made for the Hackathon?
You have to submit your source code on our GitHub repository.Do we need to have the entire idea fully working?
The entire idea need not be fully implemented however, the submission should be functional so that it can be reviewed by the judges.Does the entire team have to be available for the entire duration of the Hackathon?
No, anyone member should be present all the time. The team should be present for the pitching round.Are you looking for the team, please fill this form!
- First Prize - INR 5000/-
- Second Prize - INR 3000/-
- Third Prize - INR 2000/-
There will be swags for all the participants!
Click here to view the problem statements.
Kindly check this to find your team details. Facing troubles, call any of our Coordinators.
Whatever code you write must be pushed on GitHub for the review. The source code will be made open source under VinnovateIT organization. For any kind of help, call any of our Coordinators!
git clone
git commit
git push
Click here to view the live updates.
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It's time to win some goodies!
Click here to register for the contest.
As promised, we're just a text away! Click here to join our WhatsApp Group or Scan the QR code below.
Teams will be judged on these five criteria. Judges will weigh the criteria equally. During judging, participants should try to describe what they did for each criterion in their project.
Technology: How technically impressive was the hack? Was the technical problem the team tackled difficult? Did it use a particularly clever technique or did it use many different components? Did the technology involved make you go “Wow”?
Design: Did the team put thought into the user experience? How well designed is the interface? For a website, this might be about how beautiful the CSS or graphics are. For a hardware project, it might be more about how good the human-computer interaction is (e.g. is it easy to use or does it use a cool interface?).
Completion: Does the hack work? Did the team achieve everything they wanted?
Usefulness and Feasibility - How useful and feasible your solution is? Does it meet the purpose or goal of the given problem statement.
Future Plans - How can you extend your idea in future?
It’s important to note that these judging criteria do not include:
How good your code is. It doesn’t matter if your code is messy, or not well commented, or uses inefficient algorithms. Hacking is about playing around, making mistakes, and learning new things. If your code isn’t production ready, we’re not going to mark you down.
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Vinit Shahdeo Postman |
Sharmishtha Dash Uniqlo |
Shikhar Saxena Oyo |
Archit Roy HeyMaths |
Karishnu Poddar Postman |
Shagun Khemka InstaMojo |
Curated list of boilerplates and templates to enhance productivity.
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Boilerplates and templates for Android
- Android Bootstrap A template/bootstrap/boilerplate application that includes tons of great open source tools and frameworks.
- Android Material Drawer Template An Android template with navigation drawer for material design.
- material-design-icons-adt-template Android Studio / Eclipse ADT template for material-design-icons resources.
- AndroidKickststarter Framework kickstarts development which help you focus on coding.
- Android Annotations Fast Android Development. Easy maintainance.
- Android Cookbook Examples Collected code examples from the O'Reilly Android Cookbook.
- Android Basic Samples Mostly game oriented samples.
- Android Webview Sample App Webview Sample App
- Android Quickstart Quickstart application showing the Google Drive API for Android.
- Beginning Android Resources Android Guide.
- Universal Music Player Google sample application that shows how to implement an audio media app that works across multiple form factors and provides a consistent user experience on Android phones, tablets, Auto, Wear and Cast devices.
- Android Architecture Blueprints Demonstrates a basic Model-View-Presenter architecture and showcases various TODO app implementations.
Boilerplates and templates for IOS
- iOS Boilerplate Boilerplate by Gimeno.
- Amaro Featureful iOS Boilerplate.
- Boilerplate-iOS Boilerplate by openaphid.
Boilerplates and templates for JavaScript
- Yeoman The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps. Includes many generators to get started.
- Mega Boilerplate Fullstack boilerplate generator with support for Node.js, a static site, or an Electron app.
- NodeJS
- Yeoman Node Generator Yeomans node generator
- Node Module boilerplate Boilerplate to kickstart creating a node module
- Express Boilerplate Boilerplate generator for Express.js Projects
- Hackathon Starter A boilerplate for Node.js web applications.
- Node/Backbone Web App Boilerplate Boilerplate for web applications with a Node, Express, MongoDB backend and Backbone Marionette, Jade, Require.js frontend.
- Nodebootstrap Unobtrusive skeleton project for Node/Express.js with pre-configured best-practices.
- Vue-Express-Mongo Boilerplate - Full stack JS web app boilerplate with Express, Mongo and VueJS.
- AngularJS
- ng-boilerplate An opinionated kickstarter for AngularJS projects.
- Yeoman Angular Generator
- Angular Laravel CouchDB Angular Laravel CouchDB Boilerplate
- ReactJS
- React Boilerplate Boilerplate for creating a React npm package
- React Boilerplate React boilerplate with React Router and webpack
- React Transform Boilerplate A new Webpack boilerplate with hot reloading React components, and error handling on module and component level.
- Library Boilerplate An opinionated boilerplate for React libraries including ESLint, Mocha, Babel, Webpack and an example powered by Webpack Dev Server and React Hot Loader
- React NPM Component Starter A minimal boilerplate for building a React component for NPM
- React Isomorphic Starterkit Isomorphic starterkit with server-side React rendering having many features
- Coffee React Quickstart Quickstart for building React single page apps using Coffeescript, Gulp, Webpack, and React-Router
- Flask React Boilerplate Flask and react Boilerplate
- Boilerplate Webpack React Boilerplate project for Reactjs with webpack, gulp and stylus
- React JS Hot loader Boilerplates React hot loader starter kits
- React Redux minimal A minimal React-Redux boilerplate with all the best practices
- React Redux Universal Hot Example A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
- post3ree-boilerplate Boilerplate for a universal application using 3REE stack (React, Redux, RethinkDB, Express) + PostCSS
- HyperApp
- hyperapp-boilerplate Boilerplate showing how to create a production-ready Hyperapp application.
- Backbone
- Backbone Boilerplates Backbone Boilerplates by Addy Osmani.
- Yeoman Backbone Generator Yeoman generator for Backbone.
- benm Boilerplate web app using Backbone.js, ExpressJS, node.js, MongoDB.
- Jquery
- Generator Jquery Boilerplate Yeoman Generator for jQuery Boilerplate.
- Polymer
- Polymer Starter Kit A starting point for Polymer 1.0 apps.
- Polymer Seed Element An element providing a starting point for your own reusable Polymer elements.
- Yeoman Polymer Generator Yeoman's polymer Generator
- Electron
- Electron Boilerplate Boilerplate for electron-node
- WhiteStormJS - React/Redux - three.js - TypeScript boilerplate A starter kit for crafting 3D applications using modern technologies
- Angular Gulp Ionic Boilerplate Ionic framework boilerplate for writing apps using Gulp and EcmaScript6.
Boilerplates and templates for Python
- Django Hackathon Starter A boilerplate for Django web applications, providing various social logins and several popular API examples.
- CookieCutter List of various python templates by Audrey.
- bootstrapy A bootstrap Python application, so that you can focus on writing code.
- Fbone Fbone (Flask bone) is a Flask (Python microframework) template/bootstrap/boilerplate application.
- hasura/hello-python-flask A boilerplate Flask application which can be deployed in 3 mins, with ready-to-use database, authentication and file APIs.
- Flask-Bootstrap A Flask app template with integrated SQLAlchemy, authentication, and Bootstrap frontend.
- Flask Boilerplate A very simple flask boilerplate with folder structures.
- Flask Foundation App built with best practices.
- GoogleAppEngine Webapp2 Boilerplate A Complete boilerplate for Python Webapp2 on Google App Engine
- Flask Appengine Template Flask App engine Template
- Django Starter Template An easy to use project template for Django that follows best practices.
- gae-init Google App Engine based on Flask, RESTful, Bootstrap and tons of other cool features.
- CherryPy + Mako + Formish + OOOP boilerplate Targets publishing of OpenERP content to the web.
Boilerplates and templates for PHP
- Laravel Angular CouchDB Laravel Angular CouchDB Boilerplate
Boilerplates and templates for Ruby
- AngularJS Rails Templates Rails and Angular Tempate.
- AngularJS Sinatra Bootstrap Angular Sinatra Bootstrap template.
- Rails Composer Use Rails Composer to generate any of the example applications from the RailsApps project.
- Rails Bootstrap Starter App for Rails and Bootstrap
Boilerplates and templates for C#.NET and ASP.NET
- ASP.NET Boilerplate ASP.NET Boilerplate is a starting point for new modern web applications using best practices and most popular tools.
Boilerplates and templates for Go
- Go React JSX Boilerplate Starter code for a React + Go web application
Boilerplates and templates to develop webextensions for internet browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and Safari
- Boilerplate with Webpack Using Webpack JS module manager
Boilerplates and templates for Websites
- HTML5 Boilerplate Web's most popular front-end template
- Meteor boilerplate Boilerplate for meteor framework.
- Web Starter Kit Web starter kit by Google.
- Open Designs Open Source WebDesign Templates
- Open Web Design Community of designers and site owners sharing free web design templates
- OSWD Platform for sharing standards-compliant free web design templates
- Jekyll Starter Kit Jekyll Progressive Web App generator boilerplate.
- HTML5 UP! Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Site Templates.
- Gulp front Frontend boilerplate and framework based on gulp, pug, stylus and babel
App Development
Cloud Services
AI and ML
UI and UX Design
- Animals
- Anime
- Anti-Malware
- Art & Design
- Books
- Business
- Calendar
- Cloud Storage & File Sharing
- Continuous Integration
- Cryptocurrency
- Currency Exchange
- Data Validation
- Development
- Dictionaries
- Documents & Productivity
- Environment
- Events
- Finance
- Food & Drink
- Fraud Prevention
- Games & Comics
- Geocoding
- Government
- Health
- Jobs
- Machine Learning
- Music
- News
- Open Data
- Open Source Projects
- Patent
- Personality
- Photography
- Science & Math
- Security
- Shopping
- Social
- Sports & Fitness
- Test Data
- Text Analysis
- Tracking
- Transportation
- URL Shorteners
- Vehicle
- Video
- Weather
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API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Cat Facts | Daily cat facts | No | Yes | Unknown |
Cats | Pictures of cats from Tumblr | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Dogs | Based on the Stanford Dogs Dataset | No | Yes | Yes |
HTTPCat | Cat for every HTTP Status | No | Yes | Unknown |
IUCN | IUCN Red List of Threatened Species | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Movebank | Movement and Migration data of animals | No | Yes | Unknown |
Petfinder | Adoption | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
RandomCat | Random pictures of cats | No | Yes | Yes |
RandomDog | Random pictures of dogs | No | Yes | Yes |
RandomFox | Random pictures of foxes | No | Yes | No |
RescueGroups | Adoption | No | Yes | Unknown |
Shibe.Online | Random pictures of Shibu Inu, cats or birds | No | No | No |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
AniList | Anime discovery & tracking | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
AnimeNewsNetwork | Anime industry news | No | Yes | Yes |
Jikan | Unofficial MyAnimeList API | No | Yes | Yes |
Kitsu | Anime discovery platform | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Studio Ghibli | Resources from Studio Ghibli films | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
AlienVault Open Threat Exchange (OTX) | IP/domain/URL reputation | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Google Safe Browsing | Google Link/Domain Flagging | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Metacert | Metacert Link Flagging | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
VirusTotal | VirusTotal File/URL Analysis | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Web Of Trust (WOT) | Website reputation | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Behance | Design | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Cooper Hewitt | Smithsonian Design Museum | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Dribbble | Design | OAuth |
No | Unknown |
Harvard Art Museums | Art | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Iconfinder | Icons | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Icons8 | Icons | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Noun Project | Icons | OAuth |
No | Unknown |
Rijksmuseum | Art | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Bhagavad Gita | Bhagavad Gita text | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
BookNomads | Books published in the Netherlands and Flanders (about 2.5 million), book covers and related data | No | Yes | Unknown |
British National Bibliography | Books | No | No | Unknown |
Goodreads | Books | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Google Books | Books | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
LibGen | Library Genesis search engine | No | No | Unknown |
Open Library | Books, book covers and related data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Penguin Publishing | Books, book covers and related data | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Charity Search | Non-profit charity data | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Clearbit Logo | Search for company logos and embed them in your projects | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | | Registered Domain Names Search | No | Yes | Unknown |
Freelancer | Hire freelancers to get work done | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Gmail | Flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Google Analytics | Collect, configure and analyze your data to reach the right audience | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
mailgun | Email Service | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
markerapi | Trademark Search | No | No | Unknown |
Ticksel | Friendly website analytics made for humans | No | Yes | Unknown |
Trello | Boards, lists and cards to help you organize and prioritize your projects | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Calendar Index | Worldwide Holidays and Working Days | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Church Calendar | Catholic liturgical calendar | No | No | Unknown |
Czech Namedays Calendar | Lookup for a name and returns nameday date | No | No | Unknown |
Google Calendar | Display, create and modify Google calendar events | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Hebrew Calendar | Convert between Gregarian and Hebrew, fetch Shabbat and Holiday times, etc | No | No | Unknown |
Holidays | Historical data regarding holidays | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
LectServe | Protestant liturgical calendar | No | No | Unknown |
Nager.Date | Public holidays for more than 90 countries | No | Yes | No |
Namedays Calendar | Provides namedays for multiple countries | No | Yes | Yes |
Non-Working Days | Database of ICS files for non working days | No | Yes | Unknown |
Russian Calendar | Check if a date is a Russian holiday or not | No | Yes | No |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Box | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Dropbox | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Google Drive | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
OneDrive | File Sharing and Storage | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Pastebin | Plain Text Storage | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
WeTransfer | File Sharing | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
CircleCI | Automate the software development process using continuous integration and continuous delivery | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Codeship | Codeship is a Continuous Integration Platform in the cloud | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Travis CI | Sync your GitHub projects with Travis CI to test your code in minutes | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Binance | Exchange for Trading Cryptocurrencies based in China | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
BitcoinAverage | Digital Asset Price Data for the blockchain industry | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
BitcoinCharts | Financial and Technical Data related to the Bitcoin Network | No | Yes | Unknown |
Bitfinex | Cryptocurrency Trading Platform | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Bitmex | Real-Time Cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform based in Hong Kong | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Bittrex | Next Generation Crypto Trading Platform | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Block | Bitcoin Payment, Wallet & Transaction Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Blockchain | Bitcoin Payment, Wallet & Transaction Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
CoinAPI | All Currency Exchanges integrate under a single api | apiKey |
Yes | No |
Coinbase | Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Ethereum Prices | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Coinbase Pro | Cryptocurrency Trading Platform | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
CoinDesk | Bitcoin Price Index | No | No | Unknown |
CoinGecko | Cryptocurrency Price, Market, and Developer/Social Data | No | Yes | Yes |
Coinigy | Interacting with Coinigy Accounts and Exchange Directly | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
CoinLayer | Real-time Crypto Currency Exchange Rates | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Coinlore | Cryptocurrencies prices, volume and more | No | Yes | Unknown |
CoinMarketCap | Cryptocurrencies Prices | No | Yes | Unknown |
Coinpaprika | Cryptocurrencies prices, volume and more | No | Yes | Yes |
CoinRanking | Live Cryptocurrency data | No | Yes | Unknown |
CryptoCompare | Cryptocurrencies Comparison | No | Yes | Unknown |
Cryptonator | Cryptocurrencies Exchange Rates | No | Yes | Unknown |
Gemini | Cryptocurrencies Exchange | No | Yes | Unknown |
ICObench | Various information on listing, ratings, stats, and more | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Livecoin | Cryptocurrency Exchange | No | Yes | Unknown |
MercadoBitcoin | Brazilian Cryptocurrency Information | No | Yes | Unknown |
Nexchange | Automated cryptocurrency exchange service | No | No | Yes |
NiceHash | Largest Crypto Mining Marketplace | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Poloniex | US based digital asset exchange | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
WorldCoinIndex | Cryptocurrencies Prices | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Zloader | Due diligence data platform | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
1Forge | Forex currency market data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
CryptoStandardizer | Standardize crypto coin symbols (e.g. BTC, XBT) across 100+ exchanges | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Currencylayer | Exchange rates and currency conversion | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Czech National Bank | A collection of exchange rates | No | Yes | Unknown | | Exchange rates with currency conversion | No | Yes | Yes | | Exchange rates and currency conversion | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Cloudmersive Validate | Validate email addresses, phone numbers, VAT numbers and domain names | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
languagelayer | Language detection | No | Yes | Unknown | | US Address Verification | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
mailboxlayer | Email address validation | No | Yes | Unknown |
NumValidate | Open Source phone number validation | No | Yes | Unknown |
numverify | Phone number validation | No | Yes | Unknown |
PurgoMalum | Content validator against profanity & obscenity | No | No | Unknown |
vatlayer | VAT number validation | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
24 Pull Requests | Project to promote open source collaboration during December | No | Yes | Yes |
ApiFlash | Chrome based screenshot API for developers | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | | IP, Domains and Emails anti-abuse API blocklist | No | Yes | Yes | | Wikipedia for Web APIs, OpenAPI/Swagger specs for public APIs | No | Yes | Unknown |
BetterMeta | Return a site's meta tags in JSON format | X-Mashape-Key |
Yes | Unknown |
Bitbucket | Pull public information for a Bitbucket account | No | Yes | Unknown |
Bored | Find random activities to fight boredom | No | Yes | Unknown |
Browshot | Easily make screenshots of web pages in any screen size, as any device | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
CDNJS | Library info on CDNJS | No | Yes | Unknown | | Structured changelog metadata from open source projects | No | Yes | Unknown | | Persistent counting and A/B testing | No | Yes | Unknown |
DigitalOcean Status | Status of all DigitalOcean services | No | Yes | Unknown |
DomainDb Info | Domain name search to find all domains containing particular words/phrases/etc | No | Yes | Unknown |
Faceplusplus | A tool to detect face | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown | | Determines a gender from a first name | No | Yes | Unknown |
GitHub | Make use of GitHub repositories, code and user info programmatically | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
Gitlab | Automate GitLab interaction programmatically | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Gitter | Chat for GitHub | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
HTTP2.Pro | Test endpoints for client and server HTTP/2 protocol support | No | Yes | Unknown |
IBM Text to Speech | Convert text to speech | apiKey |
Yes | Yes | | Retrieve structured data from a website or RSS feed | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
IPify | A simple IP Address API | No | Yes | Unknown |
IPinfo | Another simple IP Address API | No | Yes | Unknown |
JSON 2 JSONP | Convert JSON to JSONP (on-the-fly) for easy cross-domain data requests using client-side JavaScript | No | Yes | Unknown | | Free JSON storage service. Ideal for small scale Web apps, Websites and Mobile apps | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Judge0 | Compile and run source code | No | Yes | Unknown |
Let's Validate | Uncovers the technologies used on websites and URL to thumbnail | No | Yes | Unknown |
License-API | Unofficial REST API for | No | Yes | No |
LiveEdu | Live Coding Streaming | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
MAC address vendor lookup | Retrieve vendor details and other information regarding a given MAC address or an OUI | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Myjson | A simple JSON store for your web or mobile app | No | No | Unknown |
OOPSpam | Multiple spam filtering service | No | Yes | Yes |
Plino | Spam filtering system | No | Yes | Unknown |
Postman | Tool for testing APIs | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
ProxyCrawl | Scraping and crawling anticaptcha service | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Public APIs | A collective list of free JSON APIs for use in web development | No | Yes | Unknown |
Pusher Beams | Push notifications for Android & iOS | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
QR code | Create an easy to read QR code and URL shortener | No | Yes | Yes |
QR code | Generate and decode / read QR code graphics | No | Yes | Unknown |
ReqRes | A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests | No | Yes | Unknown |
Scrape Website Email | Grabs email addresses from a URL | X-Mashape-Key |
Yes | Unknown |
ScraperApi | Easily build scalable web scrapers | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
StackExchange | Q&A forum for developers | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Verse | Check what's the latest version of your favorite open-source project | No | Yes | Unknown |
XML to JSON | Integration developer utility APIs | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Merriam-Webster | Dictionary and Thesaurus Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Oxford | Dictionary Data | apiKey |
Yes | No |
Wordnik | Dictionary Data | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Words | Definitions and synonyms for more than 150,000 words | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Cloudmersive Document and Data Conversion | HTML/URL to PDF/PNG, Office documents to PDF, image conversion | apiKey |
Yes | Yes | | File Sharing | No | Yes | Unknown |
Mercury | Web parser | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
pdflayer | HTML/URL to PDF | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Bookmarking service | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown | |
PrexView | Data from XML or JSON to PDF, HTML or Image | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Restpack | Provides screenshot, HTML to PDF and content extraction APIs | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Todoist | Todo Lists | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Vector Express | Free vector file converting API | No | No | Yes |
WakaTime | Automated time tracking leaderboards for programmers | No | Yes | Unknown |
Wunderlist | Todo Lists | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
AirVisual | Air quality and weather data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
OpenAQ | Open air quality data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | | Air quality of China | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
PVWatts | Energy production photovoltaic (PV) energy systems | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
UK Carbon Intensity | The Official Carbon Intensity API for Great Britain developed by National Grid | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Eventbrite | Find events | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Picatic | Sell tickets anywhere | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Ticketmaster | Search events, attractions, or venues | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Alpha Vantage | Realtime and historical stock data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Barchart OnDemand | Stock, Futures and Forex Market Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | Financial services consumer complaint data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Financial Modeling Prep | Stock information and data | No | Yes | Unknown |
IEX | Stocks and Market Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
IG | Spreadbetting and CFD Market Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Plaid | Connect with users’ bank accounts and access transaction data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Razorpay IFSC | Indian Financial Systems Code (Bank Branch Codes) | No | Yes | Unknown | | ACH/NACHA Bank Routing Numbers | No | Yes | Unknown |
Tradier | US equity/option market data (delayed, intraday, historical) | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
VAT Rates | A collection of all VAT rates for EU countries | No | Yes | Unknown |
YNAB | Budgeting & Planning | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Edamam | Recipe Search | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Food2Fork | Recipe Search | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
LCBO | Alcohol | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Open Brewery DB | Breweries, Cideries and Craft Beer Bottle Shops | No | Yes | Yes |
Open Food Facts | Food Products Database | No | Yes | Unknown |
PunkAPI | Brewdog Beer Recipes | No | Yes | Unknown |
Recipe Puppy | Food | No | No | Unknown |
TacoFancy | Community-driven taco database | No | No | Unknown |
The Report of the Week | Food & Drink Reviews | No | Yes | Unknown |
TheCocktailDB | Cocktail Recipes | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
TheMealDB | Meal Recipes | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
What's on the menu? | NYPL human-transcribed historical menu collection | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Yummly | Find food recipes | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Zomato | Discover restaurants | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Whitepages Pro | Global identity verification with phone, address, email and IP | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Whitepages Pro | Phone reputation to detect spammy phones | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Whitepages Pro | Get an owner’s name, address, demographics based on the phone number | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Whitepages Pro | Phone number validation, line_type, carrier append | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Whitepages Pro | Get normalized physical address, residents, address type and validity | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Age of Empires II | Get information about Age of Empires II resources | No | Yes | Unknown |
AmiiboAPI | Amiibo Information | No | No | Yes | | Blizzard Entertainment | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Battlefield 4 | Battlefield 4 Information | No | Yes | Unknown |
Chuck Norris Database | Jokes | No | No | Unknown |
Clash of Clans | Clash of Clans Game Information | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Clash Royale | Clash Royale Game Information | No | Yes | Unknown |
Comic Vine | Comics | No | Yes | Unknown |
Deck of Cards | Deck of Cards | No | No | Unknown |
Destiny The Game | Bungie Platform API | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Dota 2 | Provides information about Player stats , Match stats, Rankings for Dota 2 | No | Yes | Unknown |
Eve Online | Third-Party Developer Documentation | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Fortnite | Fortnite Stats | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Games | Minecraft and other server info & user info) | No | Yes | Unknown |
Giant Bomb | Video Games | No | Yes | Unknown |
Guild Wars 2 | Guild Wars 2 Game Information | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Halo | Halo 5 and Halo Wars 2 Information | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Hearthstone | Hearthstone Cards Information | X-Mashape-Key |
Yes | Unknown | | Video Game Database | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Jokes | Programming and general jokes | No | Yes | Unknown |
Jservice | Jeopardy Question Database | No | No | Unknown |
Magic The Gathering | Magic The Gathering Game Information | No | No | Unknown |
Marvel | Marvel Comics | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Open Trivia | Trivia Questions | No | Yes | Unknown |
PandaScore | E-sports games and results | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds | PUBG Stats | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Pokéapi | Pokémon Information | No | Yes | Unknown |
Pokémon TCG | Pokémon TCG Information | No | Yes | Unknown |
Rick and Morty | All the Rick and Morty information, including images | No | Yes | Yes |
Riot Games | League of Legends Game Information | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Steam | Steam Client Interaction | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Vainglory | Vainglory Players, Matches and Telemetry | apiKey |
Yes | Yes | | info and stats | apiKey |
Yes | No |
xkcd | Retrieve xkcd comics as JSON | No | Yes | Yes |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
---|---|---|---|---| | Address database of France, geocoding and reverse | No | Yes | Unknown |
Battuta | A (country/region/city) in-cascade location API | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Bing Maps | Create/customize digital maps based on Bing Maps data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
City Context | Crime, school and transportation data for US cities | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
CitySDK | Open APIs for select European cities | No | Yes | Unknown |
Daum Maps | Daum Maps provide multiple APIs for Korean maps | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
GeoApi | French geographical data | No | Yes | Unknown | | Address geocoding / reverse geocoding in bulk | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | | Provides worldwide forward/reverse geocoding, batch geocoding and geoparsing | No | Yes | Unknown |
GeoJS | IP geolocation with ChatOps integration | No | Yes | Yes |
GeoNames | Place names and other geographical data | No | No | Unknown |
geoPlugin | IP geolocation and currency conversion | No | Yes | Yes |
Google Earth Engine | A cloud-based platform for planetary-scale environmental data analysis | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Google Maps | Create/customize digital maps based on Google Maps data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
GraphLoc | Free GraphQL IP Geolocation API | No | Yes | Unknown |
HelloSalut | Get hello translation following user language | No | Yes | Unknown |
HERE Maps | Create/customize digital maps based on HERE Maps data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
IP 2 Country | Map an IP to a country | No | Yes | Unknown |
IP Address Details | Find geolocation with ip address | No | Yes | Unknown |
IP Location | Find IP address location information | No | Yes | Unknown |
IP Sidekick | Geolocation API that returns extra information about an IP address | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
IP Vigilante | Free IP Geolocation API | No | Yes | Unknown | | Locate your visitors by IP with country details | No | Yes | Yes |
ipstack | Locate and identify website visitors by IP address | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
LocationIQ | Provides forward/reverse geocoding and batch geocoding | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Mapbox | Create/customize beautiful digital maps | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Mexico | Mexico RESTful zip codes API | No | Yes | Unknown |
One Map, Singapore | Singapore Land Authority REST API services for Singapore addresses | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
OnWater | Determine if a lat/lon is on water or land | No | Yes | Unknown |
OpenCage | Forward and reverse geocoding using open data | No | Yes | Unknown |
OpenStreetMap | Navigation, geolocation and geographical data | OAuth |
No | Unknown | | Provide geolocation data based on postcode for Dutch addresses | No | No | Unknown | | Postcode lookup & Geolocation for the UK | No | Yes | Yes |
REST Countries | Get information about countries via a RESTful API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Uebermaps | Discover and share maps with friends | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Utah AGRC | Utah Web API for geocoding Utah addresses | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
ViaCep | Brazil RESTful zip codes API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Zipcodeapi | Find out possible zip codes for a city, distance between zip codes etc | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Zippopotam | Get information about place such as country, city, state, etc | No | No | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
BCLaws | Access to the laws of British Columbia | No | No | Unknown |
BusinessUSA | Authoritative information on U.S. programs, events, services and more | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | | The US Census Bureau provides various APIs and data sets on demographics and businesses | No | Yes | Unknown |
Colorado Data Engine | Formatted and geolocated Colorado public data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Colorado Information Marketplace | Colorado State Government Open Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Data USA | US Public Data | No | Yes | Unknown | | US Government Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | | Contains live datasets including information about petitions, bills, MP votes, attendence and more | No | No | Unknown |
District of Columbia Open Data | Contains D.C. government public datasets, including crime, GIS, financial data, and so on | No | Yes | Unknown |
EPA | Web services and data sets from the US Environmental Protection Agency | No | Yes | Unknown |
FEC | Information on campaign donations in federal elections | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Federal Register | The Daily Journal of the United States Government | No | Yes | Unknown |
Food Standards Agency | UK food hygiene rating data API | No | No | Unknown |
Open Government, Australia | Australian Government Open Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Open Government, Belgium | Belgium Government Open Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Open Government, Canada | Canadian Government Open Data | No | No | Unknown |
Open Government, France | French Government Open Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Open Government, India | Indian Government Open Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Open Government, Italy | Italy Government Open Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Open Government, New Zealand | New Zealand Government Open Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Open Government, Taiwan | Taiwan Government Open Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Open Government, USA | United States Government Open Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Prague Opendata | Prague City Open Data | No | No | Unknown | | Federal regulatory materials to increase understanding of the Federal rule making process | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Represent by Open North | Find Canadian Government Representatives | No | Yes | Unknown | | US federal spending data | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
BetterDoctor | Detailed information about doctors in your area | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Diabetes | Logging and retrieving diabetes information | No | No | Unknown |
Flutrack | Influenza-like symptoms with geotracking | No | No | Unknown | | Educational content about the US Health Insurance Marketplace | No | Yes | Unknown |
Lexigram | NLP that extracts mentions of clinical concepts from text, gives access to clinical ontology | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Makeup | Makeup Information | No | No | Unknown |
Medicare | Access to the data from the CMS - | No | Yes | Unknown |
NPPES | National Plan & Provider Enumeration System, info on healthcare providers registered in US | No | Yes | Unknown |
Nutritionix | Worlds largest verified nutrition database | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
openFDA | Public FDA data about drugs, devices and foods | No | Yes | Unknown |
USDA Nutrients | National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Adzuna | Job board aggregator | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Authentic Jobs | Job board for designers, hackers and creative pros | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Careerjet | Job search engine | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Github Jobs | Jobs for software developers | No | Yes | Unknown |
Indeed | Job board aggregator | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Jobs2Careers | Job aggregator | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Jooble | Job search engine | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Juju | Job search engine | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Open Skills | Job titles, skills and related jobs data | No | No | Unknown |
Reed | Job board aggregator | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | Jobs | Tap into a list of current jobs openings with the United States government | No | Yes | Unknown |
The Muse | Job board and company profiles | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Upwork | Freelance job board and management system | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
USAJOBS | US government job board | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
ZipRecruiter | Job search app and website | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Clarifai | Computer Vision | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Cloudmersive | Image captioning, face recognition, NSFW classification | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Dialogflow | Natural Language Processing | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Keen IO | Data Analytics | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Unplugg | Forecasting API for timeseries data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | | Natural Language Processing | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
AI Mastering | Automated Music Mastering | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Bandsintown | Music Events | No | Yes | Unknown |
Deezer | Music | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Discogs | Music | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Genius | Crowdsourced lyrics and music knowledge | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Genrenator | Music genre generator | No | Yes | Unknown |
iTunes Search | Software products | No | Yes | Unknown |
Jamendo | Music | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
LastFm | Music | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | | Simple API to retrieve the lyrics of a song | No | Yes | Unknown |
Mixcloud | Music | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
MusicBrainz | Music | No | Yes | Unknown |
Musikki | Music | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Musixmatch | Music | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Openwhyd | Download curated playlists of streaming tracks (YouTube, SoundCloud, etc...) | No |
Yes | No |
Songkick | Music Events | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Songsterr | Provides guitar, bass and drums tabs and chords | No | Yes | Unknown |
SoundCloud | Allow users to upload and share sounds | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Spotify | View Spotify music catalog, manage users' libraries, get recommendations and more | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
TasteDive | Similar artist API (also works for movies and TV shows) | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
TheAudioDB | Music | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Vagalume | Crowdsourced lyrics and music knowledge | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Chronicling America | Provides access to millions of pages of historic US newspapers from the Library of Congress | No | No | Unknown |
Currents | Latest news published in various news sources, blogs and forums | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Feedbin | RSS reader | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Feedster | Searchable and categorized collections of RSS feeds | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
New York Times | Provides news | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
News | Headlines currently published on a range of news sources and blogs | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
NPR One | Personalized news listening experience from NPR | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
The Guardian | Access all the content the Guardian creates, categorised by tags and section | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
The Old Reader | RSS reader | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
18F | Unofficial US Federal Government API Development | No | No | Unknown |
Abbreviation | Get abbreviations and meanings | X-Mashape-Key |
Yes | Unknown | | The Internet Archive | No | Yes | Unknown | | United States ham radio callsigns | No | Yes | Unknown |
CARTO | Location Information Prediction | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Celebinfo | Celebrity information | X-Mashape-Key |
Yes | Unknown |
CivicFeed | News articles and public datasets | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Datakick | The open product database | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Dronestream | Tracks United States drone strikes | No | Yes | Unknown |
Enigma Public | Broadest collection of public data | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
fonoApi | Mobile Device Description | No | Yes | Unknown |
French Address Search | Address search via the French Government | No | Yes | Unknown |
LinkPreview | Get JSON formatted summary with title, description and preview image for any requested URL | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Marijuana Strains | Marijuana strains, races, flavors and effects | apiKey |
No | Unknown | | Extract structured data from any website | No | Yes | Yes | | Open demographic data such as population tables, population rank and life expectancy | No | No | Unknown |
Quandl | Stock Market Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Recreation Information Database | Recreational areas, federal lands, historic sites, museums, and other attractions/resources(US) | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | | Content Curation Service | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Teleport | Quality of Life Data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Universities List | University names, countries and domains | No | Yes | Unknown |
University of Oslo | Courses, lecture videos, detailed information for courses etc. for the University of Oslo (Norway) | No | Yes | Unknown |
UPC database | More than 1.5 million barcode numbers from all around the world | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Wikidata | Collaboratively edited knowledge base operated by the Wikimedia Foundation | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Wikipedia | Mediawiki Encyclopedia | No | Yes | Unknown |
Yelp | Find Local Business | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Countly | Countly web analytics | No | No | Unknown | | | No | Yes | Unknown |
Evil Insult Generator | Evil Insults | No | Yes | Yes | | Open source software libraries | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
EPO | European patent search system api | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
TIPO | Taiwan patent search system api | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
USPTO | USA patent api services | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Advice Slip | Generate random advice slips | No | Yes | Unknown | | JSON API for hand curated Chuck Norris jokes | No | Yes | Unknown | | FavQs allows you to collect, discover and share your favorite quotes | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Forismatic | Inspirational Quotes | No | No | Unknown |
icanhazdadjoke | The largest selection of dad jokes on the internet | No | Yes | Unknown |
Medium | Community of readers and writers offering unique perspectives on ideas | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Quotes on Design | Inspirational Quotes | No | Yes | Unknown |
Traitify | Assess, collect and analyze Personality | No | Yes | Unknown | | Api & web archive for the things Donald Trump has said | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Flickr | Flickr Services | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Getty Images | Build applications using the world's most powerful imagery | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Gfycat | Jiffier GIFs | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Giphy | Get all your gifs | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Gyazo | Upload images | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Imgur | Images | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Lorem Picsum | Images from Unsplash | No | Yes | Unknown |
Pixabay | Photography | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Pixhost | Upload images, photos, galleries | No | Yes | Unknown |
PlaceKitten | Resizable kitten placeholder images | No | Yes | Unknown |
ScreenShotLayer | URL 2 Image | No | Yes | Unknown |
Unsplash | Photography | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
---|---|---|---|---| | Multiple astronomy data sources | No | Yes | Unknown |
CORE | Access the world's Open Access research papers | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown | | High Energy Physics info. system | No | Yes | Unknown |
Launch Library | Upcoming Space Launches | No | Yes | Unknown |
Minor Planet Center | Information | No | No | Unknown |
NASA | NASA data, including imagery | No | Yes | Unknown |
Newton | Symbolic and Arithmetic Math Calculator | No | Yes | Unknown |
Numbers | Facts about numbers | No | No | Unknown |
Open Notify | ISS astronauts, current location, etc | No | No | Unknown |
Open Science Framework | Repository and archive for study designs, research materials, data, manuscripts, etc | No | Yes | Unknown |
SHARE | A free, open, dataset about research and scholarly activities | No | Yes | Unknown |
SpaceX | Company, vehicle, launchpad and launch data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Sunrise and Sunset | Sunset and sunrise times for a given latitude and longitude | No | Yes | Unknown |
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program | Earthquakes data real-time | No | Yes | Unknown |
USGS Water Services | Water quality and level info for rivers and lakes | No | Yes | Unknown |
World Bank | World Data | No | No | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
AXFR Database | AXFR public database | No | No | Unknown |
FilterLists | Lists of filters for adblockers and firewalls | No | Yes | Unknown |
HaveIBeenPwned | Passwords which have previously been exposed in data breaches | No | Yes | Unknown |
National Vulnerability Database | U.S. National Vulnerability Database | No | Yes | Unknown |
SecurityTrails | Domain and IP related information such as current and historical WHOIS and DNS records | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Shodan | Search engine for Internet connected devices | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
UK Police | UK Police data | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Best Buy | Products, Buying Options, Categories, Recommendations, Stores and Commerce | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Bratabase | Database of different types of Bra Sizes | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
eBay | Sell and Buy on eBay | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Wal-Mart | Item price and availability | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Wegmans | Wegmans Food Markets | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Buffer | Access to pending and sent updates in Buffer | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Cisco Spark | Team Collaboration Software | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Discord | Make bots for Discord, integrate Discord onto an external platform | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Disqus | Communicate with Disqus data | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Facebook Login, Share on FB, Social Plugins, Analytics and more | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown | |
Foursquare | Interact with Foursquare users and places (geolocation-based checkins, photos, tips, events, etc) | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Fuck Off as a Service | Asks someone to fuck off | No | Yes | Unknown |
Full Contact | Get Social Media profiles and contact Information | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
HackerNews | Social news for CS and entrepreneurship | No | Yes | Unknown |
Instagram Login, Share on Instagram, Social Plugins and more | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown | |
The foundation of all digital integrations with LinkedIn | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown | | | Data about Meetups from | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
MySocialApp | Seamless Social Networking features, API, SDK to any app | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
The world's catalog of ideas | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown | |
PWRTelegram bot | Boosted version of the Telegram bot API | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Homepage of the internet | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown | |
SharedCount | Social media like and share data for any URL | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Slack | Team Instant Messaging | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Telegram Bot | Simplified HTTP version of the MTProto API for bots | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Telegram MTProto | Read and write Telegram data | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Trash Nothing | A freecycling community with thousands of free items posted every day | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
Tumblr | Read and write Tumblr Data | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Twitch | Game Streaming API | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Read and write Twitter data | OAuth |
Yes | No | |
vk | Read and write vk data | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
balldontlie | Ballldontlie provides access to stats data from the NBA | No | Yes | Yes |
BikeWise | Bikewise is a place to learn about and report bike crashes, hazards and thefts | No | Yes | Unknown |
Canadian Football League (CFL) | Official JSON API providing real-time league, team and player statistics about the CFL | apiKey |
Yes | No |
Cartola FC | The Cartola FC API serves to check the partial points of your team | No | Yes | Unknown |
City Bikes | City Bikes around the world | No | No | Unknown |
Cricket Live Scores | Live cricket scores | X-Mashape-Key |
Yes | Unknown |
Ergast F1 | F1 data from the beginning of the world championships in 1950 | No | Yes | Unknown |
Fitbit | Fitbit Information | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Football Prediction | Predictions for upcoming football matches, odds, results and stats | X-Mashape-Key |
Yes | Unknown | | Football Data | No | No | Unknown |
JCDecaux Bike | JCDecaux's self-service bicycles | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
NBA Stats | Current and historical NBA Statistics | No | Yes | Unknown |
NFL Arrests | NFL Arrest Data | No | No | Unknown |
Pro Motocross | The RESTful AMA Pro Motocross lap times for every racer on the start gate | No | No | Unknown |
Strava | Connect with athletes, activities and more | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
SuredBits | Query sports data, including teams, players, games, scores and statistics | No | No | No |
TheSportsDB | Crowd-Sourced Sports Data and Artwork | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
UFC Data | Ultimate Fighting Championship information for events and fighters | No | No | No |
Wger | Workout manager data as exercises, muscles or equipment | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Adorable Avatars | Generate random cartoon avatars | No | Yes | Unknown |
Bacon Ipsum | A Meatier Lorem Ipsum Generator | No | Yes | Unknown |
Dicebear Avatars | Generate random pixel-art avatars | No | Yes | No |
FakeJSON | Service to generate test and fake data | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
FHIR | Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources test data | No | Yes | Unknown |
Hipster Ipsum | Generates Hipster Ipsum text | No | No | Unknown |
JSONPlaceholder | Fake data for testing and prototyping | No | No | Unknown |
Lorem Text | Generates Lorem Ipsum text | X-Mashape-Key |
Yes | Unknown |
LoremPicsum | Generate placeholder pictures | No | No | Unknown |
Loripsum | The "lorem ipsum" generator that doesn't suck | No | No | Unknown |
RandomUser | Generates random user data | No | Yes | Unknown |
RoboHash | Generate random robot/alien avatars | No | Yes | Unknown |
UI Names | Generate random fake names | No | Yes | Unknown |
Yes No | Generate yes or no randomly | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Aylien Text Analysis | A collection of information retrieval and natural language APIs | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Cloudmersive Natural Language Processing | Natural language processing and text analysis | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Detect Language | Detects text language | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Google Cloud Natural | Natural language understanding technology, including sentiment, entity and syntax analysis | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Semantira | Text Analytics with sentiment analysis, categorization & named entity extraction | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Watson Natural Language Understanding | Natural language processing for advanced text analysis | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Postmon | An API to query Brazilian ZIP codes and orders easily, quickly and free | No | No | Unknown |
Sweden | Provides information about parcels in transport | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
UPS | Shipment and Address information | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
ADS-B Exchange | Access real-time and historical data of any and all airborne aircraft | No | Yes | Unknown |
AIS Hub | Real-time data of any marine and inland vessel equipped with AIS tracking system | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
AIS Web | Aeronautical information in digital media produced by the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA) | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Amadeus Travel Innovation Sandbox | Travel Search - Limited usage | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Bay Area Rapid Transit | Stations and predicted arrivals for BART | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Community Transit | Transitland API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Goibibo | API for travel search | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
GraphHopper | A-to-B routing with turn-by-turn instructions | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Icelandic APIs | Open APIs that deliver services in or regarding Iceland | No | Yes | Unknown |
Indian Railways | Indian Railways Information | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Izi | Audio guide for travellers | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Navitia | The open API for building cool stuff with transport data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
REFUGE Restrooms | Provides safe restroom access for transgender, intersex and gender nonconforming individuals | No | Yes | Unknown |
Schiphol Airport | Schiphol | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
TransitLand | Transit Aggregation | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Atlanta, US | Marta | No | No | Unknown |
Transport for Auckland, New Zealand | Auckland Transport | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Belgium | Belgian transport API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Berlin, Germany | Third-party VBB API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Boston, US | MBTA API | No | No | Unknown |
Transport for Budapest, Hungary | Budapest public transport API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Chicago, US | CTA | No | No | Unknown |
Transport for Czech Republic | Czech transport API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Denver, US | RTD | No | No | Unknown |
Transport for Finland | Finnish transport API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Germany | Deutsche Bahn (DB) API | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Transport for Grenoble, France | Grenoble public transport | No | No | No |
Transport for Honolulu, US | Honolulu Transportation Information | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Transport for India | India Public Transport API | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Transport for London, England | TfL API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Madrid, Spain | Madrid BUS transport API | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Transport for Manchester, England | TfGM transport network data | apiKey |
Yes | No |
Transport for Minneapolis, US | NexTrip API | OAuth |
No | Unknown |
Transport for New York City, US | MTA | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Transport for Norway | Norwegian transport API | No | No | Unknown |
Transport for Ottawa, Canada | OC Transpo next bus arrival API | No | No | Unknown |
Transport for Paris, France | Live schedules made simple | No | No | Unknown |
Transport for Paris, France | RATP Open Data API | No | No | Unknown |
Transport for Philadelphia, US | SEPTA APIs | No | No | Unknown |
Transport for Sao Paulo, Brazil | SPTrans | OAuth |
No | Unknown |
Transport for Sweden | Public Transport consumer | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Switzerland | Official Swiss Public Transport Open Data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Switzerland | Swiss public transport API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for The Netherlands | NS, only trains | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Transport for The Netherlands | OVAPI, country-wide public transport | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Toronto, Canada | TTC | No | Yes | Unknown |
Transport for United States | NextBus API | No | No | Unknown |
Transport for Vancouver, Canada | TransLink | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Victoria, AU | PTV API | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Transport for Washington, US | Washington Metro transport API | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Uber | Uber ride requests and price estimation | OAuth |
Yes | Yes |
WhereIsMyTransport | Platform for public transport data in emerging cities | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Bitly | URL shortener and link management | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
ClickMeter | Monitor, compare and optimize your marketing links | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Rebrandly | Custom URL shortener for sharing branded links | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
Brazilian Vehicles and Prices | Vehicles information from Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas - Fipe | No | Yes | Unknown |
Kelley Blue Book | Vehicle info, pricing, configuration, plus much more | apiKey |
Yes | No |
Mercedes-Benz | Telematics data, remotely access vehicle functions, car configurator, locate service dealers | apiKey |
Yes | No |
NHTSA | NHTSA Product Information Catalog and Vehicle Listing | No | Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
An API of Ice And Fire | Game Of Thrones API | No | Yes | Unknown |
Breaking Bad Quotes | Some Breaking Bad quotes | No | Yes | Unknown |
Czech Television | TV programme of Czech TV | No | No | Unknown |
Dailymotion | Dailymotion Developer API | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
Open Movie Database | Movie information | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Ron Swanson Quotes | Television | No | Yes | Unknown |
STAPI | Information on all things Star Trek | No | No | No |
SWAPI | Star Wars Information | No | Yes | Unknown |
TMDb | Community-based movie data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
TVDB | Television data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
TVMaze | TV Show Data | No | No | Unknown |
Utelly | Check where a tv show or movie is available | X-Mashape-Key |
Yes | Unknown |
Vimeo | Vimeo Developer API | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
YouTube | Add YouTube functionality to your sites and apps | OAuth |
Yes | Unknown |
API | Description | Auth | HTTPS | CORS |
APIXU | Weather | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
ClimaCell Micro Weather | Historical, real-time and nowcast weather data | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Dark Sky | Weather | apiKey |
Yes | No |
MetaWeather | Weather | No | Yes | No |
NOAA Climate Data | Weather and climate data | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
ODWeather | Weather and weather webcams | No | No | Unknown |
OpenUV | Real-time UV Index Forecast | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
OpenWeatherMap | Weather | apiKey |
No | Unknown |
Storm Glass | Global marine weather from multiple sources | apiKey |
Yes | Yes |
Weatherbit | Weather | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
Yahoo! Weather | Weather | apiKey |
Yes | Unknown |
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Check out the Quiz here. (Taken by Vinit Shahdeo
MoveInSync | HackerEarth | Bugsee | Coding Blocks |
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