A sample application which fetches open pull requests from Github using MVVM, functional reactive programming and Google Jetpack components.
Fetches the list of open pull requests for the user's public repository specified. Uses the following:
- Model-View-ViewModel architecture with Data Binding
- RxJava2 + Retrofit/OkHTTP for managing network calls.
- RxJava2 + Room for Cache Synchronization/Persistence.
- RxJava2 for generic functional reactive programming needs.
- Dagger2 for Dependency Injection.
- Reactive Streams to convert RxJava2 streams to LiveData observables.
- ViewModel + LiveData for Lifecycle aware view modifications.
- Picasso for image loading.
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- Room
- ReactiveStreams
Third Party Libraries
- RxJava2
- Dagger2
- Retrofit/OkHTTP
- Picasso