BPSK demodulator ASIC design with Toshiba 45nm lib in verilog for EE 287 Spring 2013
This is the class project for EE 287 SPring 2013
//------------------------------------------------------------// There are 4 major stages:
1st stage:
- multiplier_pre: it is uesd to do multiplication in Sin and Cos arm;
- NCO: it is a numerical control oscillator as a feedback loop for the multipliers. Both Sin and Cos data are from table.v
2nd stage:
- fir: it is a 43-tap FIR filters for Sin and Cos arm;
3rd stage:
- Multiplier_post: it is used to combine both results out of Sin and Cos arm
4th stage:
- mf: it is a match filter (simply a 500 units shift register to extract pos or neg peak)
- fifo: it is a FIFO controller with 1k register which is used to function as a buffer so as to detect the specific signals: eofin, Byte, pushByte, Sync, lastByte.
//------------------------------------------------------------// code discreption
- costas.v
- top.v
- encode.v
- decode.v
- Filter.v
- march21.v
- mult_pre_try.v
- mult_post.v
- nco_try.v
- tcostas.v
- tables.v