Implement support for file includes #105
10 errors
[ 00:00:01.07] ParsingTests.tests_examples_example-9.can parse [FAIL]
ParsingTests.tests_examples_example-9.can parse
System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Directory: D:\a\visp-fs\visp-fs\tests\Visp.Compiler.UnitTests\snapshots
- Received: tests_examples_example-9.can parse.received.txt
Verified: tests_examples_example-9.can parse.verified.txt
Received: tests_examples_example-9.can parse.received.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 9 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
let decimals =
// line 9 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
(new ResizeArray<_>())
// line 11 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
decimals.Add(decimal 1)
// line 13 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
printfn "number of decimals: %i" ((decimals.Count))
// line 15 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
decimals.Add(decimal 2)
// line 17 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
printfn "number of decimals: %i" ((decimals.Count))
// line 19 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
printfn "decimals 0 is %f" ((decimals.[0]))
// line 21 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
let index = 1
// line 23 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
let visp_result_todo =
// line 23 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
printfn "decimals 1 is %f" ((decimals.[index]))
// line 23 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
printfn "%A" visp_result_todo
Verified: tests_examples_example-9.can parse.verified.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 9 @"example-9.visp"
let decimals =
// line 9 @"example-9.visp"
(new ResizeArray<_>())
// line 11 @"example-9.visp"
decimals.Add(decimal 1)
// line 13 @"example-9.visp"
printfn "number of decimals: %i" ((decimals.Count))
// line 15 @"example-9.visp"
decimals.Add(decimal 2)
// line 17 @"example-9.visp"
printfn "number of decimals: %i" ((decimals.Count))
// line 19 @"example-9.visp"
printfn "decimals 0 is %f" ((decimals.[0]))
// line 21 @"example-9.visp"
let index = 1
// line 23 @"example-9.visp"
let visp_result_todo =
// line 23 @"example-9.visp"
printfn "decimals 1 is %f" ((decimals.[index]))
// line 23 @"example-9.visp"
printfn "%A" visp_result_todo
---- VerifyException : Directory: D:\a\visp-fs\visp-fs\tests\Visp.Compiler.UnitTests\snapshots
- Received: tests_examples_example-9.can parse.received.txt
Verified: tests_examples_example-9.can parse.verified.txt
Received: tests_examples_example-9.can parse.received.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 9 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
let decimals =
// line 9 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
(new ResizeArray<_>())
// line 11 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
decimals.Add(decimal 1)
// line 13 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
printfn "number of decimals: %i" ((decimals.Count))
// line 15 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
decimals.Add(decimal 2)
// line 17 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
printfn "number of decimals: %i" ((decimals.Count))
// line 19 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
printfn "decimals 0 is %f" ((decimals.[0]))
// line 21 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
let index = 1
// line 23 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
let visp_result_todo =
// line 23 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
printfn "decimals 1 is %f" ((decimals.[index]))
// line 23 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/examples/example-9.visp"
printfn "%A" visp_result_todo
Verified: tests_examples_example-9.can parse.verified.txt
[ 00:00:01.32] ParsingTests.tests_type_byrefs-0.can parse [FAIL]
[ 00:00:01.34] ParsingTests.tests_while_while-1.can parse [FAIL]
[ 00:00:01.35] ParsingTests.tests_builtin-macros_thread-last-0.can parse [FAIL]
[ 00:00:01.35] ParsingTests.tests_hashmap_hashmap-0.can parse [FAIL]
ParsingTests.tests_type_byrefs-0.can parse
System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Directory: D:\a\visp-fs\visp-fs\tests\Visp.Compiler.UnitTests\snapshots
- Received: tests_type_byrefs-0.can parse.received.txt
Verified: tests_type_byrefs-0.can parse.verified.txt
Received: tests_type_byrefs-0.can parse.received.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 28 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let inline ``LiftedString0_byrefs-0`` c1 : Printf.TextWriterFormat<_> =
$"Original sequence: %O{c1}"
// line 31 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let inline ``LiftedString1_byrefs-0`` c1 : Printf.TextWriterFormat<_> =
$"New sequence: %O{c1}"
// line 36 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let inline ``LiftedString2_byrefs-0`` dt : Printf.TextWriterFormat<_> =
$"Now: {dt:``yyyy-MM-dd``}"
// line 39 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let inline ``LiftedString3_byrefs-0`` dt : Printf.TextWriterFormat<_> =
$"Now: {dt:``yyyy-MM-dd``}"
// line 9 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
open System
// line 11 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
type C1 () =
// line 12 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let mutable nums =
// line 12 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
// line 13 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
override _.ToString () =
// line 13 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
System.String.Join(' ', nums)
// line 15 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
member _.FindLargestSmallerThan target =
// line 16 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let mutable ctr =
// line 16 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
dec ((nums.Length))
// line 18 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
while CoreMethods.isTruthy(((ctr > 0) && ((nums.[ctr]) >= target))) do
// line 19 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
// line 19 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
ctr <- dec ctr
// line 21 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
if CoreMethods.isTruthy(
(ctr > 0))
// line 22 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
// line 23 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
// line 26 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let C1Test () =
// line 27 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let c1 =
// line 27 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
C1 ()
// line 28 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
printfn (``LiftedString0_byrefs-0`` c1)
// line 29 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let v =
// line 29 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
// line 30 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
v <- (v * 2)
// line 31 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
printfn (``LiftedString1_byrefs-0`` c1)
// line 33 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
C1Test ()
// line 35 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let f_inref (dt: inref<DateTime>) =
// line 36 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
printfn (``LiftedString2_byrefs-0`` dt)
// line 38 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let f_byref (dt: byref<DateTime>) =
// line 39 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
printfn (``LiftedString3_byrefs-0`` dt)
// line 40 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
dt <- (dt.AddDays(1))
// line 42 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let UsingByrefs () =
// line 43 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/type/byrefs-0.visp"
let dt =
// line 43 @"D://visp-fs/vi
ParsingTests.tests_while_while-1.can parse
System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Directory: D:\a\visp-fs\visp-fs\tests\Visp.Compiler.UnitTests\snapshots
- Received: tests_while_while-1.can parse.received.txt
Verified: tests_while_while-1.can parse.verified.txt
Received: tests_while_while-1.can parse.received.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 8 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
let inline DiffByOne (lhs: array<'T>) (rhs: array<'T>) =
// line 9 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
let mutable index = 0
// line 10 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
let mutable loop = true
// line 11 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
let mutable diff = 0
// line 13 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
while CoreMethods.isTruthy(
if CoreMethods.isTruthy(
// line 13 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
(index < (lhs.Length))
false) do
// line 14 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
let lhs =
// line 14 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
// line 15 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
let rhs =
// line 15 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
// line 17 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
if CoreMethods.isTruthy(
(CoreMethods.``not``((lhs = rhs))))
// line 17 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
// line 17 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
diff <- inc diff
// line 20 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
if CoreMethods.isTruthy(
(diff > 1))
// line 20 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
// line 20 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
loop <- false
// line 23 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
index <- inc index
// line 26 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
(diff = 1)
// line 29 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
let visp_result_todo =
// line 29 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
printfn "OK"
// line 29 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/while/while-1.visp"
printfn "%A" visp_result_todo
Verified: tests_while_while-1.can parse.verified.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 8 @"while-1.visp"
let inline DiffByOne (lhs: array<'T>) (rhs: array<'T>) =
// line 9 @"while-1.visp"
let mutable index = 0
// line 10 @"while-1.visp"
let mutable loop = true
// line 11 @"while-1.visp"
let mutable diff = 0
// line 13 @"while-1.visp"
while CoreMethods.isTruthy(
if CoreMethods.isTruthy(
// line 13 @"while-1.visp"
(index < (lhs.Length))
false) do
// line 14 @"while-1.visp"
let lhs =
// line 14 @"while-1.visp"
// line 15 @"while-1.visp"
let rhs =
// line 15 @"while-1.visp"
// line 17 @"while-1.visp"
if CoreMethods.isTruthy(
(CoreMethods.``not``((lhs = rhs))))
// line 17 @"while-1.visp"
// line 17 @"while-1.visp"
diff <- inc diff
// line 20 @"while-1.visp"
if CoreMethods.isTruthy(
(diff > 1))
// line 20 @"while-1.visp"
// line 20 @"while-1.visp"
loop <- false
// line 23 @"while-1.visp"
index <- inc index
// line 26 @"while-1.visp"
(diff = 1)
// line 29 @"while-1.visp"
let visp_result_todo =
// line 29 @"while-1.visp"
printfn "OK"
// line 29 @"while-1.visp"
printfn "%A" visp_result_todo
---- VerifyException : Directory: D:\a\visp-fs\visp-fs\te
ParsingTests.tests_builtin-macros_thread-last-0.can parse
System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Directory: D:\a\visp-fs\visp-fs\tests\Visp.Compiler.UnitTests\snapshots
- Received: tests_builtin-macros_thread-last-0.can parse.received.txt
Verified: tests_builtin-macros_thread-last-0.can parse.verified.txt
Received: tests_builtin-macros_thread-last-0.can parse.received.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 8 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
// line 9 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
let rx =
// line 9 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
(new Regex("Game (\d+):", (RegexOptions.Compiled)))
// line 11 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
let ms =
// line 11 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
rx.Match("Game 1:")
// line 13 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
printfn "Groups %A" ((ms.Groups))
// line 15 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
let gamePrefix =
// line 15 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
// line 17 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
printfn "Game Prefix %A" gamePrefix
// line 19 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
let visp_result_todo =
// line 19 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
printfn "Game Prefix %A" (ms
|> (fun a1 ->
// line 19 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
|> (fun a1 ->
// line 19 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
// line 19 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
printfn "%A" visp_result_todo
Verified: tests_builtin-macros_thread-last-0.can parse.verified.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 8 @"thread-last-0.visp"
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
// line 9 @"thread-last-0.visp"
let rx =
// line 9 @"thread-last-0.visp"
(new Regex("Game (\d+):", (RegexOptions.Compiled)))
// line 11 @"thread-last-0.visp"
let ms =
// line 11 @"thread-last-0.visp"
rx.Match("Game 1:")
// line 13 @"thread-last-0.visp"
printfn "Groups %A" ((ms.Groups))
// line 15 @"thread-last-0.visp"
let gamePrefix =
// line 15 @"thread-last-0.visp"
// line 17 @"thread-last-0.visp"
printfn "Game Prefix %A" gamePrefix
// line 19 @"thread-last-0.visp"
let visp_result_todo =
// line 19 @"thread-last-0.visp"
printfn "Game Prefix %A" (ms
|> (fun a1 ->
// line 19 @"thread-last-0.visp"
|> (fun a1 ->
// line 19 @"thread-last-0.visp"
// line 19 @"thread-last-0.visp"
printfn "%A" visp_result_todo
---- VerifyException : Directory: D:\a\visp-fs\visp-fs\tests\Visp.Compiler.UnitTests\snapshots
- Received: tests_builtin-macros_thread-last-0.can parse.received.txt
Verified: tests_builtin-macros_thread-last-0.can parse.verified.txt
Received: tests_builtin-macros_thread-last-0.can parse.received.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 8 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
// line 9 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
let rx =
// line 9 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
(new Regex("Game (\d+):", (RegexOptions.Compiled)))
// line 11 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
let ms =
// line 11 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/builtin-macros/thread-last-0.visp"
ParsingTests.tests_hashmap_hashmap-0.can parse
System.AggregateException : One or more errors occurred. (Directory: D:\a\visp-fs\visp-fs\tests\Visp.Compiler.UnitTests\snapshots
- Received: tests_hashmap_hashmap-0.can parse.received.txt
Verified: tests_hashmap_hashmap-0.can parse.verified.txt
Received: tests_hashmap_hashmap-0.can parse.received.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 8 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
let map =
// line 8 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
[(Value.keyword(":this-is-a-key"), Value.string("value"));(Value.string("string as key"), Value.string("string value"));(Value.from(0), Value.string("int as key"))] |> HashMap.ofList
// line 12 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" map
// line 14 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" (HashMap.find (Value.string "string as key") map)
// line 16 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
let visp_result_todo =
// line 16 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" (HashMap.find (Value.keyword(":this-is-a-key")) map)
// line 16 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%A" visp_result_todo
Verified: tests_hashmap_hashmap-0.can parse.verified.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 8 @"hashmap-0.visp"
let map =
// line 8 @"hashmap-0.visp"
[(Value.keyword(":this-is-a-key"), Value.string("value"));(Value.string("string as key"), Value.string("string value"));(Value.from(0), Value.string("int as key"))] |> HashMap.ofList
// line 12 @"hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" map
// line 14 @"hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" (HashMap.find (Value.string "string as key") map)
// line 16 @"hashmap-0.visp"
let visp_result_todo =
// line 16 @"hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" (HashMap.find (Value.keyword(":this-is-a-key")) map)
// line 16 @"hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%A" visp_result_todo
---- VerifyException : Directory: D:\a\visp-fs\visp-fs\tests\Visp.Compiler.UnitTests\snapshots
- Received: tests_hashmap_hashmap-0.can parse.received.txt
Verified: tests_hashmap_hashmap-0.can parse.verified.txt
Received: tests_hashmap_hashmap-0.can parse.received.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 8 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
let map =
// line 8 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
[(Value.keyword(":this-is-a-key"), Value.string("value"));(Value.string("string as key"), Value.string("string value"));(Value.from(0), Value.string("int as key"))] |> HashMap.ofList
// line 12 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" map
// line 14 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" (HashMap.find (Value.string "string as key") map)
// line 16 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
let visp_result_todo =
// line 16 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" (HashMap.find (Value.keyword(":this-is-a-key")) map)
// line 16 @"D://visp-fs/visp-fs/visp/tests/hashmap/hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%A" visp_result_todo
Verified: tests_hashmap_hashmap-0.can parse.verified.txt
// This file is auto-generated
#nowarn "0020" // unused results from functions
open Visp.Runtime.Library
let state = { Todo = () }
// line 8 @"hashmap-0.visp"
let map =
// line 8 @"hashmap-0.visp"
[(Value.keyword(":this-is-a-key"), Value.string("value"));(Value.string("string as key"), Value.string("string value"));(Value.from(0), Value.string("int as key"))] |> HashMap.ofList
// line 12 @"hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" map
// line 14 @"hashmap-0.visp"
printfn "%O" (HashMap.find (Value.string "string as key") map)
// line 16 @"hashmap-0.visp"
let visp