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A Lee edited this page Feb 18, 2020 · 7 revisions

Java WebStart

NOTE: due to Oracle's new licensing scheme we recommend that you build and install the foraging software with openjdk instead of the Oracle JDK. The foraging application should work properly with openjdk and IcedTea's WebStart implementation. We have not tested openwebstart thoroughly yet. The instructions below are for the Oracle JDK, you will still need to "trust" the server that is deploying your client and facilitator jar files but you should be able to do so from the IcedTea OpenJDK window that starts when you try to open the client or facilitator JNLP file.

In order to run Java WebStart applications you will need to add your experiment server address to the Java Site Exception List for each client computer.

  1. Bring up the Java Control Panel (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  2. Click on the Security tab
  3. Click the Edit Site List towards the bottom right corner of the tab
  4. Click the Add button
  5. Enter your server.address including the http:// or https:// protocol, e.g., and click OK
  6. You'll see a warning if you used http:// - click OK to ignore it.
  7. Click OK to close the control panel. While you are there you may want to enable the Java console on a few client computers to help debug by clicking to the Advanced tab and select the Show console radio button under Java console.

Images do not show up

This is usually an issue with the webserver serving the images.

If you are serving the JNLP files and images over https you will need to explicitly set the codebase.url property in your file to or whatever URL is serving the foraging client and facilitator assets.

survey does not open up in browser on Ubuntu

if using chromium-browser and the browser is opening but not the correct URL, you may need to check ~/.local/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop and verify that the Exec=chromium-browser line has a %U at the end to pass in the parameterized URL.