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@github-actions github-actions released this 06 Feb 16:13

15.0.0-rc.1 (2023-02-06)

Bug Fixes

  • close only last-opened modal/detail pane when escape key is pressed (5e70321)
  • close only nested popover when escape key is pressed (28918d2), closes #314
  • combobox: do not prefilter when first opened (e84886a), closes #386
  • datagrid: focus detail pane header when opened (2435902)
  • datagrid: pagination input should only change page on enter (aab576a)
  • modal: capture and return focus (7c811ae)
  • modal: focus modal title when modal opened (25b2354)
  • modal: prevent scrolling content under modal when tabbing (78e47f2)
  • prevent error on destroy in StopEscapePropagationDirective (0b12a10)
  • tree-view: associate tree node content with checkbox as label (6a24e3d)
  • vertical-nav: remove aria-label from vertical nav group buttons (e6884d7)
  • wizard: restore wizard sidenav scss variables (8585ae6)


  • datagrid: automatically associate page size label (e50a118)
  • datagrid: remove dategrid* properties from ClrCommonStrings (d931a9c)
  • datagrid: remove deprecated sorting properties (6af3832)
  • datagrid: rename closeCheck method close (7dc50d9)
  • datagrid: rename css custom properties to add "color" suffix (e7ace9b)
  • datagrid: require using common strings to translate column toggle (45ef6d1)
  • datagrid: use DragDropModule from @angular/cdk (3f93d4c)
  • dropdown: remove disabled attribute from clrDropdownItem (3346573)
  • modal: remove ClrFocusOnViewInitModule from ModalModule (7caa4e8)
  • remove ClrDragAndDropModule in favor of @angular/cdk (b0f7ba6)
  • remove clrFocusTrap in favor of @angular/cdk (c3cabf0)
  • remove datepickerToggle fallback common string property (2d2c6ea)
  • remove deprecated ClrAriaLiveService in favor of @angular/cdk (893e306)
  • remove deprecated, unused $clr-monoFont scss variable (3498379)
  • require Angular 15 (f25922d)
  • shim: remove leftover mappings for sidenav colors (87a0d0b)
  • sidenav: remove deprecated sidenav in favor of verical nav (5465f80), closes #316
  • stack-view: remove dead stack view setsize and posinset inputs (5f37608)
  • stack-view: remove undocumented experimental edit mode (aab7d82)
  • stepper: remove aria-live announcement for error state (3250027)
  • tree-view: enable "type ahead"/letter key navigation by default (46e663c)
  • use cdkTrapFocus directive from @angular/cdk (4828c5c)
  • wizard: remove deprecated, undocumented inline wizard mode (7470769)
  • wizard: rename "sidenav" css custom properties to "stepnav" (c8d4d5c)
  • wizard: rename css custom properties to remove ambiguity (0977648)
  • wizard: rename css custom property to use kebab casing (0e85c0a)


  • datagrid: The showColumns and selectAll common strings must be used translate the datagrid column toggle title and select all button text. The clr-dg-column-toggle-title and clr-dg-column-toggle-button components were deprecated and now can no longer be used.
  • wizard: There were css custom properties for the wizard that used "sidenav" in the name. This is inconsistent with the rest of the code which uses "stepnav" for the wizard nav element, so sidenav was replaced with stepnav in all such variables. The same renames were made for the scss variables (prefixed with $).
  • wizard: There were two similarly css custom properties that had basically the same name (one with a dash and one without). The following renames have been made: --clr-wizard-stepnav-border-color -> --clr-wizard-stepnav-item-border-color --clr-wizard-stepnav-border-color--active -> --clr-wizard-stepnav-item-border-color--active --clr-wizard-step-nav-border-color -> --clr-wizard-stepnav-border-color The same renames were made for the scss variables (prefixed with $).
  • wizard: One css custom property was renamed to correctly use kebab casing for consistency: --clr-wizard-main-textColor -> --clr-wizard-main-text-color The same rename was made for the scss variable (prefixed with $).
  • datagrid: Two css custom properties were renamed to add the missing "color" suffix: --clr-datagrid-row-hover -> --clr-datagrid-row-hover-color --clr-datagrid-action-toggle -> --clr-datagrid-action-toggle-color The same renames were made for the scss variables (prefixed with $).
  • combobox: the combobox list is no longer prefiltered on first dialog open, but shows all options.
  • The unused $clr-monoFont scss variable has been removed.
  • If you application handles a bubbled escape keyup event from a nested popover, that event will not reach your event handler anymore because this fix involves stopping propagation of such events.
  • modal: The ModalModule no longer exports ClrFocusOnViewInitModule.
  • tree-view: The internal DOM structure of the tree node component has been changed. The .clr-treenode-content element is no longer rendered for selectable tree nodes; instead, the tree node content is rendered inside the checkbox's label element.
  • The datepickerToggle common string property was removed. Use datepickerToggleChooseDateLabel and datepickerToggleChangeDateLabel instead.
  • datagrid: The closeCheck method on ClrDatagridDetail has been renamed to close.
  • datagrid: Any page size label workarounds should be removed.
  • datagrid:
    • The pagination input will only change the current page on enter keypress.
    • The pagination input will resets the input value to the actual current page on blur.
  • tree-view:
    • The ClrForTypeAhead directive and the ClrForTypeAheadModule have been removed.
    • If you are importing the ClrForTypeAheadModule, you can just remove it.
    • If you are using the ClrForTypeAhead directive class, you will need to adjust your code.
    • The clrForTypeAhead input will still work on clr-tree-node elements.
    • If your tree nodes have non-visible text (e.g. screen reader text), you will likely need to set the clrForTypeAhead input to just the visible text for the letter key navigation to work properly.
  • dropdown: Use clrDisabled instead of disabled to disable a clrDropdownItem.
  • stepper: The stepper will no longer announce error states. Applications can use LiveAnnouncer from @angular/cdk to handle any required announcements.
  • vertical-nav:
    • The clrVerticalNavGroupLabel input has been removed.
    • The verticalNavGroupToggle common string has been removed.
  • The clrFocusTrap directive has been removed. Please use the cdkTrapFocus directive from @angular/cdk instead.
  • The ClrDragAndDropModule has been removed. Please use the DragDropModule module from @angular/cdk instead.
  • datagrid: The @angular/cdk package is now a required peer dependency.
  • The ClrAriaLiveService has been removed. Please use the LiveAnnouncer service from @angular/cdk instead.
  • datagrid: The misspelled dategrid* common strings are removed. Please rename these properties to datagrid*.
  • datagrid: The deprecated datagrid sorting APIs are removed in favor of the newer APIs. You may need to make the following changes:
    sortIcon: Use sortDirection instead.
    clrDgSorted: Use clrDgSortOrder instead.
    clrDgSortedChange: Use clrDgSortOrderChange instead.
  • wizard:
    • The inline wizard mode has been removed.
    • The clrModalOverrideScrollService modal input has been removed.
  • stack-view: The undocumented, experimental stack view edit mode has been removed. Adopting this change should require no changes in your app unless you are using the removed undocumented feature. If so, you will need find another solution.
  • stack-view:
    • The clrStackViewSetsize input has been removed.
    • The clrStackViewPosinset input has been removed.
    • These inputs had no effect. The functionality was previously removed.
  • sidenav: The deprecated sidenav is removed. Please migrate to the clr-verical-nav component.
  • This version of Clarity will not be supported for Angular 13 and 14.