This Visual Studio Code extension allows interactive verification using Gobra.
Additionally, other visual features such as inspecting the intermediate
translation of Gobra are available.
- Clone this repository
- Change directory to the gobra-ide directory created in the previous step.
- Initialize and fetch the submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Navigate to the server folder:
cd server
- Assemble the binary:
sbt assembly
(orsbt -java-home <path to java home> assembly
to provide a particular JDK)
Note: sbt
has to be installed, which in turn requires a JDK.
is known to not be compatible with the currently used sbt version.
JDK version 11 is working (assuming Homebrew is used):
brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
brew cask install adoptopenjdk11
- Install dependencies:
cd client; npm install; cd ..
- Open VSCode on the
folder. - Press Ctrl+Shift+B resp. Cmd+Shift+B to compile the client.
- Open the 'Run and Debug' view container and run the 'Launch Client' task. This will automatically start the server according to the Gobra-IDE settings. To use the server that has been assembled in the previous step, configure Gobra-IDE as explained in Configuring Gobra Tools.
Note: npm
/ node has to be installed.
Gobra Tools collectively represent the client's dependecies.
In particular, Gobra Tools consist of the server (called Gobra Server), Z3, and Boogie.
Gobra-IDE supports three modes to fetch the Gobra Tools, which can be configured by setting gobraSettings.buildVersion
in the extension's settings to Stable
(default), Nightly
or Local
and Nightly
use the latest non-prerelease and latest release, resp., of Gobra-IDE on GitHub.
More specifically, the platform-specific GobraTools<Linux|Mac|Win>.zip
is downloaded, unzipped, and stored in the following directory in the case of Stable
(otherwise, replace Stable
by Nightly
in the following paths).
- Linux:
- macOS:
$HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/viper-admin.gobra-ide/Stable/GobraTools
- Windows:
Note that Gobra-IDE tries to download the Gobra Tools only if no Gobra Tools can be found locally in the respective folder and only after asking the user to download them. This ensures that the Gobra Tools are not unknowingly replaced by a newer version. To update the Gobra Tools for the currently configured build version, press Ctrl+Shift+P resp. Cmd+Shift+P and select "Gobra: Update Gobra Tools".
Alternatively, Local
allows you to fully customize which dependencies the IDE is using.
The following settings (and default values) are taken into account when using build version Local
"gobraDependencies.gobraToolsPaths": {
"gobraToolsBasePath": {
"windows": "%APPDATA%\\Roaming\\Code\\User\\globalStorage\\viper-admin.gobra-ide\\Local\\GobraTools",
"linux": "$HOME/.config/Code/User/globalStorage/viper-admin.gobra-ide/Local/GobraTools",
"mac": "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/viper-admin.gobra-ide/Local/GobraTools"
"z3Executable": {
"windows": "$gobraTools$\\z3\\bin\\z3.exe",
"linux": "$gobraTools$/z3/bin/z3",
"mac": "$gobraTools$/z3/bin/z3"
"boogieExecutable": {
"windows": "$gobraTools$\\boogie\\Binaries\\Boogie.exe",
"linux": "$gobraTools$/boogie/Binaries/Boogie",
"mac": "$gobraTools$/boogie/Binaries/Boogie"
"serverJar": {
"windows": "$gobraTools$\\server\\server.jar",
"linux": "$gobraTools$/server/server.jar",
"mac": "$gobraTools$/server/server.jar"
configures the path that the IDE is using to locate the Gobra Tools. This path is used to substitute $gobraTools$
in gobraDependencies.gobraToolsPaths.z3Executable
, gobraDependencies.gobraToolsPaths.boogieExecutable
, and gobraDependencies.gobraToolsPaths.serverJar
For example, if you want to use Boogie and Z3 from the latest Nightly
release but use your own built server, you may use the following configuration.
This configures Gobra-IDE to use the nightly GobraTools but overwrites the path to the server's JAR file.
"gobraDependencies.gobraToolsPaths": {
"gobraToolsBasePath": {
"windows": "%APPDATA%\\Roaming\\Code\\User\\globalStorage\\viper-admin.gobra-ide\\Nightly\\GobraTools",
"linux": "$HOME/.config/Code/User/globalStorage/viper-admin.gobra-ide/Nightly/GobraTools",
"mac": "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/viper-admin.gobra-ide/Nightly/GobraTools"
"serverJar": {
"windows": <path to JAR>,
"linux": <path to JAR>,
"mac": <path to JAR>
In case it is unclear which paths Gobra-IDE is using to locate the server, Z3 or Boogie, Gobra-IDE provides useful output in Visual Studio Code > View > Output > Gobra-IDE (in the dropdown menu).
Before launching the server, Gobra-IDE first locates your Java installation, tries to run <path to java> -version
followed by running <path to z3> --version
Typical output (shortened) looks as follows, where < ... >
is used to annotate or omit parts of the output.
Ensuring dependencies for build channel Stable < indicates which build version Gobra-IDE is using >
Checking Java...
Searching for Java home...
Using Java home {
"path": "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/openjdk/23.0.1/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home",
< further details about the located Java home >
Gobra IDE: Running '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/openjdk/23.0.1/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -version'
┌──── Begin stdout ────┐
└──── End stdout ──────┘
┌──── Begin stderr ────┐
openjdk version "23.0.1" 2024-10-15
< further version information >
└──── End stderr ──────┘
Checking Z3...
Gobra IDE: Running '/Users/arquintlinard/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/viper-admin.gobra-ide/Stable/GobraTools/z3/bin/z3 --version'
┌──── Begin stdout ────┐
Z3 version 4.8.6 - 64 bit
└──── End stdout ──────┘
┌──── Begin stderr ────┐
└──── End stderr ──────┘
Gobra IDE: Running '"/opt/homebrew/Cellar/openjdk/23.0.1/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java" -Xss128m -jar < omitted path to the server JAR> --logLevel TRACE' (relative to < omitted path used as working directory >)
Run npx github:viperproject/check-license-header#v1 check --config .github/license-check/config.json --strict
in the repository's root directory to check whether all files adhere to the license configuration
A nightly release is created daily at 7:00 UTC. Stable releases should be created as follows (manually triggered nightly releases can be created similarly as well):
- Open test workflow on
- Click on "Run workflow"
- Choose
branch, typestable
for manually creating a nightly release), a tag name (e.g.v1.0-beta.1
), and a release name (this will become the release's title).
Type stable
will create a draft release with the chosen tag name (the tag itself will be created when publishing the release) and release name.
The release body will consist of the commit hashes of the depending repositories.
In addition, the release assets will be created and attached to the release.
Please wait until the workflow has completed before publishing the release because Gobra IDE will use the assets of the latest published release.
In case the type nightly
was selected, the same steps will be performed as done for the periodic nightly releases.
Note that in this case the tag name and release name will be ignored.
Alternatively, the manual triggering of the workflow can be done via command line:
curl -X POST -u <username>:<token> -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" "" -d '{"ref":"<branch name>", "type":"stable", "tag_name": "v1.0-beta.1", "release_name": "1.0 Beta 1"}'