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Implement aoc2023 day19
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vipentti committed Dec 20, 2023
1 parent 94f1ae7 commit 4392d06
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Showing 3 changed files with 1,132 additions and 0 deletions.
323 changes: 323 additions & 0 deletions visp/examples/aoc2023/day19.visp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@

;; Copyright 2023 Ville Penttinen
;; Distributed under the MIT License.
;; for basic syntax highlighting
;; vim: set syntax=clojure:
(require SpanUtils "0.4.0")

(open System)
(open System.Collections.Generic)
(open System.Text.RegularExpressions)
(open SpanUtils.Extensions)

(fn WriteResult (part value ex)
(printfn "%s: %A %A" part value (= value ex)))

(let splitOptions StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries)

(fn SplitLines ([text: string])
(.EnumerateSplitSubstrings text [| #\lf #\cr |] splitOptions))

(fn SpanSplitChars ([text: ReadOnlySpan<char>] [ch: array<char>] )
(.EnumerateSplitSubstrings text ch splitOptions))

(let example (not (Array.contains "full" ARGV)))
(let day "day19")
(let filepath (String.concat "" [| "./inputs/" day (if example "_example" "") ".txt" |]))
(printfn "file: %s" filepath)

(let fileText (System.IO.File.ReadAllText filepath))

(union Op Gt Lt)
(union Cat X M A S)

(record Condition
[cat: Cat]
[op: Op]
[value: int])

(record Workflow
[condition: Option<Condition>]
[target: string])

(typedef Workflows array<Workflow>)

(fn DefaultTarget ([flows: Workflows])
(->> flows
(Seq.pick #(match (+condition %1)
[None (Some (+target %1))]
[_ None]

(record Ratings
[X: int]
[M: int]
[A: int]
[S: int])

(typedef Pos int * int)

(fn inline SumRatings ([r: Ratings])
(+ (+X r) (+M r) (+A r) (+S r)))

(fn inline Select ([cat: Cat] [r: Ratings])
(match cat
[X (+X r)]
[M (+M r)]
[A (+A r)]
[S (+S r)]

(fn inline MatchesCond ([cnd: Condition] [r: Ratings])
(let val (Select (+cat cnd) r))
(match (+op cnd)
[Lt (< val (+value cnd))]
[Gt (> val (+value cnd))]

(fn ParseFile ([text: string])
(mut lines (SplitLines text))

(mut looping true)
;; Parse workflows
(mut result (!map))

(while (and looping (.MoveNext lines))
(let line (+Current lines))
[(+IsEmpty line) (set! looping false)]
(let lbrace (.IndexOf line #\{ ))
(let rbrace (.IndexOf line #\} ))
(let name (.ToString (.Slice line 0 lbrace)))

(let flowParts (.Slice line (inc lbrace) (dec (- rbrace lbrace))))

;; (printfn "%A" name)
;; (printfn "%A" (.ToString flowParts))

(mut flowEnu (SpanSplitChars flowParts [|#\,|]))

(let steps (!vec))

(while (.MoveNext flowEnu)
(let part (+Current flowEnu))
[(.Contains part #\:)
(let partIndex (.IndexOf part #\:))

(let conditionParts (.Slice part 0 partIndex))

;; (printfn "condition %A" (.ToString conditionParts))

(let catCahr (.[0] conditionParts))
(let condCh (.[1] conditionParts))
(let condVal (span->int32 (.Slice conditionParts 2)))

(let condition
cat (match catCahr
[#\a Cat.A]
[#\x Cat.X]
[#\s Cat.S]
[#\m Cat.M]
[_ (failwith "unreachable")]
op (match condCh
[#\< Op.Lt]
[#\> Op.Gt]
[_ (failwith "unreachable")]
value condVal
(let target (.Slice part (inc partIndex)))
(let flow {| condition (Some condition) target (.ToString target) |})
;; (printfn "%A" flow)
(.Add steps flow)
(let target part)
(let flow {| condition None target (.ToString target) |})
;; (printfn "no cond")
(.Add steps flow)

(set! result (Map.add name (.ToArray steps) result))

(let ratingParts (!vec))

(while (.MoveNext lines)
(let line (+Current lines))
(unless (+IsEmpty line)
(let trimmed (.Trim line [| #\{ #\} |]))
;; (printfn "%A" (.ToString trimmed))

(mut partsEnu (SpanSplitChars trimmed [|#\,|]))

(let _ (.MoveNext partsEnu))
(let X (span->int32 (.Slice (+Current partsEnu) 2)))
(let _ (.MoveNext partsEnu))
(let M (span->int32 (.Slice (+Current partsEnu) 2)))
(let _ (.MoveNext partsEnu))
(let A (span->int32 (.Slice (+Current partsEnu) 2)))
(let _ (.MoveNext partsEnu))
(let S (span->int32 (.Slice (+Current partsEnu) 2)))

(let rex {| X X M M A A S S })

(.Add ratingParts rex)


(result . (.ToArray ratingParts))

(fn ApplyWorkflow ([flows: array<Workflow>] (ratings: Ratings))
(mut looping true)
(mut result None)
(mut enu (->> (Seq.ofArray flows) .GetEnumerator))
(while (and looping (.MoveNext enu))
(let flow (+Current enu))
(match (+condition flow)
[(Some cnd)
(when_ (MatchesCond cnd ratings)
(set! result (Some (+target flow)))
(set! looping false)
(set! result (Some (+target flow)))
(set! looping false)


(fn ApplyWorkflows [(flows: Map < string, Workflows >) (ratings: Ratings)]
(mut currentFlow (Map.find "in" flows))
(mut isAccepted false)
(mut looping true)

(while looping
(match (ApplyWorkflow currentFlow ratings)
[(Some "R")
(set! looping false)
[(Some "A")
(set! isAccepted true)
(set! looping false)
[(Some other)
(set! currentFlow (Map.find other flows))
(set! looping false)


(let g_SpanIndex (!map (Cat.X , 0) (Cat.M , 1) (Cat.A , 2) (Cat.S, 3)))
(fn inline CatToIndex (c) (Map.find c g_SpanIndex))

(fn Part2Combinations ([flows: Map < string, Workflows >] [dest: string] [spans: array<Pos>])

(fn rec InnerLoop ([flows: Map < string, Workflows >] [dest: string] [spans: array<Pos>] [ind: int])
[(= dest "A")
(->> spans ( #(begin (let (s, e) %1) (int64 (inc (- e s))))) (Seq.reduce mul))
[(= dest "R") 0L]

(let rules (Map.find dest flows))

[(< ind (+Length rules))
(let flow (.[ind] rules))

(match (+condition flow)
[(Some rule)
(let ruleIndex (CatToIndex (+cat rule)))
(let (start, end) (.[ruleIndex] spans))

(let op (+op rule))
(let value (+value rule))

[(or (and (= op Op.Lt) (>= start value))
(and (= op Op.Gt) (<= end value)))
(InnerLoop flows dest spans (inc ind))
[(or (and (= op Op.Lt) (< end value))
(and (= op Op.Gt) (> start value)))
(InnerLoop flows (+target flow) spans 0)
[(= op Op.Lt)
(let lhs (start, (dec value)))
(let rhs (value, end))

(let lowers (Array.copy spans))
(let higher (Array.copy spans))

(set! (.[ruleIndex] lowers) lhs)
(set! (.[ruleIndex] higher) rhs)

(InnerLoop flows (+target flow) lowers 0)
(InnerLoop flows dest higher 0)
(let lhs (start, value))
(let rhs ((inc value), end))

(let lowers (Array.copy spans))
(let higher (Array.copy spans))

(set! (.[ruleIndex] lowers) lhs)
(set! (.[ruleIndex] higher) rhs)

(InnerLoop flows dest lowers 0)
(InnerLoop flows (+target flow) higher 0)
[None (InnerLoop flows (+target flow) spans 0)]

(InnerLoop flows (DefaultTarget rules) spans 0)

(InnerLoop flows dest spans 0)

(let (flows, parts) (ParseFile fileText))

(let part1 (->> parts
(Array.filter (ApplyWorkflows flows))
( SumRatings)
(Array.reduce add)

(WriteResult "part1" part1 (if example 19114 346230))

(let part2 (Part2Combinations flows "in" [| (1, 4000) (1, 4000) (1, 4000) (1, 4000) |]))

(WriteResult "part2" part2 (if example 167409079868000L 124693661917133L))


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